Persona 5 Desktop Joker Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

joker persona 5 wallpaper

joker persona 5 wallpaper - win

Made a Custom Wallpaper of Tartaglia & Persona 5’s Joker for my Friend’s Birthday

Made a Custom Wallpaper of Tartaglia & Persona 5’s Joker for my Friend’s Birthday submitted by ZacSpears to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

Joker Wallpaper I made from the ending Credits of Persona 5

Joker Wallpaper I made from the ending Credits of Persona 5 submitted by ZocTheSoc to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

Persona 5 - Joker Wallpaper

Persona 5 - Joker Wallpaper submitted by The_Real_Morgana to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Persona 5 Joker/Ren 18:9 wallpaper

Persona 5 JokeRen 18:9 wallpaper submitted by Maiqtheliiar to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Live Wallpaper: Persona 5 Joker

Live Wallpaper: Persona 5 Joker submitted by prprgame to Persona5 [link] [comments]

I made a wallpaper of Joker Kirby in the Persona 5 style
submitted by JoeySheep to smashbros [link] [comments]

Joker (Akira Kurusu) | Persona 5 | Minimalist Wallpaper

Joker (Akira Kurusu) | Persona 5 | Minimalist Wallpaper submitted by Sephiroth508 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Persona 5 From a Noob

When I played Persona 4 Golden earlier this year, I fell in love with some aspects (the characters, the atmosphere, the music), and tolerated others at best. With the advent of Persona 5 Royal, and my cousin letting me borrow his PS4, I found myself swept up in the hype of a game that blew my expectations away and then some. It truly felt like someone at Atlus had been looking over my shoulder while I played the previous game and took detailed notes about what to improve in the sequel. I can honestly say that it’s an upgrade across the board in just about every way that matters to me, and I can wholeheartedly, without any caveats, recommend it to anyone with an interest in this series. If you like anime, if you want to get into JRPGs and don’t know where to start, or maybe you’re like me and you just thought the memes and fanart were cute, you owe it to yourself to give this game a shot.
It’s enough for me to want to go back and retroactively make this my game of the year for 2017, which was a pretty stacked roster in itself. Everything seemed to come together, the right team at the right time with the right idea, to catapult what was a pretty niche franchise into AAA stardom to rub shoulders with the Zeldas and Marios as among the best in its class. Even now, with the release of Royal, it’s easily my GOTY now, due in some part to the anemic list of releases, but that’s another topic altogether. I’ll try to keep this review/essay focused on the game itself rather than just comparing it to 4, but given that it was my primary entry point to the series, I will make frequent references to that game, so SPOILERS for both ensue.
What I found most immediately charming about Inaba was its sense of time and place. The shuttered businesses, the barren main street, the anxious town with the specter of death over it while a group of carefree teens made plans to go to the mall on their clamshell flip phones captured a dichotomy that I hadn’t felt explored in other games. Whether the developers intended to or not, they created a late 00s period piece that resonated with me quite strongly as someone who was roughly the same age as the protagonist in that time. I would imagine sentiment would follow for those younger than I, as 5 is much more proactive and hyperactive in its presentation. The game is a feast for the eyes, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that a cohesive style and aesthetic will far outlast the shiniest graphics, as it makes the most of its visuals to draw the player in. The UI itself is a masterclass in action, there are entire games with budgets and teams that dwarf Persona 5 that don’t have as much personality as the pause menu in this one, the way the icons jiggle and pop practically begging you to click on them next.
The other pillar holding up its remarkable sense of style is the music, and between 4 and 5 I’m genuinely torn as to which I like better. 5 definitely has the edge when it comes to production value, but the jazzy, upbeat soundtrack is also more content to sit in the background and provide an accompaniment to the city living, in contrast to 4’s loud, gaudy pop earworms, each one an anime opening in the making. While it takes center stage during key moments, most of the time, the soundtrack is this constantly undulating rhythm in the back of the player’s mind, rising and falling with the action, keeping the pulse going like the click clack of wheels upon the train tracks. Undoubtedly, my favorite song is Beneath the Mask, a melancholy tune that sounds like a rainy night and a dying cigarette in an ashtray, the perfect soundtrack to a place of sanctuary after a long day. The nebulous subject of its lyrics leaves it open to many different interpretations: a well-deserved rest after great triumph, or crushing loss and setback; a private moment shared between two lovers, or a reflection on the emptiness of the room itself, alone with one’s thoughts. It’s hard to compare soundtracks in a year with Nier Automata on the roster, but 5 absolutely passes the “would I listen to this outside of the game willingly” test. Just as Heartbreak, Heartbreak became synonymous with me doing laundry and other chores over the summer, I came to associate Beneath the Mask with my commute in the fall, under cover of darkness. I think it’s special when you can tie a game to a certain moment in your life, and this one certainly did it for me. Overall, it was the slower paced, more moody tracks like this and Sunset Bridge that stuck with me, proving that music does not have to be a spectacular front and center banger to play an essential role in the drama, though the game has its fair share of those (Life Will Change, Last Surprise, and Rivers in the Desert being standouts).
The change in setting is not limited to the audiovisual aspects, however, as the game itself feels faster and more anxious, almost oppressively so, as moving to the city from the middle of nowhere would feel. Gone is the lackadaisical, laid back intro of the prior game. Here, you are thrust into the driver’s seat immediately, before the game splashes water in your face and asks you where you were on the night of the 12th between the hours of such and such. I thought the opening hours of the game were a fantastic way of setting the stage, as we’re wowed by the prospect of Ocean’s Eleven but anime and then brought back down to Earth via the interrogation as a framing device for the story. I like it because it splits the story into neat chunks, each Palace its own arc. Coming out of Persona 4, my two biggest questions were A: If adults like Adachi are aware of and can manipulate the Shadow World, why have there been no formal attempts to study it? And B: What if the Investigation Team didn’t stop after uncovering the killer?
I was delighted to discover that not only does 5 address these topics, but the latter defines the conceit of the whole game, placing the Thieves’ idealism for a better world against bigger and bigger targets, a fitting escalation for a big name sequel. The former question is a major subplot in the story, though the answers I came up with in my head were grander than what ended up being presented. I appreciated how this turn of events resulted in the gang being more proactive, i.e. seeking out targets to punish them for their misdeeds, rather than purely reactive like the kids in 4, who had to wait for each kidnapping to happen in turn before acting. Persona 5 is a much harsher world in comparison, one that demands that its protagonist hit the ground running and get going fast. You’ve been sent to juvie on trumped up charges, nobody wants you around, you’re shoved into an old, dusty attic as a ward of the state, and everyone is looking for an excuse to get you expelled or worse. Even walking down the hallway invites comments from onlookers and rubberneckers who aren’t sure yet if they want to look down on or admire you. All this set dressing contributes to a city that feels just alive enough to allow your imagination to color in the margins and give a much better impression of a cramped metropolis with a beating heart than a big open world would.
It’s natural, then, that the protagonist would come to identify with others who fell through the cracks like he did, others who people judged by the masks they wore other than their true character. With Yu it seemed like he immediately formed lifelong bonds with the first three kids he met on the way to class. Ryuji’s and Ann’s friendships feel like they develop more naturally, first as a result of being backed into a corner together with nowhere to go, and gradually getting to know each other as people. It’s as if Atlus took a good look at the broad archetypes they established with Yosuke, Yukiko, Rise, etc and realized them into more fully fledged characters. I loved hanging out with all of the Thieves, getting to know their inner lives and it pained me that I couldn’t max them all in the allotted time. It’s impressive that they managed to build up such a strong portfolio of confidants with their own storylines and character moments without stepping on each other or retreading old ground. I even liked hanging out with Mishima, probably because he’s the one closest in spirit to what fans of this game are actually like, as opposed to Joker’s more aspirational mystique.
For the longest time, I thought that the first Palace was the game’s high point. At no other point in the base game did I feel like the player motivations and the character’s motivations were so intertwined on a base level. Kamoshida is such an excellent starting point because right away, you hate him on multiple different fronts: for antagonizing you (and by extension, the player), for being an abusive monster to your friends and classmates, and because of the corrupt authority he represents and the power structures that enable him, nurturing the seed of rebellion planted within Joker and his friends. It’s not a coincidence that all of the Thieves are latchkey kids with absent/aloof parents. That neglect, intentional or otherwise, fostered a lingering sense of ennui and discontent that lets them get wrapped up in the Thieves’ romantic struggle against societal norms. It’s an adventure, and you want to get carried away in it just as much as they do, that investment feeling all the more bittersweet when it comes crashing down around them. It does a brilliant job of selling the illusion of putting the player in the driver’s seat and letting them dictate the pacing of the plot, all by changing a few of the circumstances around how the Palaces are tackled, and though you are given an abundance of activities to dedicate your time towards, I never felt confused about what I should do, because they were all equally viable methods of advancing the player’s goals.
