De Casino – Concertzaal

casino lu

casino lu - win

11-10 02:13 - 'i have no trust in any online casino besides maybe pokerstars or full tilt poker, possibly party poker for casino. / Im done with online gambling. If i ever gamble again i will go to a real casino where if i get lu...' by /u/unpopularopinionwhat removed from /r/Bitcoin within 41-51min

i have no trust in any online casino besides maybe pokerstars or full tilt poker, possibly party poker for casino.
Im done with online gambling. If i ever gamble again i will go to a real casino where if i get lucky enough to win i will actually get paid. And now i will go back to saving bitcoin, XLM, XRP and putting them on my ledger.
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Author: unpopularopinionwhat
submitted by removalbot to removalbot [link] [comments]

Watchlist 2-8-21 👀

Watchlist 2-8-21 👀
  1. Uranium ^UUUU ^NXE ^UEC ^CCJ
  2. Marine ^NM
  3. Household Electronic ^KOSS ^SONO ^KODK ^ZAGG
  4. Investment Banking & Brokerage Services ^GHL ^ LPHA ^COWN ^ CCJ
  5. Casino & Gaming ^PENN ^WYNN ^MGM ^BYD ^RRR
China Stocks:
"Cash is king during Chinese New Year, with gift-giving in the form of ‘red packets’ a major driver. Given that companies and stock markets are closed over the festivals, swathes of profit-taking take place to take vast sums of cash out of the system – causing fluctuations in stocks."
$TANH – found resistance at $2.01, but the bullish trend of the RSI and MACD could have break resistance to my PT $2.72
$CAAS - Double bottom measured move to $8.36.
$WEI - being backed by several social media influencers with PTs ranging $3-5+
Bitcoin hit 40K this weekend and Doge $0.07
$MARA $RIOT $BRQS – with bitcoin hitting 40K these are something to keep watch on Monday
$SNDL - Pullback to $0.85ish, buy the pullback for an inverse head and shoulders with a price target of $2.61
$HUGE - Daily trend about to turn bullish with massive volume spike.
$CRBP – Huge gap to filled back up on the daily chart. PT $3.33
$KERN – Swing alert (weeks) growing nicely on the daily chart, but I wait for a pullback before making an entry. Long term PT $18.58
Sympathy/Related: #ACB, #TLRY #OGI #CGC #HEXO #CRON #APHA $ICG
Energy Sector:
$OPTT - Weekly trend about to change from bearish to bullish with significant volume increases week by week. PT: $8 short term, $18-20 longer term.
$SPI - weekly chart bullish harami. Bullish pennant price action pattern. EMA200 $19.55 MACD crossed bullish. Daily chart hammebull pin bar impulse pullback
$OCGN – Swing alert (Weeks) huge volume coming in after the split. Base on my daily fibo chart $10.73.
$CNSL $RVPH – Both have double bottom with a hammer candle on Friday.
$VISL – Huge volume on Friday. Continuation play PT $5
$BDR - this low float stock is weekly play. Typically spikes over $2 at least once a week and usually on Monday or Tuesday. 10-50%.
$NAKD - Trend change and golden cross on the daily. Look for pullback to $.80 or so, then a push back to $2+
$CTRM - Over 25 million shares shorted on 1/15 that need to cover by tomorrow. Could be more powerful than the GME squeeze. Massive volume spike the past few weeks. First target $1, next target $2.69.
$LMNL looks like it's time has come to start really retracing back to the teens. Bullish harami on weekly. 3 white soldier on the daily. Bull flag broke down for a DBR set up. 4hr set up for PM gapper. PT $5.96 then $6.99 for a break above $6.07 ~10-30%+ gainer Fib retracement levels 23.6% $11.19 / 38.2% $15.06 / 50.0% $18.19 / 61.8% $21.33
$ADMP - weekly chart showing extreme bullish confluence. bullish hammebull pin bar EMA6 bounce pattern/backtest old resistance as new support to maintain $1+ compliance. EMA200 $2.144
Daily chart fish hook pattern gap to 1.40 and 1.64 great chart set up for possible rockets.
submitted by pabsgu46 to smallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Stratégies accumulation de richesse

Chère communauté Reddit,
Je vous souhaite une bonne année même si nous sommes en février et j'espère que vous allez bien.
J'ai découvert ce forum qui est une véritable mine d'or il y a peu de temps. Je ne sais pas si c'est le bon forum pour ce poste. Si ce n'est pas le cas, je m'en excuse par avance.
Je me pose sérieusement la question suivante: quelles sont les stratégies pour accumuler le premier million d'une richesse souhaitée à environ €10M. Kevin O Leary (entrepreneur et investisseur canadien, $400M+) expliquait dans une de ses interviews que le premier million est presque impossible à faire, les 5 premiers millions sont difficiles et ensuite que de 5 à 10 les choses étaient plus simples car la richesse est suffisante pour se développer par elle-même.
J'ai 25 ans et je réfléchis à cette question depuis un certain temps. Je pense avoir trouvé quelques voies et j'aimerais avoir votre avis sincère sur le sujet. Je tiens à préciser que l'argent n'est pas un fin en soi mais une richesse suffisamment élevée permet de jouir d'une grande liberté. Je sais que l'éthique et la richesse ne sont pas synonymes mais je tiens à respecter ma vision politique dans ce projet. En conséquence la constitution de la richesse doit: - être légale (pas de vente de produits illégaux ou d'arnaques) - doit se faire sans héritage financier au départ (juste un diplôme et pas de dettes) - ne doit pas reposer sur la chance (casino, jeux de hasard, spéculation,...) - ne doit pas pas être contestée moralement ou légalement dans le présent et dans le futur (exploitation légale de la misère humaine en France ou à l'étranger, enrichissement indu via la privatisation de biens collectifs ex: privatisation illégitime de services publics type sncf, EDF, eau,... ou à un abus de confiance même lorsque les gains sont supérieurs aux coûts) - ne pas s'engager dans des activités contraires aux intérêts de la France (être au service de puissances étrangères contre les intérêts stratégiques français)
1 - construction d'un patrimoine immobilier
Sur l'exemple du youtuber américain "Graham Stephan", acheter un premier bien immobilier pouvant accueillir plusieurs locataires (duplex, triplex, appartement avec séparation,...). La rente perçue permet ensuite de s'endetter pour l'achat du logement suivant...Le cycle peut se répéter plusieurs fois, par exemple 5 logements. L'augmentation de la valeur des biens et la rente permettant ainsi de dégager un revenu passif suffisant élevé pour vivre dessus et ensuite considérer d'autres investissements de diversification. Même si les dettes sont importantes, sur le long terme je pense que c'est intéressant. Le problème c'est que je n'ai aucune connaissance en immobilier (marché et fiscalité) et que l'apport initial doit être conséquent.
2 - avoir un emploi rémunérateur et faire des placements
Il me semble que c'est la voie la plus sûre et également la plus longue. Un job dans une grande entreprise type big 4, grande banque,... paye bien pour les carriéristes. L'accumulation des premiers 500k-1M devient alors réalisable. Néanmoins, il faut probablement entre 10 et 15 ans de carrière acharnée avant d'atteindre une position très rémunératrice (+plafond de verre). Le temps allouable à la gestion du patrimoine est probablement faible et même avec des placements conservateurs et agressifs, je trouve qu'il est peu probable de dépasser les €5M. Plus d'info ici:
3 - être un entrepreneur à succès
Très risqué, beaucoup d'appelés et peu d'élus. Ceux qui entreprennent étant jeunes le font parce qu'ils en ont les moyens (sécurité familiale) ou parce qu'ils n'ont pas le choix (étrangers dans un pays). Pour les autres, les chances sont faibles. Ainsi, pour être crédible sur un projet et réunir les ressources (humaines et financière) il faut soi-même être crédible. Il faut donc du temps pour développer une expertise, un réseau et identifier une opportunité. En somme, c'est assez incertain et il est fort probable que de multiples tentatives soient nécessaires pour garantir un succès.
Il doit sûrement y avoir d'autres façons de faire. A tout hasard si vous connaissez des noms de personnes connues en France qui ont réussi et donné des conseils, n'hésitez pas à les partager.
Je vous remercie de m'avoir lu. Bien à vous
submitted by zhuzhu_sauvage to vosfinances [link] [comments]

Watchlist 2-8-21 👀

Watchlist 2-8-21 👀
  1. Uranium ^UUUU ^NXE ^UEC ^CCJ
  2. Marine ^NM
  3. Household Electronic ^KOSS ^SONO ^KODK ^ZAGG
  4. Investment Banking & Brokerage Services ^GHL ^ LPHA ^COWN ^ CCJ
  5. Casino & Gaming ^PENN ^WYNN ^MGM ^BYD ^RRR
China Stocks:
"Cash is king during Chinese New Year, with gift-giving in the form of ‘red packets’ a major driver. Given that companies and stock markets are closed over the festivals, swathes of profit-taking take place to take vast sums of cash out of the system – causing fluctuations in stocks."
$TANH – found resistance at $2.01, but the bullish trend of the RSI and MACD could have break resistance to my PT $2.72
$CAAS - Double bottom measured move to $8.36.
$WEI - being backed by several social media influencers with PTs ranging $3-5+
Bitcoin hit 40K this weekend and Doge $0.07
$MARA $RIOT $BRQS – with bitcoin hitting 40K these are something to keep watch on Monday
$SNDL - Pullback to $0.85ish, buy the pullback for an inverse head and shoulders with a price target of $2.61
$HUGE - Daily trend about to turn bullish with massive volume spike.
$CRBP – Huge gap to filled back up on the daily chart. PT $3.33
$KERN – Swing alert (weeks) growing nicely on the daily chart, but I wait for a pullback before making an entry. Long term PT $18.58
Sympathy/Related: #ACB, #TLRY #OGI #CGC #HEXO #CRON #APHA $ICG
Energy Sector:
$OPTT - Weekly trend about to change from bearish to bullish with significant volume increases week by week. PT: $8 short term, $18-20 longer term.
$SPI - weekly chart bullish harami. Bullish pennant price action pattern. EMA200 $19.55 MACD crossed bullish. Daily chart hammebull pin bar impulse pullback
$OCGN – Swing alert (Weeks) huge volume coming in after the split. Base on my daily fibo chart $10.73.
$CNSL $RVPH – Both have double bottom with a hammer candle on Friday.
$VISL – Huge volume on Friday. Continuation play PT $5
$BDR - this low float stock is weekly play. Typically spikes over $2 at least once a week and usually on Monday or Tuesday. 10-50%.
$NAKD - Trend change and golden cross on the daily. Look for pullback to $.80 or so, then a push back to $2+
$CTRM - Over 25 million shares shorted on 1/15 that need to cover by tomorrow. Could be more powerful than the GME squeeze. Massive volume spike the past few weeks. First target $1, next target $2.69.
$LMNL looks like it's time has come to start really retracing back to the teens. Bullish harami on weekly. 3 white soldier on the daily. Bull flag broke down for a DBR set up. 4hr set up for PM gapper. PT $5.96 then $6.99 for a break above $6.07 ~10-30%+ gainer Fib retracement levels 23.6% $11.19 / 38.2% $15.06 / 50.0% $18.19 / 61.8% $21.33
$ADMP - weekly chart showing extreme bullish confluence. bullish hammebull pin bar EMA6 bounce pattern/backtest old resistance as new support to maintain $1+ compliance. EMA200 $2.144
Daily chart fish hook pattern gap to 1.40 and 1.64 great chart set up for possible rockets.
submitted by pabsgu46 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