Since I brought up the Palaces, I should mention perhaps the single biggest improvement over the previous entry, and that is the way this game handles the dungeon crawling aspect of the game. For starters, Palaces/Dungeons are actual discrete spaces now with proper level design (!) that draws upon the chosen theme in a meaningful way to make them all distinct from one another. It’s a huge step up from ten floors of the same randomly generated slog with different wallpaper every single time. Traversal is overhauled, and the quarter-assed stealth mechanics from 4 are realized into the ambush system here that makes entering combat feel like a tactical decision on your part rather than having Yu swing his bat in the vague direction of an enemy. Joker and the Thieves move at a brisk, animated pace, zipping around between hiding spots and looking for an angle of attack rather than blundering through a bunch of copy pasted hallways. Other big, big pluses include: not having to fight every single enemy to squeeze out the xp needed to fight the boss, not having to fight trash mobs at all with Ryuji’s level 7 perk, having more items and perks to mitigate the war of attrition on your SP early on, there being an actual reason to go out of your way to explore in the form of Will Seeds. The list goes on. And if you do want that down home grind, there’s always Mementos, which I actually enjoyed my time in, largely because of the aforementioned reasons. Side quests in 4 always amounted to talk to this random guy who asks for a vendor trash item you probably got rid of when mashing sell all at the ironworks shop. Now they manifest as minibosses in Mementos, which ties into the whole vigilante justice hero of the people angle that the Thieves thrive on. Again, taking something that kinda worked before and improving it by marrying the themes and the gameplay. Also, everyone gets guns, which would be great on its own, but is amplified by the fact that they actually do work.
Not all of the Palaces are bangers, I think the 2nd and 3rd suffer the most from lackluster villains but they do their job as a sort of training arc showing how the Thieves escalate in terms of targets and notoriety as well as expanding their own roster. Futaba’s Palace is a highlight and one of the better story dungeons, and I appreciate how it broadened the scope of the setting by showing that people had indeed attempted to research the Metaverse in an academic fashion, but were struck down by some shadowy force. This is where my brain took over and started imagining much wider implications that the game ultimately didn’t explore, like the government having access to a black ops unit of Persona users who could change hearts and inflict mental shutdowns at will, but I’ll come back to that later. Suffice it to say that Sae’s Palace is another excellent addition with a dope theme, but what follows immediately after doesn’t so much bring the story to a halt as much as it gets t-boned by a mile long train of awkward, clunky exposition.
You ever play an action game, and right in the middle of it, the game stops and shows you a cutscene of your character doing all these badass choreographed moves for minutes on end, that you would never be able to do in the game itself, that’s just this long, laborious display that leaves you thinking “wow, that looks cool, I wish I was playing that instead of just watching”?
This is the narrative equivalent of that.
All along, we’ve stuck by Joker’s side. Very occasionally, the game will shift perspective to a fly on the wall of the villains so they can twirl their mustaches for a few but by and large, the player and protagonist are one in the same from beginning to end. They even go through the trouble of giving him amnesia at the start so that your Joker can retell the story as he remembers it. This is important because it establishes that the player knows what the protagonist knows, and vice versa. This whole segment throws that all out the window and reveals that Joker and the rest of the Thieves colluded in a secret gambit to expose Akechi that the player had no knowledge of and could not contribute to even if they wanted it. It’s like the devs rip the controller out of your hands and tell you to keep all limbs inside the car because you’re on their ride now and you’re going to experience it exactly as we intended even if it completely divorces the player from the shared experience of the protagonist by shoehorning all this shit that supposedly happened offscreen into what is supposed to be the emotional climax of the story. It feels like an overcorrection of the equivalent moment in 4, except in that one you had to choose the exact string of responses the devs wanted lest you be booted to the credits. Here, it’s just flashback after flashback crowbarred into the story, sometimes in succession to such a degree that I began to feel like it was losing the all important emotional investment built up. Narratively, it’s supposed to be a moment of triumph as everyone congratulates Joker on pulling off his masterstroke idea of faking his death flawlessly but in practice it feels like that meme of Michael from the Office shaking hands with his old boss, the player taking credit for something they had no part in, but would have liked to be in on. It’s not a dealbreaker, but it is annoying considering how closely intertwined the journey of player and protagonist had been up to that point
Another nitpick before we move on from here, I really thought that Joker’s constant flashbacks to the inciting event where he punched Shido but was unable to remember him were building to something. I legitimately thought that Shido had masterminded this scheme where he got Joker enrolled into Shujin and purposefully nudged him towards radicalization and forming the Thieves so that he could have a crew of fall guys to take down in his ascent to the top. I expected that Joker’s amnesia was a by-product of this mind tampering, but apparently he’s just an idiot who has this chip on his shoulder when it comes to authority but for some reason is unable to put a name to the face of the man who first put him behind bars. I also thought it was a bit cheesy that Shido had ties to literally every major villain they had faced up to that point. By the end I was half expecting him to reveal that he was the one driving the car that ran over Kawakami’s favorite student back in the day. Some real Reverse Flash “IT WAS ME BARRY” shit going on there, but I digress. Shido’s a good villain, and a fitting end to the escalation that the Thieves had going. I also loved the development that even though Shido had a change of heart, the movement behind him was still going, because the systems of power that allowed him to get where he was and exercise his will ran deeper than any of the Thieves knew, and it would take more than changing one heart to turn things around this time.
What follows is pretty iffy for me. I’m a firm believer that all the supernatural Metaverse stuff should take a backseat to or be a vehicle for the interpersonal drama between the characters we’ve come to know. It’s flavor text and set dressing, important to the story and atmosphere, but not its focus. When you try to put backstory and worldbuilding into the foreground, especially in the drama first storytelling that Persona is going for, you end up with Yaldaboath, a boring ass cup in the basement of Mementos who speaks in riddles and soaks up damage like a sponge. Nothing about this fight feels as climactic as the last because the player had no idea they existed until about 15-20 minutes ago. I liked the reveal with Igor and the conversations with the crew in the Velvet Room, but beyond that a confrontation with a shiny god of Some Abstract Proper Noun just feels really lame without any requisite emotional context. Capping him in the face with a three story Glock was pretty cool though, so props for that. And, it sets the stage for the Royal content, the single best arc in the game.
I’d heard the third semester in this game hyped up before I got into the series, and it deserves every bit of praise. Again, it’s like someone at Atlus predicted my comments on the previous final boss and tailor made an arc full of closure and emotional resonance because the characters coming into conflict with each other are people with complex relationships and not just jumbles of polygons with a health bar and an ominous monologue. I love the It’s a Wonderful Life AU aspect of the dream world, making it genuinely difficult to try and turn people like Ann away from this place where they could forget their awful traumas and just be regular teens. I loved seeing Kasumi go from a pretty bland and boring confidant to literally rediscovering herself and becoming a wholly realized person for it. Akechi’s presence in this arc is my favorite in the game and his snide comments and deliciously over the top ferocity in combat shot him up the charts of best characters now that he was able to comfortably go mask off. It’s fantastic hearing him address the Thieves with previously barely concealed and now open contempt, but he reserves the worst barbs for Maruki, who’s so kind and affable that it almost makes you forget how crazy his plan is. Instead of lecturing you to death or getting too heady, he appeals to the same ideals that Joker did in forming the Thieves, creating an interesting foil with motivations that are arguably more noble than the main characters, but that alone cannot justify what he’s done. It’s a tricky situation to unpack, but I think it’s easily the best written part of the game, and left me feeling whole and satisfied by the end.
As exhaustive as this may seem, there are still things left I haven’t even touched on, like that one honestly fucked up scene where Joker leave Ryuji to be assaulted for no reason, or how much better Akechi is than Adachi even though they fill the same role of cop who's actually a secret incel, or the hundreds of smaller quality of life improvements that make the game less of a chore and more of an addictive rush as you get swept up in this other world. My total playtime clocked in at just under 130 hours, an absolutely massive jump from the 75 or so I’d spent with 4, after foolishly assuming I’d knock the sequel out in about a month or so. When I finished the game, I was exhausted, I was ready for it to be over, and wanted to move onto something else, but I was also wistful. I carried within myself the knowledge that I would never play it for the first time again, and consciously or unconsciously I would spend the next few weeks looking for something to fill the Phantom Thief shaped hole in my chest. I had so thoroughly been engrossed in this world and its characters that I don’t quite feel ready to say goodbye, even if the prospect of NG+ still seems daunting. As in some of the best games, like Nier Automata or Red Dead Redemption 2, this first full playthrough feels so complete to me, that it almost seems wrong to go back and disturb the world as I left it, because I played my part, and it’s at peace now.
I had assumed that I would hate an ending where, after everything, Joker moves away. Why, after so much investment and time spent building friendships that would last a lifetime, would he simply go back to nothing? I wasn’t prepared for how natural it would feel. How everyone expressed their desire to grow as people, first beyond the labels others ascribed to them, and then the label of Thief they applied to themselves, to become men and women who could affect society in their own way, wholly distinct from any god given supernatural power. It felt surprisingly mature for the series to advocate for a break from escapism, and instilled within me a desire to move on as well. I have no idea what Persona 6 will look like, but it’s going to be hard to replicate the leap in quality, as they’ve outdone themselves to create what’s become one of my favorite games.
submitted by KinoAndCrabLegs to patientgamers [link] [comments]