What the fuck are these new COVID guidelines

We're pushing over 10k cases per day in PA, up 10x from November. Hospital admissions are up over 50% in the past 48 hours. We have less than 10% of our hospital beds free.
So why the fuck are we opening up bars and restaurants at 50% capacity after "self-certification"? Why the fuck are concert venues, arcades, casinos, and private clubs open at 50% capacity? Why the fuck is retail at 75% capacity? Why are we OPENING UP while our case rate is increasing by an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE?
People are fucking dying! At least 341 people died in Philadelphia in December! Just open us right up, Tom!
Watch this video (graphic). Now imagine this happened in Philadelphia three and a half times in December alone. These people mostly suffocated to death, just like our COVID patients. This is what you're doing to people when you don't wear your mask. When you go to the club. Stay the fuck inside and wait until you can get vaccinated.
submitted by drewdevault to philadelphia [link] [comments]

Gov. Wolf, Sec. of Health Announce New Protective Mitigation Efforts to Put Pennsylvania on Pause through Early January

Gov. Wolf, Sec. of Health Announce New Protective Mitigation Efforts to Put Pennsylvania on Pause through Early January
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine today implored Pennsylvanians to take the next three weeks and stand united against the virus by adhering to existing mitigation orders and stricter efforts announced today.
“Today I am announcing additional, temporary COVID-19 protective mitigation measures in the commonwealth,” said Gov. Wolf. “With these measures in place, we hope to accomplish three goals: First, stop the devastating spread of COVID-19 in the commonwealth. Second, keep our hospitals and health care workers from becoming overwhelmed. And third, help Pennsylvanians get through the holiday season – and closer to a widely available vaccine – as safely as possible. This is a bridge to a better future in Pennsylvania.”
The new, limited-time mitigation orders take effect at 12:01 a.m. on December 12, and remain in effect until 8 a.m. on January 4, 2021.
“Each of the last two days we have reported the highest number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic,” Dr. Rachel Levine said. “In the past week, we have reported close to 1,100 new deaths from COVID-19 across Pennsylvania. The virus continues to strain our health care systems and the dramatic rise in cases among all age groups, including among school-age children, is alarming. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been more than 37,500 cases among children age 5 to 18, yet 9,500 of those cases occurred in the past two weeks.”
The Order provisions outlined here are accompanied by supportive data used in part to make these decisions. The data provides a sampling of research that supports why limiting gatherings, reducing occupancy, and temporarily suspending some activities, among other efforts, are considered vital to stopping the spread of COVID-19.
Two recent studies, one by Yale University and one by Stanford University, substantiate more than one of these mitigation efforts. Links to the full studies and additional data and research can be found on the Department of Health’s data page, here.
Limited-Time Mitigation efforts announced today include:
In-Person Dining and Alcohol Sales
  • All in-person indoor dining at businesses in the retail food services industry, including, but not limited to, bars, restaurants, breweries, wineries, distilleries, social clubs, and private catered events is prohibited.
  • Outdoor dining, take-out food service, and take-out alcohol sales are permitted and may continue, subject to any limitations or restrictions imposed by Pennsylvania law, or this or any other Order issued by the Sec. of Health or by the governor.
Multiple studies have found indoor dining to drive case increases and fatalities. A study by JP Morgan analyzed credit card spending of more than 30 million Chase cardholders and Johns Hopkins University’s case tracker and found that higher restaurant spending in a state predicted a rise in new infections there three weeks later. Additionally, research from Stanford University found that restaurants accounted for a significant amount of new infections while research from Yale University found that closing restaurants reduced fatality rates.
Indoor Gatherings and Events
  • Indoor gatherings and events of more than 10 persons are prohibited.
  • Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, and other places of congregate worship are specifically excluded from the limitations set forth above during religious services, these institutions are strongly encouraged to find alternative methods for worship, as in person gatherings pose a significant risk to participants at this time. While this an incredibly difficult recommendation to make, particularly at this time of year, faith leaders must carefully weigh the health risks to their congregants given the immense amount of community spread of COVID-19.
A new study from Stanford University and published in the journal, nature, used cellphone data collected from 10 U.S. cities from March to May to demonstrate that restaurants, gyms, cafes, churches and other crowded indoor venues accounted for some 8 in 10 new infections in the early months of the U.S. coronavirus epidemic.
Outdoor Gatherings and Events
  • Outdoor gatherings and events of more than 50 persons are prohibited.
According to a Yale University study, limiting outdoor gatherings was among consistent policies found to reduce fatality rates.
The CDC states that medium-sized outdoor gatherings carry a higher risk of COVID-19 spread, even with social distancing. CDC notes that the more people an individual interacts with at a gathering and the longer that interaction lasts, the higher the potential risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 and COVID-19 spreading, and that the higher the level of community transmission in the area that the gathering is being held, the higher the risk of COVID-19 spreading during a gathering.
Capacity Limits for Businesses
  • All in-person businesses serving the public may only operate at up to 50% of the maximum capacity stated on the applicable certificate of occupancy, except as limited by existing orders to a smaller capacity limit.
The same Stanford University study that collected cellphone data also noted that limiting indoor capacity can reduce COVID-19 transmissions.
Gyms and Fitness Facilities
  • Indoor operations at gyms and fitness facilities are prohibited.
  • Outdoor facilities and outdoor classes can continue, but all participants must wear face coverings in accordance with the Sec. of Health’s Updated Order Requiring Universal Face Coverings, including any subsequent amendments, and practice physical distancing requirements.
According to a Yale University study, closing businesses like gyms was among consistent policies found to reduce fatality rates.
Entertainment Industry
  • All in-person businesses in the entertainment industry serving the public within a building or indoor defined area, including, but not limited to, theaters, concert venues, museums, movie theaters, arcades, casinos, bowling alleys, private clubs, and all other similar entertainment, recreational or social facilities, are prohibited from operation.
The CDC puts movie theaters and other indoor settings on its list of higher-risk activities for contracting COVID-19.
In-Person Extracurricular School Activities
  • Voluntary activities sponsored or approved by a school entity’s governing body or administration are suspended, but these extracurricular activities may be held virtually. This includes, but is not limited to, attendance at or participation in activities such musical ensembles, school plays, student council, clubs, and school dances.
Our top priority is stopping the spread of this virus so students and teachers can return to their classrooms as soon as possible. Data from the Department of Health notes that one-quarter of the cases of COVID among school-age children have occurred within the past two weeks, increasing the need to keep children safe outside of school so that they can return to classrooms.
K-12 School Sports and Youth Sports
  • All sports at K-12 public schools, nonpublic schools, private schools and club, travel, recreational, intermural, and intramural sports are paused.
The Pennsylvania Principals Association is recommending a delay to the start of the winter sports season. The surge in cases among school-age children increases the risk that asymptomatic participants will spread the virus at a game or practice, in the locker room, while traveling to and from events, or at team meals, parties or other gatherings.
Professional and Collegiate Sports
  • Professional or collegiate sports activities may continue in accordance with guidance from the CDC and the Department of Health.
  • Spectators may not attend such sports activities in person.
The CDC warns large gatherings create a high risk of COVID-19 spreading.
“We know that COVID-19 thrives in places where people gather together,” Gov. Wolf said. “Therefore, these mitigation measures target high-risk environments and activities and aim to reduce the spread of this devastating virus.”
According to Yale University research, mitigation measures such as mandatory mask requirements, and gym and restaurant closures are policies that most consistently predict lower four- to six-week-ahead fatality growth.
“The work we do now to slow the spread of COVID-19 is not only crucial to keeping our fellow Pennsylvanians safe and healthy,” Gov. Wolf said. “It will help all of us get back to normal, and back to all of the things we’ve missed, faster. And it means more Pennsylvanians will be alive to celebrate that brighter future. This year, we show our love for our families and friends by celebrating safely and protecting one another.”
Gov. Wolf Limited-Time Mitigation OrderSec. Levine Limited-Time Mitigation Order
Frequently Asked Questions
Gov. Wolf Amended Mitigation, Enforcement, and Immunity Order
edited to add a TL;DR visual:
submitted by jkibbe to CoronaVirusPA [link] [comments]

Watchlist 2-8-21 👀

Watchlist 2-8-21 👀
  1. Uranium ^UUUU ^NXE ^UEC ^CCJ
  2. Marine ^NM
  3. Household Electronic ^KOSS ^SONO ^KODK ^ZAGG
  4. Investment Banking & Brokerage Services ^GHL ^ LPHA ^COWN ^ CCJ
  5. Casino & Gaming ^PENN ^WYNN ^MGM ^BYD ^RRR

China Stocks:
"Cash is king during Chinese New Year, with gift-giving in the form of ‘red packets’ a major driver. Given that companies and stock markets are closed over the festivals, swathes of profit-taking take place to take vast sums of cash out of the system – causing fluctuations in stocks."

$TANH – found resistance at $2.01, but the bullish trend of the RSI and MACD could have break resistance to my PT $2.72

$CAAS - Double bottom measured move to $8.36.