Joker [Persona 5 Scramble] (1920x1080)

Joker [Persona 5 Scramble] (1920x1080) submitted by OmgItsDarien to Animewallpaper [link] [comments]

Wallpaper request

Can someone make a joker (from persona 5) wallpaper with like half of it he is not normal and the other half like with his mask or like persona mode
submitted by Real_DONUTxX to WallpaperRequests [link] [comments]

Minimal wallpapers?

I'm absolutely in love with Persona 4 Golden, and I'm trying to find a good wallpaper for my desktop. I'm really into minimal wallpapers like this. If you have any, I'd greatly appreciate sending it my way! Thanks!
submitted by blaze5474 to persona4golden [link] [comments]

All About Joker and Persona: An Extended Background on Smash's Newest Series

Persona is one of my absolute favorite series ever, and I have a lot of sentimental attachment to it. So, the Joker reveal was so extraordinarily perfect to me that I can't help but get the dumbest smile whenever I think about it - I don't think anything in or about a game can top this for me. Predictably, Joker was by far my #1 character choice. I feel like it elevated Ultimate from one of the best games ever made, to one of the best games that will ever be made. So I wanted to make a post about it now that I can think properly again.
Hopefully this post will explain why Joker's inclusion is so cool, why Persona is so great, and provide some background on Persona. There was a fantastic thread by Paulie25 posted a while ago as a crash course on the topic, as well!
I can't help but make this thread super long, I hope it's interesting!
(Also, Reddit Enhancement Suite will allow you to view links in the post itself.)
So, let us start the game.
Shin Megami Tensei
When talking about Persona, especially in a Nintendo context, I think it's right to also mention it's sort of "parent" series, Shin Megami Tensei, or SMT. See, Persona is a spin-off of SMT, but it became more popular than it's parent series over time. Don't let that fool you though, because SMT is also a fantastic series and even with Persona existing, there's nothing quite like it.
Keep in mind this section is about things that are mostly specific to SMT, so what you read here isn't necessarily reflective of Persona. We'll get to that soon.
SMT games are RPGs by Atlus (whose parent company is now Sega), and usually focus on a single individual or a small group as they sift through an apocalypse that has reduced the Earth to rubble. The world has been claimed by conflicting forces of Law and Chaos, which are comprised of beings from religion and myth, ranging from Angels to Onis, Horus to Cu Cuchulain, Satan (yes, that Satan), to Metatron to Vishnu. There's a ton of different demons (they are generally referred to collectively as demons regardless of affiliation) to battle, fuse together, and... talk to? Yes, a massive part of the SMT experience is talking with demons - about what humanity is worth, about the apocalypse, and about whether you'll join them to fight for a world ruled by law or a world that has no order. Or they'll even do trivial things like hassle you for money, they'll be really peculiar, or just generally rude - especially series mascot, Jack Frost. Either way though, you'll be trying to get these demons to join you. You can usually do this by fighting them, persuading them, or sometimes blackmail, the works.
SMT is a really great series and definitely worth a look - either alongside or seperate from Persona. They are different enough so that if you don't like one, you may like the other - though there's definitely a lot of overlap, so I recommend checking out both! Persona is generally more approachable, though.
As for why SMT is especially important in a Nintendo context - SMT is actually often available on Nintendo consoles, and usually exclusive. Though, what's probably the best in the series, SMT 3: Nocturne, is a PS2 exclusive, so unfortunately it's not on regular Nintendo consoles. Though, it's not especially difficult to get a hold off if you have something that can play PS2 games. This is the most recommended one.
  1. SMT 4 and 4 Apocalypse are available for 3DS. They are the most recent games currently. They are the most approachable in the main series, as well. I'd recommend 4 first, as it's closer to the series standard than Apocalypse.
  2. SMT Strange Journey is on the DS. It's highly advised to play the original DS version, Strange Journey Redux is generally considered weaker than the original. Strange Journey is really tough, but often considered one of the best in the series.
  3. SMT 5 is coming... eventually, as a Switch exclusive. It's kind of unclear how far along in development it is, but it should hopefully be out in the next couple years. Maybe we'll get to see Unreal Engine work it's magic on Jack Frost sometime soon-ish.
  4. There's also other SMT spin off titles like the SRPG Devil Survivor available for 3DS. They might be worth a shot if you're interested! They're a bit more similar in tone to games like The World Ends With You. Definitely different from the mainline series, but still strong.
Also, chances are you've seen the little "Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series" emblem. Well, that's from Nocturne. Yes, Dante from the Devil May Cry series is featured in that game.
Background on Persona
Persona, as previously stated, is a spin-off of SMT that has become a popular series in it's own right - it's actually become considerably more popular than SMT itself. These games are RPGs, like their predecessors, and share some cues with SMT in some aspects - the main link is that the demons from SMT are featured in Persona's combat system, and are seen as Personas, manifestations of someone's soul that can be used to fight, or in some cases, provide support in other ways. Personas are essentially Stands, and more or less act the same way. Meaning, they appear on command to fight on your behalf, and don't normally speak except in select cases, since they're essentially extensions of the characters they belong to. However, while your party members only have one Persona at a time, you hold the Wild Card, which allows you to fuse the Personas you acquire into stronger ones, all the way from the lowly Pixie to the mighty Thor and beyond. Each Persona has it's own strengths and weaknesses, and they can inherit abilities from the Personas that they are fused from. It's very rewarding to put together a Persona you're especially fond of, since they're pretty customizeable. In Persona 5, the SMT demons are also seen as Shadows, the hostile denizens of the "counterpart world" that you explore. But more on that later.
SMT and Persona are also very different in a lot of ways, however, and this is mostly due to one key difference - SMT is about talking to demons, but Persona is about talking to people. This informs the biggest differences between the two series. The setting has been changed from a post apocalyptic world (usually Tokyo) to modern and (usually) urban Japan, and the questions about law and chaos prompted by self-righteous demons are now melancholic, tender, and often relatable musings by (usually) ordinary people about how to deal with life treating you unfairly. This is where a lot of the appeal of the series is.
But before I continue, I want to mention that Persona 1 & 2 (& Persona 2-2 (Persona 2 is comprised on the first game, Innocent Sin, and the second game, Eternal Punishment)) are very different from the "modern" Persona games, 3, 4, & 5. This is because Persona was much closer to older SMT titles when it was first conceived, and were made around 1996-2000. The series was dormant for about 6 years, until Persona 3 was developed under Katsura Hashino (who is currently working on Switch game "Project Re: Fantasy") and founded many of the elements that comprise modern Persona - like the calendar system and the ever iconic Social Links.
Because of their age and changing conventions, Persona 1 & 2 are mostly recommended after trying out 3, 4, and/or 5 (they still have great things going for them, but are less approachable). Now I'm going to focus on 3, 4, and 5, so some of the things mentioned from now on may not apply to 1 & 2.
The first two paragraphs in this section mention some pretty different sounding things, and that's because of a key aspect of Persona - it has two hemispheres that play off of each other. How intertwined those parts are depends on which game, but principally Persona is made of a dungeon crawling RPG half, and a social sim half - hanging out with your classmates, messing around in the arcade, helping people, fishing, going to the movies; you play through almost every day of the game's calendar year and really get acquainted with your surroundings. It's highly recommended to play these games at your own pace, because they really shine when you can immerse yourself in them. I'd avoid trying to speed through, because they are long. Like, 60+ hours is expected for your first playthrough. But every hour has something really great, and the culmination of it all results in something even greater than the sum of it's already wonderful parts.
You begin the game in a normal Japanese town/city, but eventually gain access to an alternate version of an area, or another world. A series constant is that early in the game, the mysterious Igor and his various assistants will instruct you on the rules of this land in the ethereal Velvet Room (which looks different in each game), while it's signature, enchanting theme plays. He emphasizes something in particular - that the bonds you make in the real world will give you strength in the other world. This isn't just a narrative deal - the bonds you create, called Social Links, or Confidants - each of which correspond to one of the major arcana of the tarot deck of cards, are leveled up by improving your relationship with others by spending time with them. Strengthening those relationships will make your Personas stronger when you fuse them, and sometimes even grant direct battle enhancements. Seeing these two halves compliment each other gives Persona it's unique identity, and it's difficult to find anything quite like it.
Currently, Persona games are mostly only available for Sony consoles, but I can see that changing in the future, especially now with Joker's inclusion. Either way, I can't recommend the games enough. The spin-offs Persona Q and Persona Q2 are available for 3DS, but to really get the most out of those games you'll want to play the main series games first.
So, why is Persona cool?
Firstly, the premise is great, playing almost every day of a calendar year and interacting with the people of the city from different walks of life makes for a fun, and often thought provoking and tender experience. The game lets you play the way you want - you are encouraged to go at your own pace and see what you want to see. The series was designed around picking and choosing what you want to do, more or less like real life, so it's up to you to pursue the Social Links you want, and for you to prioritize what matters most to you - do you care more about being smart, charming, or confident? Which do you want to work on first? Do you care about being charming enough to gain approval and get closer to a few people, or do you care more about your friends who don't require that? Who are you more invested in, the old couple who are afraid the memory of their late son will fade away, or the odd monk who gives you life advice in the club at the mall? Or maybe you were more interested in the shady businessman who tries to get you involved in his schemes? Which of your party members do you want to focus on the most? Are you focused on supporting your friend who's been ostracized but helped you get through the first few weeks at school, or are you focused above all else on helping one of your friends get past life as a shut-in? Would you rather work on your realtionship with the back-alley doctor or the former yakuza store owner? There's always a rush when your favorite character is available to talk to, since they have their own schedules that they adhere to, so it feels especially satisfying to catch them on a good day.
You can manage to do a lot of this stuff in one playthrough if you manage your time well, but the overall design of having to choose what you are more focused on helps the game shine, and really makes the gameplay systems come together. It's impressive, the social sim aspects are just as strong as, sometimes maybe even more so, than the RPG part of the game, which is no slouch either. The battles are snappy and satisfying, fusing Personas to get stronger is very fun and rewarding, and there is an immense satisfaction when your fusion nets you a strong Persona that corresponds to a Social Link you've been working on. The bosses are often tough and interesting as well.
The games also not only have a unique identity within the landscape of games as a whole, they also have unique identities from each other, and you can see this through a lot of aspects, but especially in the art and music. Each game has a key color, Persona 3's cool blue, Persona 4's bright yellow and Persona 5's striking crimson, each of which inform the feel of each game. We'll talk about Persona 5 a lot in it's own section, so I think now is a good time to go over 3 and 4, which also both cannot be recommended enough if they at all interest you, just like with 5.
Persona 3's key color of cool blue reflects the melancholic nature of most of the game. P3 is focused on a pretty heavy topic - death. But more principally it's about moving on, and realizing that life is worth living even when it may not seem like it. It's also about making the most of the time you have, and forging bonds with others so that they'll have memories of you. When I said Persona was about picking and choosing what's most important to you, that's in full force in Persona 3. You can do everything with proper setup and knowledge, but the developers didn't go out of their way to make that happen, because they were more interested in the idea of players prioritizing things just like in real life - and I think that's brilliant, because it creates an incredible thematic resonance with the rest of the game, because it's all about appreciating the time that you have and spending it wisely.
In Persona 3, you are a new student to Tatsumi Port Island's Gekkoukan High School. Upon arrival though, you stay conscious during the Dark Hour - an enigmatic time that appears at midnight that leaves everyone save for a select few people unconscious. During this time, you awaken to your Persona, and are recruited into what will become your party, S.E.E.S., who climb the mysterious tower of Tartarus to eliminate the strange beasts known as Shadows and end the Dark Hour. The game is themed around the Fool's Journey of the tarot, and you as the Fool Arcana face powerful Shadows of each Arcana until you are forced to fight the Death Arcana. It takes a few creative liberties with the tarot, but uses them effectively to create a compelling story.
What's really interesting is that your party often have internal quarrels, and all feel like people vying for their own goals and interpretations of how things are and how they should be. It adds an interesting layer of depth to the internal dynamic of the group, but makes it all the more satisfying once everyone is on the same page. The game does a great job at making it's characters feel like their own people, beyond it's Social Links, party members typically have two major arcs that flesh them out and make them grow, and they have their own schedules and circumstances that they abide by.
P3's visual design is also really incredible, the way it combines interesting, otherworldly designs with with modern architecture in Tartarus creates a sense of familiarity, despite it's distance from the normal. Even with it's age, you can make out some really nice, cool environments across Tasumi Port Island. While the game's shown it's age, there's a certain charm in some of the solutions it found to accommodating the time and circumstances it was made in, with some interesting art choices - there's a large focus on flat colors with minimal shading. This is also present in the animated cutscenes, which results in a really memorable and unique style that gets developed to create really cool things like this piece for the Persona 3 movie.
P3's strong points are also amplified by it's great soundtrack, the sincerity it puts behind tracks like Iwatodai Dorm and the similarly cheesy, yet endlessly hype Mass Destruction make them impossible not to love. Whether you're currently listening to When The Moon's Reaching Out Stars and the complicated feelings behind it, or the eerie yet invigorating Master of Shadow, there's nearly always a song playing that's helping to tie the experience together.