$WEI - being backed by several social media influencers with PTs ranging $3-5+


Bitcoin hit 40K this weekend and Doge $0.07
$MARA $RIOT $BRQS – with bitcoin hitting 40K these are something to keep watch on Monday


$SNDL - Pullback to $0.85ish, buy the pullback for an inverse head and shoulders with a price target of $2.61

$HUGE - Daily trend about to turn bullish with massive volume spike.

$CRBP – Huge gap to filled back up on the daily chart. PT $3.33

$KERN – Swing alert (weeks) growing nicely on the daily chart, but I wait for a pullback before making an entry. Long term PT $18.58

Sympathy/Related: #ACB, #TLRY #OGI #CGC #HEXO #CRON #APHA $ICG

Energy Sector:
$OPTT - Weekly trend about to change from bearish to bullish with significant volume increases week by week. PT: $8 short term, $18-20 longer term.

$SPI - weekly chart bullish harami. Bullish pennant price action pattern. EMA200 $19.55 MACD crossed bullish. Daily chart hammebull pin bar impulse pullback



$OCGN – Swing alert (Weeks) huge volume coming in after the split. Base on my daily fibo chart $10.73.



$CNSL $RVPH – Both have double bottom with a hammer candle on Friday.

$VISL – Huge volume on Friday. Continuation play PT $5

$BDR - this low float stock is weekly play. Typically spikes over $2 at least once a week and usually on Monday or Tuesday. 10-50%.

$NAKD - Trend change and golden cross on the daily. Look for pullback to $.80 or so, then a push back to $2+

$CTRM - Over 25 million shares shorted on 1/15 that need to cover by tomorrow. Could be more powerful than the GME squeeze. Massive volume spike the past few weeks. First target $1, next target $2.69.

$LMNL looks like it's time has come to start really retracing back to the teens. Bullish harami on weekly. 3 white soldier on the daily. Bull flag broke down for a DBR set up. 4hr set up for PM gapper. PT $5.96 then $6.99 for a break above $6.07 ~10-30%+ gainer Fib retracement levels 23.6% $11.19 / 38.2% $15.06 / 50.0% $18.19 / 61.8% $21.33

$ADMP - weekly chart showing extreme bullish confluence. bullish hammebull pin bar EMA6 bounce pattern/backtest old resistance as new support to maintain $1+ compliance. EMA200 $2.144
Daily chart fish hook pattern gap to 1.40 and 1.64 great chart set up for possible rockets.

submitted by pabsgu46 to u/pabsgu46 [link] [comments]

Watchlist 2-8-21 👀

Watchlist 2-8-21 👀
  1. Uranium ^UUUU ^NXE ^UEC ^CCJ
  2. Marine ^NM
  3. Household Electronic ^KOSS ^SONO ^KODK ^ZAGG
  4. Investment Banking & Brokerage Services ^GHL ^ LPHA ^COWN ^ CCJ
  5. Casino & Gaming ^PENN ^WYNN ^MGM ^BYD ^RRR
China Stocks:
"Cash is king during Chinese New Year, with gift-giving in the form of ‘red packets’ a major driver. Given that companies and stock markets are closed over the festivals, swathes of profit-taking take place to take vast sums of cash out of the system – causing fluctuations in stocks."
$TANH – found resistance at $2.01, but the bullish trend of the RSI and MACD could have break resistance to my PT $2.72
$CAAS - Double bottom measured move to $8.36.
$WEI - being backed by several social media influencers with PTs ranging $3-5+
Bitcoin hit 40K this weekend and Doge $0.07
$MARA $RIOT $BRQS – with bitcoin hitting 40K these are something to keep watch on Monday
$SNDL - Pullback to $0.85ish, buy the pullback for an inverse head and shoulders with a price target of $2.61
$HUGE - Daily trend about to turn bullish with massive volume spike.
$CRBP – Huge gap to filled back up on the daily chart. PT $3.33
$KERN – Swing alert (weeks) growing nicely on the daily chart, but I wait for a pullback before making an entry. Long term PT $18.58
Sympathy/Related: #ACB, #TLRY #OGI #CGC #HEXO #CRON #APHA $ICG
Energy Sector:
$OPTT - Weekly trend about to change from bearish to bullish with significant volume increases week by week. PT: $8 short term, $18-20 longer term.
$SPI - weekly chart bullish harami. Bullish pennant price action pattern. EMA200 $19.55 MACD crossed bullish. Daily chart hammebull pin bar impulse pullback
$OCGN – Swing alert (Weeks) huge volume coming in after the split. Base on my daily fibo chart $10.73.
$CNSL $RVPH – Both have double bottom with a hammer candle on Friday.
$VISL – Huge volume on Friday. Continuation play PT $5
$TRVN - bullish engulfing on weekly. MACD curling up. buy signal printed on daily. Bull pin bar closing candle continuation of uptrend is probable. BTFD!!
$BDR - his low float stock is weekly play. Typically spikes over $2 at least once a week and usually on Monday or Tuesday. 10-50%. potential shelf offering for 2.8 common shares on behalf of security holders
$NAKD - Trend change and golden cross on the daily. Look for pullback to $.80 or so, then a push back to $2+
$CTRM - Over 25 million shares shorted on 1/15 that need to cover by tomorrow. Could be more powerful than the GME squeeze. Massive volume spike the past few weeks. First target $1, next target $2.69.
$LMNL looks like it's time has come to start really retracing back to the teens. Bullish harami on weekly. 3 white soldier on the daily. Bull flag broke down for a DBR set up. 4hr set up for PM gapper. PT $5.96 then $6.99 for a break above $6.07 ~10-30%+ gainer Fib retracement levels 23.6% $11.19 / 38.2% $15.06 / 50.0% $18.19 / 61.8% $21.33
$ADMP - weekly chart showing extreme bullish confluence. bullish hammebull pin bar EMA6 bounce pattern/backtest old resistance as new support to maintain $1+ compliance. EMA200 $2.144bDaily chart fish hook pattern gap to 1.40 and 1.64 great chart set up for possible rockets.
submitted by pabsgu46 to Charter1 [link] [comments]

Fanfiction soundtrack :) [CAUTION: Spoilers]

So, I said that in my fanfiction, there's gonna be music - and it's true :) This is the list of the music I've compiled so far. If you think of a song that could also fit in a certain scene, maybe even better in the following scenes, let me know in the comments :) [Passion Scenes are the very intimate scenes, if you catch my drift.] Introducing Anthony: Sympathy For The Devil by The Rolling Stones, 1968 Part 1 (Chapters 1-15) [Chapters 15 and 16 are fused into one single chapter in my fanfic. Ch. 15 begins right after Anthony turns back time with the Watcher's necklace] Chapter 1 - Flight to the island: Dry My Soul by Amanda Jenssen, 2012 - Flying through the storm: Derezzed by Daft Punk, 2010 [From TRON: Legacy] Chapter 2 - Entering the (honeymoon) suite: Get Back by Ludacris, 2004 - The party: Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz, 1998 - Talking to Lena (Estela): She Doesn't Mind by Sean Paul, 2011 Chapter 4 Watching the CCTV: Unchain My Heart by Joe Cocker, 1987 Chapter 5 - CPR: Theme from "Medicopter 117" by Sylvester Levay, 1998 - At the airstrip: Lear Crash by Trevor Rabin, 1997 [From Con Air] Chapter 6 - Going to the pool: Danza Kuduro by Don Omar feat. Lucenzo, 2010 - On the waves: Mas Que Nada by Sérgio Mendes feat. The Black Eyed Peas, 2006 Chapter 7 - Hunt for alcohol (nightclub): Insomnia by Faithless, 1995 - VIP lounge: Tainted Love by Soft Cell, 1981 - Passion Scene I (In the kitchen): Gimme More by Britney Spears, 2007 - The feast: Time To Wonder by Fury In The Slaughterhouse, 1988 Chapter 8 Expedition's beginning: Sister Rosetta by Alabama 3, 1997 Chapter 9- In the rainforest: Nara by E.S. Posthumus, 2001 - Fighting with the crab: Gasoline by Audioslave, 2002 - Dangling from the cliff: Arpégiateur by Jean-Michel Jarre, 1982 Chapter 13 - Barricading: Enter Sandman by Metallica, 1991 - Sparring: Fighting Man by DJ Poné feat Drixxxé, 2002 [From The Transporter] Chapter 14 - Confronting William: Tick Of The Clock by The Chromatics, 2007 - In the restaurant: The End by John Powell, 2006 [From United 93] - The lobby: Hot Stuff by Donna Summer, 1979 - Passion Scene II: Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding, 2015 [From Fifty Shades of Grey] - Lena's demise: Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber, 1938 Chapter 15 - The fight with the Watchers: Given Up by Linkin Park, 2007 - Escaping from the roof: Tennessee by Hans Zimmer, 2005 [From Pearl Harbor]
Part 2 (Chapters 16-30) [The second part of William's (Aleister's) idol vision is a bit different.] Chapter 16 - Lena attacks Carter (Rourke): - Searching for clues: - Sarah's (Michelle's) Idol Vision (Past): - Sarah's Idol Vision (Future): Chapter 17 - The expedition begins: All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix, 1968 - At the clearing with Lena: Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel, 1977 - Jordan's (Sean's) Idol Vision (Past): - Jordan's Idol Vision (Future): Chapter 18 - Examinations: - Finding Rafael (Diego): - Rafael's Idol Vision: Clubbed To Death by Robert D., 1995 [From The Matrix] Chapter 19 - The tribunal:- At the cliffs:- Jamal's (Raj's) Idol Vision (Past):- Jamal's Idol Vision (Future): Chapter 20 - Charlie's (Quinn's) Idol Vision (Past): - Charlie's Idol Vision (Future): - Escaping the house: - Passion Scene III (The cave): Chapter 21 - Landing on the beach: - The confrontation with Seraxa / Battle: - The distraction: - Anthony's Idol Vision (Past): Sorry For Party Rocking by LMFAO, 2011 - Anthony's Idol Vision (Future): Is There Anybody Out There? by Pink Floyd, 1979 - Post-battle celebrations: Chapter 22 - Charlie falls into a coma: - Drinking the sap: - Accelerating time: - Jean's (Grace's) Idol Vision (Past): - Jean's Idol Vision (Future): Chapter 23 - Finding Charlie possessed: - The celebrations: - Sparring: - Eating contest: - Scavenger hunt: - Clara's (Zahra's) Idol Vision (Past): - Clara's Idol Vision (Future): - Quuk'tanoi: Rock N' Roll Train by AC/DC, 2008 - The meal: - IRIS' identity: Chapter 24 - Starting the journey: It's A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall by Leon Russell, 1971 - Encounter with Arachnid: - Matt's (Julian's) Idol Vision (Past): - Matt's Idol Vision (Future): - The blizzard: Chapter 25 - Waking up: Music for Airports 1/2 by Brian Eno, 1978 - Lena's evening entrance: The World Is Not Enough by Garbage, 1999 [From The World is Not Enough] - Anthony's evening entrance: Another Way to Die by Jack White and Alicia Keys, 2008 [From Quantum of Solace] - The celebration: Everybody Have Fun Tonight by Wang Chung, 1986 - On the roof: Jerusalema by Master KG feat. Nomcebo, 2019 - Passion Scene IV (The room): American Beauty by Thomas Newman, 1999 [From American Beauty] - CCTV: Warlord by Antonio Pinto, 2005 [From Lord of War] Act V, Bonus Scene - Ines' perspective: Chapter 26 - Ines is compromised: Psycho by Muse, 2015 - Lena's Idol Vision (Past): In the End by Linkin Park, 2000 - Lena's Idol Vision (Future): - The ambush at Lake Tethys: Run by AWOLNATION, 2015 Chapter 27 - Briefing: - The forest: - Rafael's talk: - Passion Scene V (In the tent): A Time for Us by André Rieu, 1998 [From Romeo and Juliet; A Time for Us is the alternative title] - Lena's confession: Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur, 2016 - Preparations: Run Faye Run by Isaac Hayes, 1974 [From Three Tough Guys] Chapter 28 - Infiltration / VR simulation: Connor Main Theme by Nima Fakhrara, 2018 [From Detroit: Become Human] - Freeing the others: Too Old to Die Young by Brother Dege, 2010 - Daniel's (Jake's) Idol Vision (Past): - Daniel's Idol Vision (Future): Chapter 29 - Walk along the ruins: - Varyyn's perspective: - William's betrayal: Hello Zepp by Charlie Clouser, 2004 [From Saw] - William's Idol Vision (Past): - William's Idol Vision (Future): Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt by DJ Shadow, 1996 Chapter 30 - Ines's sacrifice: - The farewell: Hurt by Christina Aguilera, 2006 - Fight on the platform: 'Till I Collapse by Eminem, 2002 - Escape from MASADA Complex: Ready Steady Go by Paul Oakenfold, 2002 - Anthony's helicopter fall: Skyfall by Adele, 2012 [From Skyfall] Act VI, Epilogue - Anthony is found: Leaving by Trevor Rabin, 1998 [From Armageddon] - The Riddle: - Revealing Pandora (The Endless):
Part 3 (Chapter 31-42) [Chapter 42 begins when they step on the Celestial's roof. Also, the ending of the story is non-canon.] Chapter 31 - Pandora appears: - Escaping to the bay: - Lena's Ember of Hope: The Girl From Ipanema by Stan Getz, 1962 [True in a sense that her home, Rocinha, is in the same zone of Rio as Ipanema] Chapter 32 - Meeting up with the group: - Jamal's Ember of Hope: - Sailing race: - Passion Scene VI (On the cliff): I'm So Excited by the Pointer Sisters, 1982 Chapter 33 - Finding Charlie: - Boarding the speedboat: - Freeing Jordan and Matt: - Jordan's Ember of Hope: Chapter 34 - With Jordan at the waterfall: - Enter the temple: - Matt's Ember of Hope: - Meeting Clara: Chapter 35 - Pandora reveals himself: - The Fountain: - The hike to Quarr'tel: - Rafael's Ember of Hope: - Attempt on Anthony's life: Pump Up The Jam by Technotronic, 1989 Chapter 36 - Waking up: The Judge by Ketsueki Sākuru, 2016 - Entering Carter's base: - Varyyn's rescue: Superunknown by Soundgarden, 1994 - Jean's Ember of Hope: - The escape: Burn by Nine Inch Nails, 1994 [From Natural Born Killers] Chapter 37 - Daniel's Ember of Hope: Chapter 38 - 1st Head: Welcome To The Jungle by Guns N' Roses, 1987 - 2nd Head: Paranoid by Black Sabbath, 1970 - Charlie's Ember of Hope: Chapter 39 (I put everything that's possible into the party at the lake) - Face-off with Fiddler: - Arriving at the lake: - The bar: Pump Up The Volume by M|A|R|R|S, 1987 - Ice-skating: Bad Boys by Inner Circle, 1987 - Descent into Mt. Azana (Mt. Atropo): - The Omega Mech: Exit by Tangerine Dream, 1981 - William's Ember of Hope: Chapter 40 - Lena's proposal: The Portrait by James Horner, 1997 [From Titanic] - The friends find out: Honestly by Stryper, 1986 [I chose the song because of a personal note] - The wedding: November Rain by Guns N' Roses, 1991 - Leaving the hall: Can't Stop The Feeling! by Justin Timberlake, 2016 [From Trolls] - At the bay: - Passion Scene VII: La vie en rose by Grace Jones, 1977 - Sarah's (Michelle's) Ember of Hope: Chapter 41 (It's a little different, since Anthony owns a firearm in the scene himself and uses it. Also, he wears a military uniform in the chapter. You'll read the reason there when the story's done.) - The rally: Hard as a Rock by AC/DC, 1995 - Preparing the attack (in the suite): You've Got Another Thing Comin' by Judas Priest, 1982 - Storming the foyer: Battle Without Honor Or Humanity by Tomayasu Hotei, 2000 [From Kill Bill Vol. 1] - Gunfight in the atrium: You Could Be Mine by Guns N' Roses, 1991 Chapter 42 (The ending is non-canon. Carter dies, although in a different manner, but other things are different.) - Arriving on the roof: Coup de Grace by Hans Zimmer, 2009 [From Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2] - Anthony's origin: Der blaue Planet by Karat, 1982 - Encounter with Pandora: Time by Hans Zimmer, 2010 [From Inception] - The decision: Shutting down Grace's lab by James Horner, 2009 - Carter is executed: You Know My Name by Chris Cornell, 2006 [From Casino Royale]
That's the soundtrack of the main story :) The additional chapters (Act X, displaying different timelines) are below :)
submitted by GrtKrd2020 to Choices [link] [comments]

[FRESH!] Javii Lu & Casino BANK$ - "No Days Off"

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Gov. Wolf, Sec. of Health Announce New Protective Mitigation Efforts to Put Pennsylvania on Pause through Early January

Gov. Wolf Limited-Time Mitigation Order
Sec. Levine Limited-Time Mitigation Order
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, Governor Tom Wolf and Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine today implored Pennsylvanians to take the next three weeks and stand united against the virus by adhering to existing mitigation orders and stricter efforts announced today.
“Today I am announcing additional, temporary COVID-19 protective mitigation measures in the commonwealth,” said Gov. Wolf. “With these measures in place, we hope to accomplish three goals: First, stop the devastating spread of COVID-19 in the commonwealth. Second, keep our hospitals and health care workers from becoming overwhelmed. And third, help Pennsylvanians get through the holiday season – and closer to a widely available vaccine – as safely as possible. This is a bridge to a better future in Pennsylvania.”
The new, limited-time mitigation orders take effect at 12:01 a.m. on December 12, and remain in effect until 8 a.m. on January 4, 2021.
“Each of the last two days we have reported the highest number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic,” Dr. Rachel Levine said. “In the past week, we have reported close to 1,100 new deaths from COVID-19 across Pennsylvania. The virus continues to strain our health care systems and the dramatic rise in cases among all age groups, including among school-age children, is alarming. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been more than 37,500 cases among children age 5 to 18, yet 9,500 of those cases occurred in the past two weeks.”
The Order provisions outlined here are accompanied by supportive data used in part to make these decisions. The data provides a sampling of research that supports why limiting gatherings, reducing occupancy, and temporarily suspending some activities, among other efforts, are considered vital to stopping the spread of COVID-19.
Two recent studies, one by Yale University and one by Stanford University, substantiate more than one of these mitigation efforts. Links to the full studies and additional data and research can be found on the Department of Health’s data page, here.
Limited-Time Mitigation efforts announced today include:
In-Person Dining and Alcohol Sales
All in-person indoor dining at businesses in the retail food services industry, including, but not limited to, bars, restaurants, breweries, wineries, distilleries, social clubs, and private catered events is prohibited.
Outdoor dining, take-out food service, and take-out alcohol sales are permitted and may continue, subject to any limitations or restrictions imposed by Pennsylvania law, or this or any other Order issued by the Sec. of Health or by the governor.
Multiple studies have found indoor dining to drive case increases and fatalities. A study by JP Morgan analyzed credit card spending of more than 30 million Chase cardholders and Johns Hopkins University’s case tracker and found that higher restaurant spending in a state predicted a rise in new infections there three weeks later. Additionally, Research from Stanford University found that restaurants accounted for a significant amount of new infections while research from Yale University found that closing restaurants reduced fatality rates.
Indoor Gatherings and Events
Indoor gatherings and events of more than 10 persons are prohibited.
Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, and other places of congregate worship are specifically excluded from the limitations set forth above during religious services, these institutions are strongly encouraged to find alternative methods for worship, as in person gatherings pose a significant risk to participants at this time. While this an incredibly difficult recommendation to make, particularly at this time of year, faith leaders must carefully weigh the health risks to their congregants given the immense amount of community spread of COVID-19.
A new study from Stanford University and published in the journal, nature, used cellphone data collected from 10 U.S. cities from March to May to demonstrate that restaurants, gyms, cafes, churches and other crowded indoor venues accounted for some 8 in 10 new infections in the early months of the U.S. coronavirus epidemic.
Outdoor Gatherings and Events
Outdoor gatherings and events of more than 50 persons are prohibited.
According to a Yale University study, limiting outdoor gatherings was among consistent policies found to reduce fatality rates.
The CDC states that medium-sized outdoor gatherings carry a higher risk of COVID-19 spread, even with social distancing. CDC notes that the more people an individual interacts with at a gathering and the longer that interaction lasts, the higher the potential risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 and COVID-19 spreading, and that the higher the level of community transmission in the area that the gathering is being held, the higher the risk of COVID-19 spreading during a gathering.
Capacity Limits for Businesses
All in-person businesses serving the public may only operate at up to 50% of the maximum capacity stated on the applicable certificate of occupancy, except as limited by existing orders to a smaller capacity limit.
The same Stanford University study that collected cellphone data also noted that limiting indoor capacity can reduce COVID-19 transmissions.
Gyms and Fitness Facilities
Indoor operations at gyms and fitness facilities are prohibited.
Outdoor facilities and outdoor classes can continue, but all participants must wear face coverings in accordance with the Sec. of Health’s Updated Order Requiring Universal Face Coverings, including any subsequent amendments, and practice physical distancing requirements.
According to a Yale University study, closing businesses like gyms was among consistent policies found to reduce fatality rates.
Entertainment Industry
All in-person businesses in the entertainment industry serving the public within a building or indoor defined area, including, but not limited to, theaters, concert venues, museums, movie theaters, arcades, casinos, bowling alleys, private clubs, and all other similar entertainment, recreational or social facilities, are prohibited from operation.
The CDC puts movie theaters and other indoor settings on its list of higher-risk activities for contracting COVID-19.
In-Person Extracurricular School Activities
Voluntary activities sponsored or approved by a school entity’s governing body or administration are suspended, but these extracurricular activities may be held virtually. This includes, but is not limited to, attendance at or participation in activities such musical ensembles, school plays, student council, clubs, and school dances.
Our top priority is stopping the spread of this virus so students and teachers can return to their classrooms as soon as possible. Data from the Department of Health notes that one-quarter of the cases of COVID among school-age children have occurred within the past two weeks, increasing the need to keep children safe outside of school so that they can return to classrooms.
K-12 School Sports and Youth Sports
All sports at K-12 public schools, nonpublic schools, private schools and club, travel, recreational, intermural, and intramural sports are paused.
The Pennsylvania Principals Association is recommending a delay to the start of the winter sports season. The surge in cases among school-age children increases the risk that asymptomatic participants will spread the virus at a game or practice, in the locker room, while traveling to and from events, or at team meals, parties or other gatherings.
Professional and Collegiate Sports
Professional or collegiate sports activities may continue in accordance with guidance from the CDC and the Department of Health.
Spectators may not attend such sports activities in person.
The CDC warns large gatherings create a high risk of COVID-19 spreading.
“We know that COVID-19 thrives in places where people gather together,” Gov. Wolf said. “Therefore, these mitigation measures target high-risk environments and activities and aim to reduce the spread of this devastating virus.”
According to Yale University research, mitigation measures such as mandatory mask requirements, and gym and restaurant closures are policies that most consistently predict lower four- to six-week-ahead fatality growth.
“The work we do now to slow the spread of COVID-19 is not only crucial to keeping our fellow Pennsylvanians safe and healthy,” Gov. Wolf said. “It will help all of us get back to normal, and back to all of the things we’ve missed, faster. And it means more Pennsylvanians will be alive to celebrate that brighter future. This year, we show our love for our families and friends by celebrating safely and protecting one another.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Gov. Wolf Amended Mitigation, Enforcement, and Immunity Order
edit: links
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Nổ Hũ Thần Tài Game Slots may mắn nhất tại KDslots