Persona 3's real standard version is Persona 3 FES for the PS2. Another version of the game, Persona 3 Portable for the PSP, added the option to play as a female protagonist with new Social Links and enhanced/updated several battle mechanics. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the free roam featured in the original, you now use a cursor to explore the overworld. It's hard to make a definitive recommendation on which version since each has it's strengths and weaknesses, but if you really value the free roam and better graphics I would go for Persona 3 FES. The female protagonists route in Portable is absolutely wonderful though, I think her version is considerably better than the already great male protagonist route.
Persona 4's key color of bright yellow reflects the comfy small town atmosphere of Inaba. What is interesting though, is that it's indicative of the games themes of evasion from the truth. Behind that peppy yellow and the sleepy atmosphere of Inaba is the fact that there's a serial killer in the town who's methods are unfathomable to the police department. Only those with Stands Personas are going to be able to find out what's going on here. If that sounds familiar, that's because the premise is extraordinarily similar to that of JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. But for that reason, some of the same things that made Diamond is Unbreakable a strong manga make Persona 4 a strong game.
P4 focuses on the tension between the case and the relief of trying to live life peacefully and fun in Inaba, where you'll be staying with your uncle Dojima, a detective for the local police force. Soon after transferring to Yasogami High School, you and some classmates will investigate a local rumor that you can travel to alternate world through a television. Low and behold, the rumor wasn't unfounded, and you'll find yourself in the backside of the TV, home, among other things, to it's great signature theme. After an enigmatic resident of the world explains how it works, you'll begin to use the world to stop the murderer. This is where the Investigation Team is born. P4 is also heavily about escapism, and what's perhaps the main crux of the game is helping the people who'll become your party members confront Shadow versions of themselves, borne from their repressed malcontent with who they are. For them to awaken their Personas, they'll need to come to terms with themselves. They'll end up being the ones who reach out to the truth when no one else can. The Investigation Team frequently meets up for general activities and gets along well, making for a comfortable atmosphere despite the creeping tension of living in Inaba. It makes for an interesting experience, even within the Persona series.
The art is very pop, and does a lot to emphasize it's more upbeat exterior compared to the other games. This extends to it's battle screens and UI elements. It's further supported by some incredible tracks like Heartbeat, Heartbreak, and Signs of Love, which really build up your time in Inaba as something special. Because of this, along with it's character dynamics and welcoming atmosphere, it's also a good way to get into the series since it's tone leaves it very approachable, and eases you into the eccentric and odd elements that give Persona it's unique flavor.
Persona 4 is available for the PS2, and the updated rerelease, Persona 4: Golden, is available for PS Vita.
Persona 5 / Why is Persona 5 cool?
Now to actually talk about Persona 5, the main course here. And it's incredible.
Persona 5 is the most recent main series Persona game, released in September 2016 in Japan and April 2017 in the West, after numerous delays from it's supposed Winter 2014 release date. Despite Persona 3's 2006 release and Persona 4's 2008 release being very close together, it took 8 years after 4 for 5 to be released - mostly due to the transition to HD development. Taking their time proved to be well worth it though, because we ended up with one of the best, most passionately adored, and memorable games of 2017 - and probably of the console generation - likely beyond that, too, even. Even Sakurai himself is a massive fan of the game!
P5 has done a lot to update the series' visual presentation to the modern era, and you can really see the fruits of the labor of developing Catherine (PS3, 360, PS4, Vita) here, because the experience in creating HD models acquired from making Catherine couldn't be more clear - the models in Persona 5 are gorgeous.
In fact, the whole game is gorgeous. That Joker announcement trailer wasn't just for show - it's inspired by the Persona 5 intro. Everything, from the title screen, to the shop menus, to your equipment menus; from every component of the battle menu, elements of it's battle mechanics, and beyond - all of it is absolutely dripping with style. And not just any style, it's style reflecting the picaresque stories that inspired it, as well as it's key color - a striking crimson.
The use of strong crimson works well to establish that you will make yourself be seen. It's a color of confidence. We'll get to that soon. In Persona 5, you play as a transfer student that you choose the name of. This is Joker. Joker, though is a code name, which will make sense in a short while. His canon name is either Akira Kurusu or Ren Amamiya, depending on the adaption. You, Joker, were expelled from your original school due to trying to help a woman deal with a belligerent man who turns out to be a powerful politician. He gets you in a lot of legal trouble, and this leads to you having to move to Yongen-Jaya, near Tokyo, where you'll be attending Shujin Academy, and live in the (surprisingly comfy) attic of the LeBlanc cafe, owned by your new guardian, Sojiro.
You'll notice your phone has a mysterious application that cannot be deleted, and at night you appear in the Velvet Room. This series of events will allow you to access the Metaverse, an alternate version of the world where people will especially strong distorted thoughts and feelings alter the very landscape. In the Metaverse, the world is dictated by what people think and feel. For example, if someone happened to think a model gun was a real gun, in the Metaverse, the model gun would work exactly like a real gun would. The places resulting from that are referred to as Palaces, and are inhabited by Shadows, as well as a Shadow version of the one who's thoughts and feelings created the Palace. You'll end up here alongside a couple of classmates, and you'll find that a truly vile and manipulative teacher has transformed the Metaverse version of Shujin into a castle. An odd and enigmatic character will explain how the Metaverse and it's Palaces operate. They'll focus on something in particular - stealing hearts. By sending a calling card to provoke the owner of the Palace, a precious item will appear within the Palace's confines. By stealing that item, you can force someone to admit their crimes. Naturally, you'll be using this technique to take down the revolting teacher, while the school administration tries desperately to cover up the issue to save face. This operation is the birth of the Phantom Thieves, your party who seeks to use the ability to steal hearts to bring hope to downtrodden people, just like creating rivers in the desert.
That's where the use of crimson and picaresque inspiration comes into play, and what the central theming of Persona 5 revolves around. Persona 5 is about making sure your voice is heard. When the powerful are free to control people however they want, and apathy begins to set in as no one feels like they can do anything, the only choice you have is the wake up, get up, and get out there, because that's the only way life will change. So, you do just that. With your newfound power, you help out various people who have resigned themselves to live underneath someone else's heel, and give them the reminder that they need that it's worth trying to control your own life and push for change. There's a lot more to unpack in this department, but some of it dives into spoiler territory, so please trust me when I say it's remarkably well thought out, interesting, and powerful.
Each of your party members Personas are based of off famous rogues of history and myth, with your own original one being Arsene, based on Arsene Lupin. Almost every aspect of the games plays up your nature as the Phantom Thieves - the story dungeons of the previous games are now elaborately designed areas where heists occur, from castles to tombs to museums. The Social Links are now Confidants, and the bonuses they provide are not only to your Personas, but also directly help your abilities in the Metaverse, as they come to support your intentions as the Phantom Thieves. There's now a stealth system, and the advantageous stage on an enemy Shadow is now an ambush.
There's been several gameplay improvements as well - dungeon exploration is perfected, with the Palaces each having their own unique layouts and themes, as well as sporting some great art direction. You're fully free to run and explore the Palace with snappy terrain traversal, as well. In battle, the game is streamlined immensely by one simple change - the new battle UI. What's changed is that instead of scrolling through menus like a traditional JRPG, every button corresponds to an action. There are menus you can enter from there, but this one simple change really improves the game feel from great to sublime.
P5 also brings back demon negotiation from SMT and Persona 1 & 2. As stated far back in this post, the demons you acquire as Personas appear as Shadows in the Metaverse. Now, not only can you fuse Personas in the Velvet Room, but you can also persuade Shadows by targeting their weakness and holding them at gunpoint, known as a hold up. From there, you can pressure them into joining you, or giving you money/items. The Shadows are pretty weird though, so prepare to think outside the box when it comes to your conversations with them.
I've dotted some songs around in this section, but I do want to point out that the music, lovingly crafted by Shoji Meguro (composer of most of Atlus' largest games, including SMT 3 and Persona 3-5), is superb. It has some of the smoothest, some of the most invigorating, and honestly some of the best general music I've ever heard - the music in Persona 5 is a narration of the game to a degree that few other games compare to.
Naturally, like the previous games, Persona 5 blends it's art, themes, gameplay, and music extraordinarily well, but 5 might just be on a level above even them. Every element on it's own is incredible and well thought out - from it's art, it's themes of rebellion and change, it's wonderful gameplay systems, to it's legendary music. The cohesion and synthesis is at an unbelievable level. Here's just a few examples of how it's elements play off of each other:
  1. The art supports the gameplay by making the battles incredibly satisfying with wonderful animations. Targeting enemy weaknesses conveys a large weight. I linked a regular attack that didn't exploit a weakness as a frame of reference, critical hits and high-level skills get even better.
  2. The menus and UI take inspiration from comic books as well as grafitti, evoking underdog heroes and a rebellious nature, so the themes of the game are always present in some capacity - even when simply equipping a new weapon.
  3. The music sells the themes through it's lyrics and subject matter, creating some truly incredible moments. Especially in the later half of the game, the music will take you on it's own journey with how much it can command the mood of a scene, especially during heists and boss battles.
  4. The Palace exploration gameplay supports the themes, because you are not only like thieves in a narrative sense, you also explore Palaces like a thief, ambushing enemies with maneuvers they never saw coming.
  5. Often many elements will be supporting each other at one time. Once a calling card is sent, the tension rises to a fever pitch - you are executing your plans to topple corrupt individuals, the music is playing your signature theme as the Palace owner is getting increasingly desperate to stop you, the art is selling each of the Thieves' unwavering determination, and the whole Palace is on absolute maximum security, which is even reflected by the game's stealth mechanics setting the Palace to it's maximum alert level. These moments and many more are truly brilliant.
Not to discard core Persona elements, P5's Confidants are just as interesting and engaging as the Social Links of it's predecessors. There's a ton of characters to interact with, and the stories deal with topics ranging from parental issues to deep self-loathing to dealing with ostracization, with stories that can be about caring for loved ones with severe depression, or how to become a stronger person to support friends who have suffered. That's a very small sample, there's many more stories with their own topics, as well. There's a lot of really tender and important moments in these Social Links, and, just like in real life, there's also calming and fun moments of levity too. There's guaranteed to be multiple characters you'll be interested in, especially if you go out of your way to give them a chance and listen to their stories.
Persona 5 brings the series to the modern era in a spectacular fashion, and I think it's a game people really should enter with an open mind, because it might just become one of your favorite games ever.
Persona 5 is currently available for PS3 and PS4, but I highly doubt Atlus will keep it exclusive to those platforms now that there's a few million people with a Switch who are interested. Every prior Persona game has been remade, and Persona 3 actually had an updated rerelease fairly soon after the original. We'll likely see Persona 5 appear on Switch in the coming year or so, and maybe it'll even be updated!
Who is Joker and what's he like? Why is he cool?
So, Joker is the main character of Persona 5. He's your player character and the leader of the Phantom Thieves. In the real world, he normally tries to avoid drawing attention to himself, though when confronted he can get pretty sassy. He often has dialogue choices for messing with people. In the Metaverse he's in his element, and is very cocky. You can tell he enjoys every second of being a thief. He's got a great design and he's just generally really fucking cool. He also sounds amazing, given that he shares his voice actor with the Smash Bros. announcer, Xander Mobus. You can listen to all his voice lines right here, in all their glory. They're also very entertaining to listen to in a row like that.
In terms of moveset, Joker's has three weapons - a dagger, a gun, and most importantly by far, access to well over 100 Personas, all of which have their own unique forms and abilities. His Persona abilities are absolutely gargantuan, and this is very certainly going to be his main method of combat, no matter what game he's in. Even his main Persona, Arsene, will provide a wide array of abilities, with an emphasis on dark magic. Expect Joker to be fairly fast and have a wide array of tools at his disposal.
Significance of Joker in Smash
It's abundantly clear by now that I love Persona, and not only is Joker's inclusion beyond wonderful for bringing a very nice character from an incredible game to Smash, it's also going to bring so much more attention to this series, and I couldn't be more glad for it.
The reality that there's gonna be so many new faces experiencing this series is so heartwarming to me, because I look back at my time with Persona 5 back on it's initial release as some of the best time I've ever spent with a video game. I hope many more will get to feel the same.
Just to think, there's probably well over a million, probably well over a few million people eagerly awaiting the first DLC character of the fighter pass, and Nintendo and Atlus took this opportunity to introduce so many people to this absolutely lovely series. Persona used to be pretty niche before Persona 5, despite the series' constant praise along with it's fairly wide and intensely passionate adoration, so I'm glad it's finally and indisputably made a name for itself, and gets to be included in the ever growing family of Smash Brothers, among the greatest names gaming has ever seen.
To me, I think it's earned it. Lookin' cool, Joker.
submitted by Reviathan to smashbros [link] [comments]

Took me 15 months, but I finally finished Persona 5.

And I'm here to share my elation with you guys!
I started playing in January 2019. After seeing the wild fan reaction to Joker's Smash Bros announcement, I had to find out what's the hype. Prior to this, I've only heard of the game, but never knew what the game is or what its about. So I borrowed a copy of the game from a friend.
Let me tell you, I instantly fell in love with it. It truly was unlike any other game I've played, the visuals, the soundtrack, the characters and personas, even the UI took my breath away. So sleek, so stylish. Never would I thought I would enjoy a game about being a high schooler in Japan. Truly in a league of its own. (I never saw it coming ;) )
Now I can easily say Persona 5 is one of my most favourite games of all time. It kinda took over my life - phone and desktop wallpaper is P5 themed, Igor's theme for my PS4 menu, and I'm constantly on the hunt for P5 merch or figurines. Now I'm more hyped than ever for Persona 5 Royal's release!!!
Thank you Atlas for such a wonderful experience and of course, here's to our beloved Phantom Thieves!
Edit: OH forgot to add. Took me 15 months because I was really busy with school and my own side project for the past year but hey, better late than never!
submitted by thefartbreadkid to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Beneath the Mask: All About Joker and Persona (ε)


With Joker ready to seize the ultimate treasure that is a spot on the roster today, I thought it'd be right to talk about what exactly Persona is, and why the hype is absolutely incredible right now.
Persona has actually seen tremendously passionate adoration and considerable critical success for quite a while now - you may have heard about it in passing years ago - but it had stood as a cult classic, since the mainline games hadn't had a major console installment since 2008.
That is, until the release of Persona 5; much like the Phantom Thieves themselves, the series has erupted onto the main stage, taking the hearts of countless people in a way that many never saw coming.
Amidst all the hype, you may be wondering what lies beneath the mask.
Persona's one of my absolute favorite series, and it has a very special place in my heart. So, Joker's inclusion in Smash is so absolutely legendary that I still don't think I have the words to describe how much it means to me.
What I do hope I have words for though, is why Persona is so wonderful, beloved, and worth your time. Hopefully these words are also better than last time; this post is actually an echo fighter, noted by the little epsilon symbol!
I recommend Reddit Enhancement Suite, since it lets you expand images here in the OP while reading, plus it comes with a bunch of really nice features!
It's worth mentioning that Persona isn't really for everyone in the same way something like Mario or Zelda are; but if you go into it with an open mind, it can offer oceans of fun, along with just as vast amounts of thoughtful experiences; and maybe even some of the fondest and most important time you've had with games.
And maybe, if you really resonate with it, after playing, life will change.
So, let us start the game.
But first...

Shin Megami Tensei

Before talking about Persona itself, I think it's right, especially in a Nintendo context, to talk about the series it's derived from, Shin Megami Tensei - also known as SMT or Megaten.
See, Persona is actually a spinoff series of SMT. While it's not necessary to be familiar with SMT in order to understand or enjoy Persona, as they do not share continuities; SMT is strong in it's own right, and it also helps provide insight to the developer, Atlus (who are now owned by Sega).
SMT is a JRPG series spanning back to 1987 - but despite how evocative that may seem of many classic RPG franchises - SMT's identity and mannerisms are a world apart. While many of its contemporaries adopted traditional fantasy settings, which they'd later develop in different ways, SMT had, from it's inception, been vastly different from its peers.
SMT's world is Earth - in the throes of a devastating apocalypse, one that's left it as little else but rubble; along with a peculiar effect - the world is now teeming head to toe with otherworldly beings. The planet's become the subject of a territorial dispute between rival forces of Law and Chaos, the ranks of which are comprised of a whole pantheon of figures.
...Actually, make that multiple pantheons, because I mean that as literally as possible - the beings you meet in SMT (referred to as demons, regardless of affiliation) are all from real world religion, mythology, and folklore; and are used to present conflicting ideologies developed over the course of history.
You form pacts with these demons and fight alongside them; which isn't all that different from Pokemon, at its core. But, while Pokemon and their mechanics are fairly straightforward (at least on the surface), SMT's demons... are a bit different.
Not just because you fuse them, either: in SMT, demons are not pets or mere obstacles: the demons are the people you talk to. They are the residents of the world - the NPCs, the enemies, and the allies, so your experiences with them are much more broad than with the same kind of entities in other games. Maybe they'll try and shake you down for cash, maybe you'll enter a weird conversation, maybe you'll try and recruit them, or maybe they'll just kill you.
Some enemies will admit your strength, or fall for your words and join you, but others may not be so obedient. The opposing forces of Law and Chaos are also comprised of those who seek to make you follow their ideology. These conflicts will be especially uncompromising, but if you can continue to best your opponents, you'll be able to learn more of the philosophies of each faction, and make your decision on what should become of the remnants of the Earth.
As for why it's good to mention SMT in a Nintendo context; it's because the series actually appears pretty frequently on Nintendo consoles, and is often exclusive, too. Although, what's probably the strongest and most recommended game in the series, SMT III: Nocturne, is a PS2 exclusive, but isn't that difficult to get a hold of it you have something that can play PS2 games.
Modern SMT games on Nintendo consoles:
And, if you've ever wondered where that "Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series" emblem comes from, well, that's from Nocturne. Yes, Dante is featured in that game.
...I can't end this section without some more of series (and Atlus) mascot Jack Frost, so here hee is, ho!

What exactly is Persona?