Hôm nay KDgiaitri sẽ chỉ điểm đến các bạn những game nổ hũ thần tài được nhiều người chơi săn đón nhất tại KDslots nhé.
Như các bạn đã biết, các trò chơi đánh bạc ăn tiền nói chung và nổ hũ – slots nói riêng thì “may mắn” là điều không thể thiếu đúng không nào? Dựa trên sự may mắn, các nhà phát hành game đã dựng lên những game có giao diện cực thú vị đó chính là sử dụng hình ảnh những vị thần may mắn của Châu Á hay “Ông Thần Tài” ở Việt Nam làm trọng tâm. Như vậy sẽ khiến cho người chơi cảm giác may mắn và trúng thưởng lớn hơn nhiều, và đúng thật là như vậy đó các bạn ạ. Chi tiết thế nào? Có những game nổ hũ thần tài nào? Mời các bạn đọc tiếp phía bên dưới nhé!

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Giao diện Thần Tài đối với nhiều người chơi có tín ngưỡng thì rất là quan trọng đấy nhé. Theo thống kê cho thấy, các người chơi thắng lớn hầu hết đều có phần tham gia vào trò chơi nổ hũ thần tài cả anh em ạ. Vậy nên, Thần Tài hiện diện là có thật phải không nào?
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Để admin giới thiệu tên những tựa game nổ hũ thần tài nổi tiếng và được đông ngảo người chơi tham gia nhất tại KDslots nhé.
Còn rất nhiều tựa game liên quan đến Thần Tài nhưng trong quy mô bài viết này admin chỉ giới thiệu những game nổi tiếng nhất đến từ tất cả các nhà cung cấp game.
Có thể thấy, GamePlay là nhà cung cấp chú trọng về Thần Tài nhiều nhất (chắc ông chủ là người Châu Á đấy anh em). Những tựa game này đều có cái hay riêng của nó, từ tỷ lệ trả thưởng, tỷ lệ Jackpot (nổ hũ) đều rất hợp lý và hấp dẫn người chơi.
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Casino trực tuyến - Nhà cái uy tín hàng đầu Việt Nam

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Hướng dẫn nạp tiền nhà cái EGB99

Hướng dẫn nạp tiền nhà cái EGB99
EGB99 chính là nhà cái đang chiếm trọn tình cảm của các những ai yêu thích cá độ lô đề, đặc biệt là giới trẻ. Dù mới được thành lập nhưng nhà cái này ddaxc luôn khẳng định sức nóng của mình bằng hàng loạt những siêu phẩm cá độ như casino trực tuyến, lô đề trực tuyến, thể thao trực tuyến,... Đây đều là những siêu phẩm với cấu hình rất đa dạng và dễ chơi bậc nhất hiện nay. Đó chính là lý do mà nhà cái này giữ chân người chơi nhiều đến vậy. Nhà cái EGB có các phương thức nạp tiền rất đặc biệt và mới mẻ, tạo cơ hội cho người chơi dễ dàng thao tác. EGB99 liên kết với tất cả những ngân hàng lớn hiện nay như: VCB, TCB, VPB, ACB,... Người chơi có thể dễ dàng rút tiền và nạp tiền mọi lúc mọi nơi. Mọi thông tin mật cá nhân của khách hàng đều được giữ kín. Đội ngũ nhân viên chuyên nghiệp luôn túc trực 24/24 để hỗ trợ người chơi. Xem thêm chi tiết tại:
#naptiennhacai #naptienEGB99
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Made small tool to help with fingerprint scanner and keypad cracker

Hi, guys. I made a little application to help me pass though casino hacking mini-games and I think I can share it with you.



How to use

Known bugs and issues


You can see it in action here:


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Destiny is uninformed about China

Hello all, after watching Destiny's recent video with Dr. Gordon Menzies, I noticed that it would be beneficial for Destiny to get a more nuanced idea of China. I will be going over some of his misconceptions with sources included.
"If they feel like they can do something that will turn out good in ten years, they can do that and they can ignore all political pressure for it because they don't have to worry about losing elections."
While China may be less reliant on public opinion than the US, political legitimacy is an important driving force of Chinese policy (especially with regards to foreign policy). Let us view Chinese foreign policy in the South China Sea;
To begin with, the South China Sea dispute is a territorial issue, but it is not just about territory, resources and energy stakes. Rather, it is more about power and authority..... as well as internally legitimizing the governing elites’ political authority to rule.
It is in the political psyche and needs of the ruling CPC elites to strike a balance on their different pathways of pursuing domestic legitimation. That is, while nationalist legitimation and the elites’ political insecurity necessitate Beijing to take more assertive actions to defend what it perceives as China’s sovereign and maritime rights in the South China Sea, performance legitimation requires it to reassure its neighbours and maintain a stable external environment that is imperative for sustained domestic growth.
We can also see that the CCP is not free from pressure and criticism from it's people;
Intellectual elites at universities, think tanks, cultural institutions and in the media are often surprisingly open in criticizing the country’s turn towards a harder form of authoritarianism which increasingly suppresses even modest attempts at contrarian or out-of-the-box expression. Amongst the broader population, there is also evidence of growing discontent. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published a study in 2012 stating that there are over 100,000 ‘mass incidents’ and protests in China every year (Xuyei, Peilin, and Guangjin 2012, cited in He 2016, 114) More recent data have been compiled by an enterprising Chinese blogger, Lu Yuyu, who meticulously combed Chinese social media to archive dozens and dozens – sometimes up to several hundreds – of mass incidents a day in China.10 Lu was detained in June 2016 by authorities in Yunnan for ‘provoking disturbances’ and remains imprisoned. Plans to shut down wasteful and unproductive state-owned enterprises will generate millions of unemployed workers in China’s major cities, a potentially quite volatile problem for Chinese leaders
Concerning the Belt and Road Initiative
Contrary to popular belief, there are many problems plaguing this initiative both economically and relationally; Chinese-backed railway projects in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand have stalled, as Beijing’s partner governments have complained about excessive costs, corruption, and what Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad has termed “a new version of colonialism.” Let me offer a concrete example from my research in Sihanoukville, a beach town in Cambodia that has become a symbol of contention over BRI. In recent years, this town of 150,000 residents has seen an influx of Chinese workers, contractors, and tourists, not to mention a deluge of Chinese investment—$1.1 billion in 2018 alone. Casinos and condos have cropped up everywhere. Existing infrastructure can hardly keep up with the frantic pace of construction: the town’s streets are covered with accumulated garbage and flooded with water from burst pipes. Although a minority of local residents profit immensely by renting out properties to Chinese investors, many others have been crowded out by soaring prices. The result has been a rise in anti-Chinese sentiments. For Cambodians—as well as the international media [7]—all of these disruptions fall under the heading of BRI. (Here is a neat 4 page summary of a lot of the issues if you don't have journal access
Lastly, here is an article that explains how Western media tends to exaggerate China's competency and rational decision making (
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Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách tải game hũ tiền về như lũ

Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách tải game hũ tiền về như lũ
Game hũ hay còn có tên gọi khác là game nổ hũ đổi thưởng. Game này được xem là một tựa game online vô cùng hấp dẫn có mặt tại hầu hết các sòng bài Casino tại Việt Nam và cả trên toàn thế giới.
Cách chơi trò chơi này tương tự như ở các máy xèng. Bạn chỉ cần đặt số tiền cược tùy ý rồi bấm máy để chơi quay hũ. Máy sẽ có 5 hàng và 5 cột riêng biệt. Trên màn hình sẽ hiện ra nhiều biểu tượng khác nhau tùy chủ đề mà bạn chọn.
Các dấu hiệu đã có hũ là khi các hàng và cột đều ghi hiệu ứng thắng. Trò chơi này có luật chơi vô cùng đơn giản. Người chơi mới có thể dễ dàng nắm bắt được phải không nào?
Hướng dẫn chi tiết cách tải game hũ tiền về như lũ
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submitted by Cicero1982 to pennystocks [link] [comments]

[Fri, Nov 27 2020] TL;DR — This is what you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


The European Union has fined two pharmaceutical companies for colluding to keep a cheap alternative to a sleep disorder medicine off the market for their profit and at the expense of patients.
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Chinese doctors jailed for organ harvesting
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Rapists will be chemically castrated in Pakistan under new laws approved by Prime Minister Imran Khan
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Venezuela judge convicts 6 American oil execs, orders prison
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Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon tests positive for COVID-19
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First Latino DACA recipient receives Rhodes Scholarship
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In the US, states typically pay for prison while counties determine sentencing. A natural experiment whereby the cost burden of juvenile incarceration was placed on counties led to a stark drop in incarceration. This suggests that mass incarceration in the US is in part due to misaligned incentives.
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As interactions increasingly take place online, people find information that confirms their existing beliefs, making them less willing to listen to alternatives. This exacerbates filter bubbles and explains why public debates become polarized as people become impervious to opposing arguments.
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People’s moral foundations can predict their compliance with staying at home, wearing masks, and social distancing measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Caring and fairness are morals that predict compliance with all three public health measures.
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Space travel is bad for the body at a cellular level
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How six scientists survived ‘living on Mars’ for a year: « The habitat had a small living room, 1.5 bathrooms, a galley kitchen and tiny living quarters for each of the six up a flight of stairs. Power came via solar panel, water via large storage tanks outside. »
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China’s plan for moon research station gets closer with Chang’e-5 success
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World’s Biggest Wind Park to Be Built Offshore U.K.
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Japan Developing Laser Weapons That Can Be Mounted On Vehicles To Counter Drone Attacks
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History records many secular and religious attempts to build paradise on Earth. They haven’t worked. Nevertheless, some philosophers believe a biohappiness revolution is imminent, insisting: 'This time really is different'.
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What are underrated websites and what do you use them for?
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What do you think is the biggest secret being kept from mankind?
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People who wear shoes in the house, why?
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TIL that strings and cables moving randomly will spontaneously knot themselves with a probability reaching 100%
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TIL when Audrey Geisel, the widow of Doctor Seuss, was selling the rights to How the Grinch Stole Christmas, she made sure that "any actor submitted for the Grinch must be of comparable stature to Jack Nicholson, Jim Carrey, Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman."
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TIL PCs in the 80s and 90s often had a “Turbo” button which when pressed would counterintuitively slow down the processor speed to allow compatibility with older games designed for slower processors.
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[OC] Effective cost of the different ways of getting Reddit Premium
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[OC] When does the sun set in Europe's capitals during the winter solstice (21/12)?
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If COVID-19 Cases were Electoral Votes in the 2020 US Election [OC]
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PSA: If you're spending Thanksgiving alone, there's now nothing stopping you from just drinking gravy straight. You're welcome.
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It worked!
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My deviled eggs were a hit!
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[Homemade] Applewood smoked turkey.
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[Homemade] Double cheese burger on a potato bun
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[Homemade] Hand Laminated Pain Au Chocolat.
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Why ‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’ Is the Ultimate Thanksgiving Movie
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Casino Royale’s poker scene was as elaborate as a James Bond stunt
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Alex Garland Has A "Low Budget Horror Movie" Coming Up - Casting and financing on the project is currently underway, with a view to shoot in spring or summer 2021
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Foot Stabber, Me, Digital, 2020
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"I can only draw stick figures", me, digital painting, 2020
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Minotaur, Paul Reid, Oil on Canvas, 2020
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Kaley Cuoco on why she returned to TV so quickly with the Flight Attendant: 'You can easily be forgotten'
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'Jeopardy!' Shares Alex Trebek's Posthumous Thanksgiving Message
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Saturday Morning Cartoons are coming to MeTV starting January 2
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What started as an accidental text turned into an annual tradition!
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My neighbors brought me a "plate" since I didn't go anywhere for Thanksgiving.
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The Empire State Building seen from New Jersey, when it was first completed in the 1930s
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Eyeball fun
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How Amazon ships your items.
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How to calculate gear ratio
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I got my huge pet snail a small pet snail
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Plate broke in weird satisfying shape
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In 1993 I received my first federal tax refund. It was $1.00.
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Best wildlife photo of the year 2019
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The birds of the striped cuckoo are very similar to pine cones. This is how they protect themselves from predators.
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My buddy caught an albino catfish yesterday. One in a million chance.
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the ivory gap
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Famous mac and cheese recipe. Don’t tell anyone but the secret ingredient is love!
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NO such thing as bad publicity. Wally’s Pub here on the NH seacoast, brilliantly seeing to it.
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I couldn’t see my family this year (for obvious reasons) so me and my boy made the best of it.
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Golden pupper turns into a leaf sweeper when he's happy
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A happy pygmy falcon
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Random Subreddit of the day: Borat

These are its 3 top posts of all time:
Did haters of the sequel even watch the original?
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Jeanise Jones (The babysitter) statement about the Borat 2 movie.
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submitted by _call-me-al_ to RedditTLDR [link] [comments]

New Music Friday: April 17th, 2020

Playlist for Albums

Playlist for Singles


Westside Gunn - Pray For Paris
DaBaby - Blame it on Baby
dvsn - A Muse In Her Feelings
R.A. The Rugged Man - All My Heroes Are Dead
Kenny Mason - Angelic Hoodrat
Don Toliver - Heaven Or Hell (CHOPNOTSLOP REMIX)
Buddy & Kent Jamz - Janktape Vol. 1
Avantdale Bowling Club - LIVE
Shabazz Palaces - The Don Of Diamond Dreams
Lil B - Gutta Dealership
Robb Bank$ - No Rooftops 2
Peter Cottontale - CATCH
Berner & B-Real - Los Meros
Fredo Bang - Most Hated
The Four Owls - Nocturnal Instinct
BigBabyGucci - Teen Spirit
J Stalin - Bay Area State of Mind 2
RJMrLA & Royce The Choice - Rich Off Mackin 2
RJD2 - The Fun Ones
The-Dream - SXTP4
Jungle Brothers - Keep It Jungle
Damedot - Mafia Lord (Chapter I)
Alph Tha Alien - Black Tax


Novelist - Rain Fire
VIK - Blue Bottles
Babyface Ray - For You
Jarreau Vandal - Bad Shit Remixes