Experimenting with SMT, Atlus would release SMT If..., which would receive a spiritual successor, Revelations: Persona for the PS1. This started to establish some primary differences between the two series: SMT would be focused on navigating the apocalypse and the will of its residents, but Persona would instead opt for a focus on the people who would have to navigate the mire of the mind, in their own bouts of survival.
It enjoyed modest popularity, and was followed by Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment, both for PS1 (and would see PSP remakes).
The first set of Persona games have some great things going for them, but because they are a touch archaic, and so different from their successors, the rest of this post is going to focus on Persona 3, 4, & 5.
After acclimating to the PS2 environment, Atlus took the opportunity to revitalize Persona under an all new creative vision, for Persona 3.
Katsura Hashino, director of SMT III, assumed the same role for the new title, bringing new mechanics, ideas, and customs to the series; while the art was headed by Shigenori Soejima, who made an incredible effort to modernize the series and provide it with a tremendously unique identity and style. Additionally, long time Atlus composer Shoji Meguro expressed great satisfaction with the project, as it allowed him to compose music that he'd always wanted to. Each of these creative directors have worked on Persona 3, 4, & 5, keeping the design philosophy consistent, yet dynamic.
Persona games, like father, like son, are JRPGs. But despite sharing the same genre as SMT; what I think is more interesting and important, is how the two series contrast with each other.
While SMT's world is strange and largely solemn - characterized by its desolate landscape and strange, otherworldly residents; Persona's setting is far more intimate, taking place in modern day Japan. And because of that, Persona is very different from SMT - by changing the setting, while also having a similar core design philosophy, you end up with something entirely new:
The odd interactions with demons are now conversations and activities with friends;
The pacts with demons are now friendships you forge with peers who've awakened to the ability to summon a Persona, changing their world drastically;
And the coldly delivered questions posed by self-righteous demons are now melancholic, tender, and often relatable musings by regular people about the harsh realities and unfortunate feelings they face.
That's the basis for the most important difference between SMT and Persona, and the one that arguably informs all the rest: Shin Megami Tensei is about philosophy and talking to demons, while Persona is about psychology, and talking to people. This difference effects just about every aspect of the game, and provides Persona with a whole new set of strengths, as well as a tremendously unique identity.
A key to that identity is that among Persona's many themes, the most recognizable, central, and universal is its heavy inspiration from Jungian psychology. Many of Carl Jung's ideas are adapted into elements of the game, like the collective unconscious, archetypes, and most prominently, the persona and shadow; which are all featured as important ideas and mechanics. While you don't need to be familiar with those ideas to enjoy Persona, and the game doesn't make background information necessary, nor does it try to explain the concepts beyond what is needed, seeing the elements at play is still very interesting.
Central to those themes, is the Velvet Room and its surrounding subjects. This room exists between dreams and reality, mind and matter; explained by its residents and expressed by its endlessly memorable theme.
The Velvet Room is connected to the collective unconscious, humanity's shared ideas and visions, and the residents of the enigmatic room - a mysterious man named Igor, along with his various assistants - will assist you on your journey: detailing important points about the journey you will embark on, explaining the importance of the relationships you forge (which is very important and we'll come back to that soon), and allowing you to fuse and recall Personas, summoning them from the sea of the soul.
Personas are manifestations of a person's soul, and are capable of fighting, or in some cases, providing external support. They're understood to operate more or less like another limb; and if you're familiar with Stands, from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Part 3 onwards), Personas are very similar. Personas are not usually able to be summoned in the real world, however. This means that you and your teammates are actually more or less normal people, and act as such on any given day; but can explore an alternate world and call upon your Personas there, to accomplish a goal that'll effect the real world.
The demons that you face in SMT are now the Personas you fuse and equip. Where in SMT, they were residents of the game's world, in Persona, they are representations of icons that humanity has created - cultivated from, and passed into, the collective unconscious. They each correspond to one of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck of cards, representing the archetype of person that they are similar to, who they resonate with, and what ideas and values they express. This concept is very important, and we'll return to it soon.
So, a few major elements have come up, and they sound pretty different; there's a heavy focus on interacting with people in your local area, and you explore a "counterpart world," summoning Personas to fight. That's because Persona is comprised of two hemispheres, a dungeon crawling RPG half, and a social sim half, which support and play off of each other.
The RPG half consists of the supernatural elements of the games. Exploring labyrinthine towers, twisted worlds behind the TV, locations born from warped thoughts, and more; while summoning Personas to fight against the hostile beings known as Shadows, who come in countless different forms.
Shadows are your opponents in these strange places, and are sort of counterparts to Personas. Weak shadows aren't quite tied right to one person, but stronger ones take the form of conglomerations of identities (told through their Arcana), or are born from the unconscious or repressed thoughts and feelings of a specific person.
By defeating these Shadows and exploring the environment, you'll be able to effect the real world in various ways, which change from game to game. Managing to accomplish this while juggling your real world responsibilities is a critical pillar of Persona's design. Which brings us to...
The Social Sim half. Since you can only summon Personas when exploring the "counterpart world," you're a normal person when you aren't over there. So, you're encouraged to live as you like in the meantime - hanging out with your friends, talking to passersby, messing around at the arcade, going to the movies, reading books, fishing, doing part-time work, visiting nearby landmarks, and tons more.
You play through almost every day of the calendar across the game's many months, and become well acquainted with your surroundings in the process. It creates a very intimate setting, and the experience feels special, as you have fun, accomplish goals, explore opportunities, and share important conversations with the people around you.
These games shine when you take your time: it's best to savor the experience and immerse yourself, so I'd very strongly advise against rushing - these games are long. Like, I'm talking 60+ hours as a lower estimate. But each hour has something pleasant, interesting, or thoughtful, and the culmination of it all results in something that's even greater than the sum of its already wonderful parts.
Talking to the people around you is the main attraction here, and the old pals from the Velvet Room are here to help establish that: Igor explains the power of Social Links or Confidants, the bonds you form with others. Each of them, not coincidentally, also correspond to the Major Arcana of the Tarot - The people you meet present you with a bond, based on their identity and how they relate themselves to you.
Strengthening these relationships is especially important to Persona, and learning about the different characters is both fulfilling on it's own, and it supports the themes of the game, as many character's arcs have a message that resonates with the key ideas expressed by each title.
These bonds you forge aren't just for the social sim segment either - improving your relationships with Social Links/Confidants will grant you more experience when fusing Personas of a corresponding Arcana. On the flipside, spending time with people is more effective when you're carrying a Persona of the same Arcana as them.
That principle isn't the only way Persona's two halves compliment one another: a central element of the games progression is accomplishing goals efficiently, before the deadline approaches for a mission. Balance is key, both for the player, and for the game's design; and this philosophy is one of the many reasons Persona is an incredible and unique series.

Why is Persona cool?

To start, the premise is great - playing through each day over the course of many months cultivates a strong fondness for the places you frequent, and an even greater fondness for the people you meet and interact with. The games encourage you to prioritize what you care about most, you are meant to do what you want to do, more or less like real life. It's up to you to pursue Social Links with characters you enjoy, to do the activities you like or the ones that help better you as a person, and to explore the mysterious "counterpart world," prepare yourself for what's ahead, and complete tasks on time.
Your decisions are your own - do you care most about being smart, charming, or bold? Do you care more about being charming enough to get close to certain people, or would you rather first focus on your friends who don't need that? Who are you most interested in; the regretful monk spending time in the club, or the shady businessman with the infectiously catchy theme? Maybe you've become very invested in listening to the sick young man at the park, or maybe you've come to really enjoy talking to your club-mates.
You may have decided to try and close the gap between you and your guardian, or you may have decided to try getting to know the back-alley doctor, or the downtrodden politician, or the aloof shop owner. Which of your close friends and party members are you most invested in? Do you want to focus on supporting your friend who's been ostracized, or is helping another friend get past life as a shut-in your absolute highest priority?
There's tons of great characters, and getting to know people from different walks of life is central to Persona. Like real life, the conversations with each person can range from fun and simple pleasantries, to tough questions, to genuinely really thoughtful and touching moments. Some characters struggle with issues that you or someone you know may have struggled with, and some of those issues may be ones that would be difficult to find tackled in any other game; whether it be dealing with self-loathing and depression, deteriorating family life, jealousy, ostracization, or many, many other topics. Characters are something Persona does a fantastic job with.
Forming priorities makes for a personalized experience, so for that reason I advise against using a guide that maximizes Social Links on your first playthrough. It's tempting to follow a guide, but you playing the game as you would on your own makes the experience even more genuine, and strengthens the already stellar social sim segments.
The game's two sides supporting each other through the the Velvet Room makes for a remarkably resonant experience: seeing your Social Links allow you to create powerful Personas is rewarding; and noticing the observations you make about the real world influence the landscape of the alternate one keeps the scenario engaging. Seeing the game adapt elements of Jungian psychology is similarly interesting, as several key aspects of the series can be traced back to those ideas. Not only does it have a universal impact on the series through the Velvet Room and the concepts of Personas and Shadows, but each game also provides their own ways to mix the concepts into their stories, which also sport their own specific themes apart from each other.
In tandem with that idea, Persona's music, art, and atmosphere are all superb and unforgettable; due to them each sharing a core foundation, but splitting into different directions, giving each game a unique personal identity that they all understand extraordinarily well. One of the best ways to see this is through each game's key color; Persona 3's cool blue, Persona 4's bright yellow, and Persona 5's striking crimson. Because they're so distinct, I'd like to talk about Persona 3, 4, and 5 in their own sections, which should introduce, and hopefully explain why each of them are individually strong games, as well as great contributors to an excellent series.

Persona 3

As mentioned before, Persona 3 would be the first in the "modern" line of Persona games; bringing many of the series conventions with it, such as Social Links, the calendar system, and a focus on modern audio and visual design, among other things.
The game's color of cool blue is evocative of its melancholic feel - Persona 3 is about the heavy topic of death and loss. But even though life is merely a journey to the grave, it must not be taken without hope. Persona 3 is also more principally about forming bonds with people so that they'll have memories of you, finding the resolve to live even when it doesn't feel worth it, and spending your time wisely, because life is fleeting, yet meaningful. What I said on Persona being about prioritizing what's most important to you is especially prevalent here, as that idea directly ties back to the core themes of the game, creating a great resonance across the entire experience.
This is also told through the journey of Persona 3; an adaptation of the Fool's Journey of the Tarot. As you move into the dorms of Tatsumi Port Island's Gekkoukan High School, you'll make an eerie voyage across the city, staying conscious during an enigmatic time right at midnight, the Dark Hour, which incapacitates all but a few individuals. Upon your surprisingly safe arrival, you'll settle into the dorm. A short while later though, the Dark Hour gets more perilous, due to the arrival of a Full Moon. When the moon's glow is whole and clear, a terribly powerful Shadow will appear, each one numbered with one of the major Arcana.
Under this stress, you'll awaken to your Persona, marking your entry into the organization of S.E.E.S., who scale the enigmatic tower of Tartarus to end the Dark Hour and eliminate the Shadows who inhabit it. But scaling Tartarus isn't your only concern in the Dark Hour; as the Fool Arcana, you'll also need to defeat the Full Moon Shadows and prepare for a showdown with the 13th Arcana, Death; all the while making sure to take care of your regular, everyday life.
The setting and atmosphere of Persona 3 is tremendously effectively told through its art: though the game is certainly dated by today's standards, the art direction is excellent, and more than makes up for it. It sports strong environment design across Tatsumi Port Island's many areas, cultivating a sense of comfort, with a powerful feeling of "relaxed" order and refinement, that is relayed by the sort of modernized art P3 uses. This contrasts with the supernatural elements and designs of the game's Dark Hour, in a way that creates a special sort of harmony in dissonance, as the hemispheres give weight to each other, working very well to illustrate different sides of an experience.
There's also an interesting layer of abstraction to the art, with an emphasis on minimal shading, even in the animated cutscenes, which makes for an compelling style that makes the game stand apart, even from it's peers. It'd later be adapted in other ways to create some fantastic art, like this piece for the movie, and art for Dancing in Moonlight, among other things.
Persona 3's identity is also sold extremely well through its music. The audio design at play here is downright fascinating, and extraordinarily captivating. Like the art, it has a resounding sense of well-planned contrast, and it features a focus on both eerie electronic themes, and especially its own distinct brand of hip-hop. The sincerity it puts behind tracks like Iwatodai Dorm and the similarly cheesy, yet endlessly hype Mass Destruction makes them impossible not to love. Whether Joy is adding color to a walk with a friend, or When the Moon's Reaching Out Stars is offering melancholy and purpose while planning out the day, or the eerie yet invigorating Master of Shadow narrates an encounter, there is always a song playing that supports the mood immensely. P3 is a musical journey, and there's still many tracks you'll encounter that'll continue to demonstrate that, and I just can't spoil them.
Persona 3 is available on PS2, and a director's cut, Persona 3 FES is also on PS2. There's also another edition, Persona 3 Portable, for PSP. It features the option to play as a female protagonist, with some different Social Links, although it doesn't allow free roam. It's difficult to recommend one over the other, because the free roam of FES makes the environment feel more alive, but I am especially fond of the additions and changes that the female protagonist's route through the game offers.

Persona 4

P4 followed shortly after 3, but took a fairly different approach - rather than following Persona 3's outwardly melancholic themes and color scheme, Persona 4 adopts an extremely peppy and bright yellow.
This carries sort of a double meaning - while P4 is much cheerier than many of the other titles Atlus has developed, but it's also referential of the game's themes of escapism. Behind the happy-go-lucky veneer is the fact that there's been a series of murders committed in the small town of Inaba. The police and detectives have been unable to make any headway into the case, driving the unrest higher. All the same, everyone attempts to continue living a peaceful existence in the town.
In the face of this threat, it's up to your team of Persona users to get to the bottom of this. If that sounds familiar, that's because it's extraordinarily similar to the premise of JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. But because of that, many aspects that make Diamond is Unbreakable a strong manga, such as the setting, tension, and atmosphere, similarly make Persona 4 a strong game.
You'll be transferring to Inaba to live with your uncle, arriving in the wake of the shock, so you'll be hearing various rumors around town. One of them stands out in particular though - the urban legend of the Midnight Channel. Supposedly, by viewing a TV during midnight during torrential rain, something very strange will occur. The rumors aren't unfounded, and you'll find yourself able to access a world existing in the backside of the TV.
What you'll come to realize, though, is that this place is even more unusual and hostile than it would initially appear - in this world, there exists Shadow forms of individuals - repressed and unconscious feelings of malcontent with oneself; which stand as the major bosses of P4. If someone can accept themselves this way, they may awaken to a Persona. Learning this, along with conversing with a friendly resident of the Midnight Channel, leads to the creation of the Investigation Team, who use the Midnight Channel to reach out to the truth, and attempt to solve the case of the murders plaguing Inaba.
Core to P4, is acknowledging things for what they really are, and using that to grow. This manifests in different many ways across the game, but for the Investigation Team, it allows for a close group of pals who meet often just to mess around, as they get more comfortable with each other. The relaxed nature of time with friends makes for an interesting dichotomy with the creeping tension of living in Inaba, as everyone tries to make the most of the position they find themselves in.
Persona 4's design is similarly very strong, following the tradition established by P3. The art is heavily pop inspired, extending to its take on the supernatural elements, and emphasizing its more upbeat nature compared to its predecessors. The music follows suit, with incredibly memorable tracks like Heartbeat, Heartbreak and Signs of Love, among many, many other great tracks that accompany your time in Inaba, characterizing it as something special.
Persona 4 is available for PS2, and the remastered Persona 4 Golden is available for Vita. Because of the welcoming atmosphere, it's also a very good game to enter the series with, easing you the eccentric and odd elements that give Persona it's unique flavor.

Persona 5

Persona 5 is the most recent main series Persona game, released in 2016 (JP)/2017 (West). With the shift to HD development, it took about 8 years in total for P5 to release after P4. But, taking their time proved to be well worth it, as Persona 5 ended up being one of the most acclaimed, passionately adored, and memorable games of 2017; likely even the whole console generation, and maybe beyond that too! Even Sakurai himself is a massive fan!
The upgrade in visual presentation brought by P5 is immense, immediately you can see that the models in Persona 5 are gorgeous. In fact, the whole game is gorgeous. Joker's announcement trailer wasn't just for show, it's inspired by the intro of Persona 5. Persona's trademark superb art direction runs wild here: everything from the title screen, to the various menus, to elements of the battle mechanics, and far, far beyond, absolutely everything radiates style. But it's not just style for the sake of it - the art at play is purposefully evocative of the picaresque stories that inspire P5, and actively support the game's themes; doing so with a signature striking crimson.
After an encounter with a belligerent man harassing a woman, your efforts to intervene have landed you on probation, as that man was a powerful politician. This altercation also leads you transferring to Shujin Academy, your new high school; and lodging in the attic of the Leblanc Cafe, under the supervision of your new guardian.
As fate would have it, things can never quite become peaceful: at night you'll arise in the Velvet Room, and after a fairly austere introduction, you are informed of your "role." You'll settle into your new school the next day; but before you get too comfortable, something very strange happens: when you attempt to get to school again, alongside another student, the two of you arrive in a sinister and unnerving location where the school is meant to be. You've stumbled into the Metaverse, a mirror world where people's warped thoughts change the landscape. Here, cognition is key; what people think dictates how things work.
And if someone's thoughts are especially distorted, the Metaverse responds with the creation of a Palace - a counterpart to a location; inhabited by Shadows and dictated by how that person feels about the original place. This first one you come across is Shujin itself; turned into a castle by an absolutely vile and abusive teacher. A lone friendly resident of this world will instruct you of the rules of this place, especially the critical ability to "steal hearts." If you send a calling card to provoke the Palace owner, a precious "Treasure" will appear in the Palace. Stealing it will cause the Palace owner to acknowledge the damage they've caused, admitting their crimes. You'll use this to take down that awful teacher, as the school administration tries desperately to save face. This operation forms the Phantom Thieves, who seek to use this new power to bring hope to the downtrodden, like creating rivers in the desert.
This vision and purpose is where the use of crimson manifests; a color of anger and indignation, that's also suave and striking - a perfect match with the identity of the Phantom Thieves, and Persona 5 as a whole: when those with power are able to trample others under their heel, and apathy sets in as abuse and manipulation feels inevitable, the only recourse is to wake up, get up, and get out there; because that's the only way life will change. With your new abilities, you play the role of vigilante heroes, who take down the manipulative and help those in need, giving them the reminder they need that it's worth trying to control your life and fight for change. This is your method of reforming society.
Just about every component of the game supports your nature as the Phantom Thieves - your Personas are famous rogues, the Palaces all take the form of heist locations, like tombs and museums; the Social Links are now a network of Confidants that come to support your exploits in different ways; and the dungeons now sport a stealth system for your Palace infiltration.
The gameplay improvements bring out even more of the game's strengths; dungeon exploration is perfected, as you explore visually impressive and elaborately designed Palaces at a brisk pace, with fluid movement. The battles are streamlined immensely by the iconic battle UI; where instead of scrolling through menus - every action corresponds to a button. It doesn't sound like much, but the effect is huge, and it improves the game feel from great to sublime. Demon negotiation returns from Persona 1, 2, and SMT; the Shadows you fight can now provide items, money, or even join your arsenal of Personas, from a negotiation. They're as weird as always, so be prepared to play along with them.
While experiencing the game's many hours, and the different feelings within them, you are treated to what is likely some of Meguro's best work - the music of P5 is legendary. I've scattered many tracks throughout the post, and I think they're all excellent on their own; consisting of some of the smoothest and most invigorating music you can find, but what's especially impressive is how wonderfully they support the parts of the game they are found in - the music of P5 is a narration of the game in a way that few others match.
Just as the previous titles, P5 converges its art, music, gameplay, and themes exceptionally well; but P5 might even surpass them in that respect. Every single component is exemplary on it's own, but the way each aspect supports the other ones creates a truly incredible synthesis, and a truly sublime larger whole. A very short list on some ways the parts of the game play off of one another:
  1. The music sells the themes, with incredible songs composed of lyrics that detail the mood and emotions of a scene, resulting in some truly spectacular moments.
  2. The themes are relayed by the art, with the inspiration from comic books and grafitti evoking the images of underdogs and rebellion, so that the themes are constantly present, whether you're investigating Palaces, deepening relationships with Confidants, or even just equipping some new armor.
  3. The way you fight and traverse the Palaces resonates with the premise of the game, as you sleuth across the dungeons looking for a path to the Treasure, dispatching of enemies with maneuvers they never saw coming.
  4. Often times, many elements will be supporting each other at once. Upon sending a calling card, the tension rises to a fever pitch - executing your plans to topple corrupt individuals, as your signature theme plays while the Palace owner is getting increasingly desperate to stop you; the art selling each of the Thieves' unwavering determination, and the whole Palace set to absolute maximum security, reflected by alert level. These moments, and many more, are truly brilliant.
Persona 5 brings the series into the new age in an exemplary way, and is available on PS3 & PS4 for $20. I cannot recommend it enough, and it's essentially the perfect starting point for Persona, and even SMT as a whole. If you go into it with an open mind, it can easily become one of your favorite games ever, along with a franchise of many more.
I can't say for sure, of course, but I think some form of Persona 5 on Switch is likely. I hope with all my heart.
I hope this thread was interesting, and a good introduction!
Persona is such a special series, and I'm beyond excited to see more people experience it; and I simply can't be grateful enough that Joker is included in Super Smash Bros., among the greatest names gaming has ever seen.
It still gives me the dumbest smile just thinking about it.
...And you probably already know what I wanna say.
submitted by Reviathan to smashbros [link] [comments]

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass Vol. 1 Wallpaper

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass Vol. 1 Wallpaper
Original Link:
My first reddit post, hope you guys enjoy!
Here is a custom wallpaper for the COMPLETE 1st Wave of DLC Fighters in the Fighters Pass for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Challenger Pack 1: Joker (Persona 5) - April 17th, 2019
Challenger Pack 2: Hero (Dragon Quest) - July 30th, 2019
Challenger Pack 3: Banjo & Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie) - September 4th, 2019
Challenger Pack 4: Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury) - November 6th, 2019
Challenger Pack 5: Byleth (Fire Emblem) - January 28th, 2020
submitted by LivingDeadSuperstar to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

T-REX's Reddit Portfolio

Welcome to my Reddit Portfolio!