Kid Cudi - Leader of the Delinquents
Playboi Carti - @ MEH
21 Savage - Secret (feat. Summer Walker)
MAVI - fire alarm (!) [feat. Maassai]*
Joey Bada$$, Curren$y & Guapdad 4000 - Rona Raps 5*
Future - Coming Home*
Desiigner - Survivor
The Streets - Call My Phone Thinking I'm Doing Nothing Better (feat. Tame Impala)
Kodie Shane & Lil Uzi Vert - I’m So Gone*
The Kid LAROI - Fade Away (feat. Lil Tjay)
Bryson Tiller - Slept On You*
Lucki - Faith
Lil Tecca - Out of Love (feat. Internet Money)
Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes feat. Freddie Gibbs - Nightrider
Bishop Nehru - Meathead (feat. MF DOOM)
Thaiboy Digital - Yin & Yang
Navy Blue - baby navy (J Dilla Tribute)
Deante' Hitchcock - I Got Money Now (feat. JID)
Student 1 - Nippy
Jonathan leandoer96 (Yung Lean) - Evil
Lil Yachty, Rich Brian, Guapdad 4000 - #STAYHOME Cypher | Rona Raps 4*
The Weeknd - ‎Blinding Lights (Major Lazer Remix)
Machine Gun Kelly - In These Walls / Pretty Toxic Revolver
Guapdad 4000 - Embezzle (feat. Jigga Juice)
Lil Keed - No Dealings
Ian Dior - Sick N Tired (feat. Machine Gun Kelly, Travis Barker)
Lil Gotit - Never Legit
Spark Master Tape - PNNBL (feat. INDIKKAWCH & FLMMBOiiNT FRDii)*
Jon Connor - Priceless
Y2K, The Kid LAROI, blackbear, Bankrol Hayden - Go Dumb
Nafe Smallz - Quarantine Freestyle / Part Of The Plan (feat. M Huncho)
Ashton Travis & Chase B - CASINO
Trouble - Medusa (feat. Jeezy)
A$AP Nast - Designer Boi (feat. D33J)
IC3PEAK - TRRST (feat. ZillaKami)
Yung Pinch - Illusion
Rvssian, Anuel AA & Juice WRLD - No Me Ame
Fukkit - Multiply
Fenix Flexin - RIP Mac P Dawg
Blueface - Tour (feat. Asian Doll, Glokk 9, NLE Choppa, Sada Baby & Kiddo Curry)
MASN - Psycho! (Remix) [feat. Trippie Redd]
Jackboy- Like A Million (feat. Kodak Black)
Marlon Craft - Team Goals
Headie One - Told (Brian Eno Remix)
TyFontaine - Huh?!
Ufo361 - Fokas auf die Zukunft
Finesse Cobain - Danny Phantom (feat. Soulja Boy)
K CAMP - Lottery (Renegade) [Remix] {feat. Quavo}
Lenzman & Break - Quarter to Quarter, Sampler 1 (feat. IAMDDB)
French Montana - That's A Fact
Ethereal & Lord Narf - Adding Up
MXXWLL & John Givez - LIGHT TURN GREEN (feat. Rae Khalil & Carrtoons)
YehMe2 - Keys to the Jeep (feat. Rome Fortune)
La Roux - Automatic Driver (Tyler, The Creator Remix)
Samica - Wreck (Remix) [feat. Jelani Aryeh]
Jack Gilinsky - My Love (feat. Don Toliver)
Gianni & Don Toliver - De La Hoya
K Check - On Me
John Legend - Bigger Love
Bari (of Zero Fatigue) - Delirious
Trife Gang Rich - John Wick (feat. A-Wax)
RiFF RaFF, Brray & Juanka - No Te Tardes
Daniela Andrade - Bad Times Are Good Times (feat. Sean Leon)
Hargon - Breeze (feat. Mick Jenkins)
Chloe x Halle - Catch Up (feat. Swae Lee & Mike Will Made It)
Bishop Nehru - Meathead (feat. MF DOOM)
Jalen Santoy, Ctrlgang & happytree - 60+
Big Baby Scumbag - Free Joe Exotic
Naji - Acab
Myla 9 - Upliftment (feat. Dj Zole & Derek Armstrong)
Mace the Great - Scheming & Plotting (feat. Manga Saint Hilare)
KAMAUU - Far Rockaway
Kaash Paige - Frank Ocean
Jucee Froot - Eat Itself (from Insecure soundtrack)
Joël - Woes
Skip Marley - Slow Down (Remix) [feat. H.E.R. & Wale]
Slicklaflare - I Pray (feat. 24hrs)
Buju - Lenu (Remix) [feat. Burna Boy]
Mercston - Daily Duppy
Aash - Late Nights in Tully (feat. Don Toliver)
Cashus King - Nirvana ('95 Remix) [feat. Blu, Yamin Semali & Jeff Johnson]
Wesley Eisenhauser, OK, Parade & Astronautalis - How We Wanted It
Telly Mac, Randomm Witeguy & 40 Cal - All I Know (feat. LV tha Don)
Jona - Tired (feat. M.I.A.)
Sad Boi - Kill 'Em (feat. A$AP Twelvyy)
Joey Fatts - Brand New AMG (feat. Larry June)
Kehlani - Everybody Business
Cambatta & Apollo Brown - Nightmare
Y2K & The Kid LAROI - Go Dumb (feat. blackbear & Bankrol Hayden)
Chris Webby - Ganja Man (feat. Smoke DZA, B-Real & Alandon)
Stephen Redhead - Always Right (feat. Masta Ace)
Amber Mark - Waiting (Demo)
TRIPLEUP KO - Bet It (Remix) [feat. Poplord & Young Dro]
Popcaan - Here to Stay
A-Wax - Trukfit
Yung Lean - Violence
Too $hort - Pull Up (feat. Trae tha Truth)
VéFROMLA - Eastside
Melo & KnowKnow (from Higher Brothers) - Daili
Cantrell - Crown Me (feat. Mick Jenkins)
Fernado Pey - Insane (feat. King Louie)
Mirzy Manson - Bad Guy (feat. 40 Cal)
1010 Benja SL - Dobby
snny - Somewhere in Brooklyn
Ralphy Davis & Mafi D - Saucy & Bossy (feat. Larry June)
MARTIN $KY - Never Lost (feat. Leaf Beach)
CHLOBOCOP & Lee Scott - Bell Me Back
Abm - May May (feat. Looney Lu & Cash Kidd)
Reed - I Love You (feat. Nef the Pharaoh)
Alan Love - Guilty

First Impressions Threads

Westside Gunn - Pray For Paris
if you make one i'll add it
submitted by TheRoyalGodfrey to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

Flatten the Curve. Part 14. Rotten Egg & Mystery Smell. They've been smelling it everywhere and a lot of people have gotten sick. Has it happened to you?

Part 13 is here. If you have anything relevant, please share your thoughts in the comments
I found an article by Robert Scribbler describing what is starting to transpire here on earth. Awakening the Horrors of the Ancient Hothouse
It's by far the best written explanation that I could find. Give it a read.
Look folks, I know this all is really hard to believe. Trust me, I do. Most of you are at least open to this as a possibility, which means you will be more cognizant and critical of future news reports. But there are some who aren't willing to get by their programmed cognitive dissonance and will only accept the answer that gives them the least amount of physical discomfort.
That's not good.
This is happening. We don’t know how bad it will get. We don't know how bad it is. All I can do is show you what I've found, it's up to you whether or not choose to believe it.
I do believe some governments know. At this point I do believe this wasn't foreseen. This was their worst nightmare, a black swan event. They knew we would be facing abrupt climate change, I don't think they conceived of toxic gas in that scenario. Their are too many variables in play when it comes to our biosphere. I believe this is why the sudden acceleration has occurred to get 5G operating and get Artificial Intelligence operating. They view it as the savior to our problem. An intellect so capable that it can equate all the variables and come up with a solution. This is why every single major tech company and University is working with the government and the military. This isn't a conspiracy. Google, Facebook, and Microsoft employees have actual positions on boards within the military.
Let that sink in. Why do you think all of these companies had antitrust lawsuits vanish? They strong-armed them into cooperation. Go look at the timeline for the Microsoft antitrust. It ends in 2001. And then this starts happening.
Gates Foundation Buys Stakes in Drug Makers.
By David Bank and Rebecca BuckmanStaff Reporters of The Wall Street Journal.
May 17, 2002.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has purchased shares in nine big pharmaceutical companies valued at nearly $205 million.
With the aforementioned in consideration, please remember, the driving philosophy will be, survival of the fittest.
Now that I've given you a small part of complicity to cooperate on keeping this knowledge of possible impending events hidden from us, I'm going show you proof that the warning signs have been here for a while.
Do you remember all the tourists getting sick in the Dominican Republic and the other islands? Of course most of you won't, because they have done a masterclass on distracting every single one of us. But it happened. Taken on it's own as an anomaly, it looked harmless. After all, unexplainable events happen all the time. This wasn't one of them. It was the canary in the coal mine. | After deaths, more tourists to Dominican Republic say they were stricken with illness. | Mystery surrounds American deaths in Dominican Republic
As usual, there is more. I don't have the necessary resources to spend the time linking everything. The information is there for you to dig further.
But people get sick there all the time. Maybe they drank the water?
Nearly 70 tourists to Dominican Republic reported illness since March - New York Post 2018.
That's up from just 10 reported illnesses in the country for all of 2018, according to In June alone, 52 tourists reported symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea and fever. More than 45 of them identified themselves as guests at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Punta Cana.Jun 10, 2019.
It wasn't normal. But maybe it was new normal. California man died in April at Dominican Republic resort after drink from hotel.
While saying little publicly, however, teams of experts and inspectors from several international agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, conducted tests Thursday at the Bahia Principe properties where U.S. tourists died. It was unclear whether they inspected other resorts. The FBI confirmed to Fox News on Friday it was assisting Dominican authorities in investigating the deaths.
The testing and the FBI's involvement marked the first public indications that officials in the U.S. and the Dominican Republic have considered the possibility of something other than natural causes.
“It’s a complete fabrication,” Felecia Nieves, Sport's sister, said, “that you could have as many people and they all have the same cookie-cutter outcome. It’s impossible.”
Ok. CDC and the FBI. Gotcha. If I didn't know better we're watching one of those disaster porn movies. Now we just need that guy that discovers it by accident, and the hero who's going to save the day.
But maybe it was a one time thing? Possibly? Hopefully? | Families report more cases of viral illness in children who visited Dominican resorts. Wigan dad demands answers after mysterious illness 'ruins' Dominican Republic holiday.
But maybe it was Covid-19! That's it! That's the ticket! They were warned not to go there on March break, and they didn't listen! Serves the Covidiots right! Dominican Republic: Government confirms first COVID-19 case March 1.
So what was the mystery illness? Who knows? Seriously. › Dominican Republic deaths: Mystery deepens after new autopsy results.
They gave so many possible answers that you couldn't begin to figure it out, because the authorities were being unreliable narrators. Because here's the canary in the coal mine, you can build up a certain degree of tolerance to hydrogen sulfide exposure. This is the one constant in the narrative, the locals didn't get sick, only the tourists. And there are sources of hydrogen sulfide outgassing on the Caribbean Islands that I will explain in more detail at a later post.
Ok. You get it now. No problem. Just don't go to the Dominican Republic. Good as done. I'm safe and sound. Time for some Netflix and Doritos. Thank God that's done and over with.
Wrong. Let's look deeper. › news › local 'Foul odor' sickened more than a dozens students & staff. › Mystery smell in Blaby investigated as stink makes residents feel sick - Leicestershire Live. › Mysterious odor causes nine to fall ill at Largo Medical Center. › Mystery of the smell and sickness at Carterton school lingers for those affected.
Again, do your own research, there are more cases out there, and the search algorithms are designed to keep the majority away from you. This isn't an accident, it's by design. You have to constantly vary your search terms to keep getting results.
I had a couple of dissenting remarks over the toxic gas emission from our planet, and my subtle suggestion linking it to Covid-19. I truthfully can't address these doubts on an individual basis. I don’t have time. But the connections are there, and I will be posting the information in the future. Why don't I just jot it all down at once?
Because I can't. There is too much background that needs to be established for one post. I'm not using my imagination and engaging in entertaining 'what if' scenarios on this matter. I saw a possibility, and when I looked deeper, the concept that this could be real only grew. My only concern in life was to live well, fall in love, and be happy, and those were accomplished. It certainly wasn't a goal to be spending hours a day looking into a subject with deadly implications if it turns out to be true.
I will leave you with these last two internet headlines. If you can draw the obvious parallel, leave your thoughts in a comment. If you can cast doubt on this link, definitely leave a comment. I'm not trying to be right. I want to be wrong. The main goal here is to figure out whats happening, and what's true or false.
Now here are my final links. | Anosmia: Nasty viral infection leaves woman without her sense of smell or taste - ABC News 2018.
Hmmm, what else makes you lose your sense of smell? | Thousands of Covid-19 cases missed due to late warning on smell loss, say experts.
But not all the time. | Lost your sense of smell? It may not be coronavirus. | National Geographic
And look at that, in some people the symptoms keep going after their viral infection is over. | Mystery of prolonged Covid-19 symptoms adds to unknowns | Financial Times
Do you know what else causes smell loss?
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a dangerous gas. Hydrogen sulfide can “paralyze” the sense of smell and workers can lose the ability to smell.
The effects depend on how much hydrogen sulfide you breathe and for how long. Exposure to very high concentrations can quickly lead to death. Odor threshold when rotten egg smell is first noticeable to some. Odor becomes more offensive at 3-5 ppm.
That's all for today. I need to stress this hasn't reached a level of where it poses an imminent threat. There is too much that isn't known, but i honestly believe if the threat was imminent, you would be seeing a vastly different reaction by the security apparatus. And this isn't a constant effect. At the moment it appears (except in locations where the outgassing is dependent upon other biomass factors, like the Dominican Republic, and even then they've developed a natural tolerance to the gas) to be occurring in isolated water emissions, and anything closer is weaker in strength and is quickly diffused into the atmosphere.
Upcoming more information that you have read but not given the real explanation for.
June 11th | Geophysical evidence for this occurring that you have read online.
June 12th | Hydrospheric evidence that our governments are actively hiding.
Take care. Be safe. Stay aware and be prepared.
submitted by biggreekgeek to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Marsbet - marsbahis - marsbahis 67 - mars bahis