As you all may know by now, I've developed a passion for graphic design and in 2019 I started posting my designs to my profile, and eventually summoned the courage to share them to other subs. Here I will be linking all of the designs, logos, and other graphic-related things that I have posted to Reddit so far. This will continue to be updated as I make more. Some may not have descriptions next to them. I hope you enjoy!
Warning: Some of these links will take you to other subreddits.
In order from oldest to newest:
2018 & 2019
DDLC | Fangster & Bun Protector Badges - Support badges for Natsukittens and Sayorians.
DDLC | Maiden's Knight & Emerald Defender Badges - Support badges for Yurians and Monikans.
DDLC | Miraculous Cinnabug Wallpaper - Quick wallpaper I made based around one of my DDLC comics.
Happy New Year, DDLC - Collage of all the DDLC comics I made in 2018.
My DDLC Cake Day
J. Cole | Middle Child Cover - Fanmade cover of J. Cole's song, "Middle Child."
u/Williekins's Cake Day Poster
Burnout Paradise | Sit Back, Relax, Recover - Graphic tee-like design inspired by "Heart of Fire" by Innerpartysystem from the game's soundtrack.
Childish Gambino | Kauai (Reimagined) - My reimagining /remake of Childish Gambino's Kauai EP cover.
Need for Speed 25th Anniversary Posters - All my concept designs for NFS's 25th anniversary.
Drake | Care Package Remake - Cover remake for Drake's Care Package album.
Midnight Club: Tokyo City - Fanmade game cover of a Midnight Club sequel I made up. (R.I.P. 💔)
NFS Heat | Burn All Limits - Photo editor test.
Happy Birthday, Halo 3! - Poster for Halo 3's 12th anniversary.
DDLC 2nd Anniversary Banner - DDLC banner I made for a contest.
DDLC x Joker | Put on a Happy Face - Fanart edit. Orginal art by @Sasouraaaa on Twitter.
Spyro Design
Halo Multi-Kill Medals - Recreated Halo medals for practice using Illustrator.
NFS Hot Pursuit | Which Side Are You On?
The Weeknd | H E A R T L E S S - Design inspired of The Weeknd's song "Heartless." Alternate Version
DDDG - Unofficial UI Redesign - An overhaul of DDDG's UI. Original program by u/edave64.
Rest in Peace, Kobe Bryant
Ford Mustang | Midnight Rider
Cute but Deadly - The crossover we never knew we needed.
Cake Day 2020
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate | Hero: The Human Slot Machine - A design for the BEST DLC fighter. Updated Version
Split/Second TV Promo Ad - Version without motion blur
Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Nook Inc. Wallpaper
The Weeknd | In Your Eyes - Poster inspired by the song. I tried my best.
Family Portrait
Animal Crossing | Lil Slide K - The lost K.K. Slider album.
Forza Horizon | #WeAreHorizon
Animal Crossing | That's So Raymond - It's the future he can see.
Animal Crossing | Raymond!
Midnight Club: Tokyo City Main Menu Mock-up - Revisited my fanmade sequel concept.
Halo: Reach | Rebuild.
Persona 5 | The P*$$ywagon
Animal Crossing | Lyman! - Mediocre drawing of my favorite villager.
Wreckfest Demolition Derby Poster
The Icons of Need for Speed
My Top 5 Rappers - Can you guess them?
Childish Gambino | Royalty - Fanmade cover art of Childish Gambino's mixtape.
Fall Guys | Yellow Pain
Super Mario 3D All-Stars Main Menu Redesign
Lil Nas X Adobe Contest Entry - My entry for a song cover contest hosted by Adobe and Lil Nas X.
Persona 5 | "What a showoff." - Dedicated to u/LeoHughes02
Memento Mori. Unus Annus.
Super Mario Galaxy | "Don't cry, Mama." - School project inspired from Rosalina's Storybook.
Jack Harlow Logo - First Smoke Attempt - My first attempt at making smoke in Photoshop.
Year in Review 2020
Halo 4 | Cryptum
Mario Kart 9 Teaser
submitted by TREXHarris100 to u/TREXHarris100 [link] [comments]

Persona 5 style and design. What do you call it?

I'm going to sound stupid. What are those line designs called? Like when you win and joker runs around the lines which appear with your score. I really want a persona wallpaper on my wall and to make it my wallpaper. Thanks if you know!
submitted by mynameismatt06 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Is there any good Joker and Ryuji fan art somewhere ? (Persona 5)

Hey everyone
I started playing Persona 5 a few days ago and I kind of fell in love immediately with Ryuji and the Joker. I know you can't get them together as a couple which is a real shame.
I wonder however if there is good fan art out there of the two of them as a couple ? I've searched images on google to use as an iOS wallpaper but I don't find much. If you know of a good twitter account with great art I would be thankful.
submitted by ft5777 to gaymers [link] [comments]

Wallpaper of Joker and a certain persona

Hi everyone. I was wondering if there is an existing wallpaper of the moment where joker points his gun and the persona Arsene becomes does as well? If not, could someone skilled in photoshop mash that up?
submitted by ColdBlood5 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

The best of r/persona5–"New online mode idea", "How the fuck do you beat the last boss?", "Do you think Atlus will take the GTA 5 route for this game?" and many more!

Behold, my retards!

I've got a treat for you today. This is a compilation of really, really stupid threads from Pbabies on persona5. My absolute favorites are bolded. I'd suggest mentally preparing yourself for this:
Advice for the first boss
[Spoilers] and [Spoilers]
Ann is no where to be found
Annoying Thieves Guild question every time I start the game
Any one notice that this game has jiggle physics?
Apparently if you press square on the map, you can see which confidants are available in that area
As promised, my next batch of mobile wallpapers since you seemed to like my Ann one
Camera control
Camera Inverting?
Cutest mascot
Do you think Atlus will take the GTA 5 route for this game?
Happy 420 from atlus
I'm a fan of Caroline and Justine, unlike 99% of this sub.
How do you invite someone to a certain place?
How the fuck do you beat the last boss?
Is anyone going to go for the Harem ending?
Is Futaba a Futabear? (Spoilers)
Is the Boss of Persona 5 based of Shin megami tensei's iteration of it?
I've done something terrible
I was incredibly disappointed by [ENDGAME SPOILERS]
I was in Mementos / Tartarus
I wish the main character would (Spoilers)
I wouldn't mind the lack of gay romance options if those dam gay molestors didn't exist
Lack of gay characters and gay romance options
lol wtf the game just dropped the F bomb
Make this shirt happen!
max rank
MC is a bad friend.
Mid-Game Spoiler: What if they played "I'll face myself" when...
Morgana I hate you
Name change?
Negotiation Tactics
New online mode idea: Joker vs Joker
Not feeling the humour in P5 compared to P4
Persona 5 Sexual Politics
Persona made me a better student
Persona 'social links' are bleeding into real life!
Question about skills
Should i reset my playthrough?
So... how do I play the P3 and 4 music?
Something P5 needed
SP restoration dungeon tip
The joker? (major [P2] spoilers)
Too many waifus
Total Noob getting into P5!
Uncomfirmed rummors
Visual explanation of what transpired after the interrogation scene (
What does kun, san, and sempai mean?
What exactly is the Persona Stalker Club?
What's the deal with future party members and being inside cars?
When Ryuji and the MC got lost at the beginning
While this is one of my favorite games, the non-existence of a 'retry from battle' feature is extremely tedious
Wien can't you rank 10 someone?
You already hold this persona. Serious help please.
I might expand this as I dig through these a bit more.
submitted by ToxicDevil93 to Megaten [link] [comments]

joker persona 5 wallpaper video

Tons of awesome Persona 5 desktop Joker wallpapers to download for free. You can also upload and share your favorite Persona 5 desktop Joker wallpapers. HD wallpapers and background images Free Live Wallpaper for Your Desktop PC & Android Phone! April 22, 2018. Joker Persona5 Animated Wallpaper. Report Issue. Please complete the required fields. Is there an issue with this post? Choose one of the reasons below and click submit. Your Name. Email. Reason (required) Joker Persona 5 Art is part of Anime Collection and its available for Desktop Laptop PC and Mobile Screen. Download Joker Persona 5 Art Wallpaper for free in different resolution ( HD Widescreen 4K 5K 8K Ultra HD ), Wallpaper support different devices like Desktop PC or Laptop, Mobile and tablet. You Can Set it as Lockscreen or Wallpaper of Windows ... Tons of awesome Persona 5 Joker computer wallpapers to download for free. You can also upload and share your favorite Persona 5 Joker computer wallpapers. HD wallpapers and background images 31 Persona 5 4k Wallpapers and Background Images. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. ... Fan Club Wallpaper Abyss Persona 5 - 4K Ultra HD . 31 4K Ultra HD Persona 5 Wallpapers ... Anime Joker Persona 5. 3840x2160 Video Game Persona 5 dundey1313. 6 ... Persona 5 Joker Wallpaper By Garretdraws On Deviantart Persona 5 Joker Awakening Wallpaper Engine Youtube Persona 5 4k Wallpapers Top Free Persona 5 4k Backgrounds Joker As Arsene Persona5 Persona 5 Twins Black And Red Wallpaper Shin Megami Tensei Steam Workshop Persona 5 Joker And Arsene ペルソナ5 4k ... Joker Persona 5 Royal Live Wallpaper for your desktop pc & mobile phone - Keywords: Animated Wallpaper, Free Download, Wallpaper Engine. Welcome to free wallpaper and background picture community. Persona 5 All Out Wallpaper - Persona 5 Joker All Out Attack is high-quality wallpapers that is actively uploaded and shared by users. Its resolution is 1021PX x 574PX, which can be used on your desktop, tablet or mobile devices. Lavenza Butterfly Persona 5 Royal Live Wallpaper. ... Joker Persona 5 Royal Live Wallpaper. 9 months ago 6 months ago. 1. 2,876. 8. Watch Later Added. Pixel Art. Rainy Mood Persona 5 Live Wallpaper. 1 year ago 6 months ago. 0. 1,499. 0. Popular Wallpapers. Watch Later Added. Anime. Itachi Uchiha Sharingan Live Wallpaper. 215 Persona 5 HD Wallpapers and Background Images. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. ... Fan Club Wallpaper Abyss Persona 5. 215 Persona 5 Wallpapers Filter: 4K Ultra HD Persona 5 Wallpapers ... Joker Persona 5. 1920x1357 Video Game Persona 5 RyuZU². 25 ...

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