Marsbet tasarım özellikleri bakımından son senelerin en iddialı girişimleri arasında içeriyor. Siz de sorunsuz ve harika bir bahis deneyimi elde edebilmek adına doğru yerdesiniz. Kırmızı ve siyah renklerin hakim olarak kullanıldığı bu tasarım çerçevesinde mükemmel bir verimliliği elde etmek için tek bir tık ile kayıt adımlarını tamamlayabilirsiniz.

Mars bahis

mars bahis Güvenilir Midir?

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Ana sayfanın en üst kısmında yer alan giriş yap butonuna tıklamalısınız.
Bu aşamada kullanıcı adı ve şifre bilgilerinizi girmenizi gerekecektir. Küçük harf büyük harf uyumu da dikkate alınarak bu veriler girilmelidir. Harflerde herhangi bir aksaklık ya da hata meydana gelirse giriş adımının başarılı olamayacağının ek olarak eklenmesi gerekiyor.
Giriş süreci kapsamında kişilerin en güncel alan adını kullanması gerekir. Aksi takdirde erişim için çaba sarf ederken bu adres BTK tarafından izin verilmemiştir şeklinde bir uyarı ile karşı karşıya gelebilirsiniz.
Erişim aşamasında kullanıcı adı ve şifre bilginizi ne olursa olsun farklı fert veya kurumlar ile paylaşmamanız gerekiyor.
Giriş adımlarında devamlı olarak kullanıcı adı ve şifre girmek istemiyorsanız kişisel kullanımınıza açık olan cihazlarda bu verileri direkt olarak kaydedebilirsiniz. Bu şekilde her giriş işleminde verileri tek tek yazma şeklinde bir sorun da karşınıza çıkmayacaktır.

Şifremi Unuttum Ne Yapmalıyım?
Marsbet erişim aşamasında en temel faktörlerden kabul edilen şifrenizi unuttuğunuz süre bunu direkt olarak Şifremi Unuttum butonu ile halledebilirsiniz. Şifremi unuttum butonuna tıklandıktan hemen ondan sonra sizden bir e-posta adresi istenecektir. Bu e-posta adresine direkt olarak şifre sıfırlama linki gönderilecektir. Şifre sıfırlama linki üzerinden size bazı güvenlik soruları da iletilecektir. Bu şekilde verimlilik bir aşama daha üst seviyeye çıkacaktır. Şifre sıfırlama aşamasında güvenlik sürecinin şekillendirilmesi kötü niyetli kişiler tarafınca hesapların askıya alınmasını engelleyen hususlar içinde bulunuyor. Şifrenizi unutmamak için hiç kimsenin ulaşamayacağı bir alan not almanız sizin için daha verimli ve daha sorunsuz bir hal alacaktır.

Mobile Erişim Adımları iyi mi Tamamlanır?
Erişim adımlarını kullanıcılar mobile sistemler üzerinden de tamamlayabilmektedir. Mobile erişim sürecinde dikkat edilmesi gerekenler;

Marsbet mobil sistemi IOS ve Android işletim sistemi üzerinden erişime açıktır.
Erişim sağladığınız cihazın ve ağ bağlantısının güvenliği itam manası ile sizin sorumluluğunuzdadır.
Cihazdan meydana gelen problemler meydana geldiği zaman bu durumun sorumluluğunun size ilişik bulunduğunu göreceksiniz.
Kullanıcı adı ve şifre girme adımlarını aynı şekilde yukarıda belirttiğimiz detaylara dikkat ederek girmelisiniz. Bu verilerde mobile ara yüzde bir değişiklik meydana gelmeyecektir.
Mobile uygulama veya direkt olarak tarayıcıları kullanarak erişim adımlarını şekillendirme olanakınız bulunuyor.
Uygulama indirmek isteyen kişiler Google Play Store yahut AppStore aplikasyon marketini kullanabilir. İndirme işlemleri ile alakalı herhangi bir kısıtlama da söz konusu olmayacaktır. Bu indirme işlemi sırasında sizden bir ücret talep edilmeyecektir.

Alan Adı Değişimi neden Meydana Geliyor?
Erişim adımlarının bir öteki önemli boyutu da kesinlikle alan adı değişim süreci hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaktır. Alan adı değişiklik detayları hakkında göz önünde bulundurmanız gerekenler;

Alan adı değişiklik süreci her kaçak bahis platformunda çoğunlukla meydana gelen durumlar arasındadır.
Sitenin güvenliği ile yahut kullanıcılara sunulan olanaklar ile alakalı bir konum değildir.
Hesabınızı kullanıma alırken her zaman işlem gerçekleştirmiş olduğiniz alan adı BTK denetlemesine takılabilir.
Kaçak kategorisinde olması sebebi ile BTK adres engellemesi yapabilir. Bu konum oldukca normaldir.
Durum bahis platformu tarafınca anında düzeltilecek ve sitede olanaklara herhangi bir zarar gelmeden direkt olarak yeni alan adına lüzumlu olan taşıma işlemleri tamamlanacaktır.
Adres değişiklik süreci bahis olanaklarını, site tasarımını yahut hesabınızda o sürece kadar toplamış olduğunuz miktarı kesinlikle olumsuz yönde etkilemeyecektir. Aynı olanaklar güncellenmiş alan adı üzerinden tarafınıza sunulmaya devam eder!
Siz de bu hususları incelemeye alarak bu durumun ürkü yapılacak bir husus olmadığını bilmelisiniz. Her bahis sitesinde dönemsel olarak bu tür alan adı değişiklik adımları söz konusu olabilir.

Marsbet Spor Bahisleri

Marsbet bahis platformunun en sevilen olanaklarının başında mutlaka spor bahisleri geliyor. Siz de spor bahisleri üzerinden sorunsuz bir halde yüksek kazanım elde edebilirsiniz. öteki sitelerde geçerli olan oranlar ile bir kıyaslama yapıldığı zaman oranların ne aşama yüksek seviyede olduğu bir kere daha net şekilde fark ediliyor. Bu yüksek oranlar sizin için kazanımın en net anahtarlarından bir tanesi olacaktır.

Spor Bahislerinde Hangi Branşlar Geçerli?
Spor bahisleri ile alakalı olarak en sevilen noktaların başında bahis branşlarının çeşitliliği geliyor. Her kullanıcının bahis platformundan sorunsuz bir biçimde istifade etmesi ve ayrılması için büyük çaba sarf edilmektedir.

Futbol, basketbol, tenis, voleybol, masa tenisi, MMA
Buz hokeyi, Badminton, Hentbol, Amerikan futbolu
Futsal, Avustralya futbolu, Play voleybolu, boks
Kriket, e-sports, dart, bisiklet yarışı, golf, netbol
Ragbi ligi, snooker, wwe, tv programları ve diziler
Bu detaylar sizin için verimliliği de beraberinde getirir. Branş çeşitliliği devasa yükseklikte olsa da genel olarak futbolun büyük talep gördüğünün de ek olarak belirtilmesi gerekiyor. Sunulan bahis branşlarının çeşitliliği sitede kullanıcıların kıvanç seviyesini pekiştiren unsurlardandır.

Futbolda En Sevilen Ligler Hangileridir?
Bir tek branş çeşitliliğinde değil bununla birlikte lig çeşitliliği mevzusunda da harika biri alt yapı oluşturulmuştur. Marsbet sizin için verimliliğin yeni adresi olacaktır. Bu derece yüksek bir çeşitlilik bununla birlikte yüksek oranlar ile birleştiği vakit elde edilecek olan oyun keyfi maksimum seviyeye çıkacaktır. En sevilen ligler şu şekilde sıralanır;

UEFA Uluslar Ligi, UEFA Şampiyonlar Ligi, İngiltere Premiere League
Fransa League 1, Türkiye Süper Lig, Bundesliga, La Liga, Serie A
Liglerin genel değişkenleri ile alakalı da net bir şekilde düşünce sahibi olmanız gerekiyor. Her ligin işleyiş sistemi değişiklık gösterir. Örneğin İngiltere Ligi’nde son dakikaya kadar temponun düşmediği ve sunulan taktikten vazgeçilmediği görülür. Türkiye Ligi’nde ise skor kesinleştikten ve fark açıldıktan sonrasında her iki takımında stratejiyi takip etmekte ve taktiği gerçekleştirmede güçlük çektiği de belirtilmelidir.

Marsbahis Oyuna Hile Karışır Mı?

Spor bahislerinde kullanıcıların hazırladıkları kuponlar ile alakalı en minik bir güvenlik açığının söz mevzusu olması mümkün değildir. Güvenlik önlemleri oldukça sıkı bir halde alınmıştır. Sunulan bu imkanlar verimliliği en yüksek dereceye çıkartacaktır. Kupona hile karıştırmaya çalışan kullanıcılar anlık olarak tespit edilecektir. Hile sebebi ile tespit edilen kullanıcıların hesapları tekrar aktive edilmemek üzere askıya alınır.

Bahis olasılıkları nelerdir?
Bir müsabakada geçerli olan bahis olasılıklarını tanımak kupon başarısını çoğaltmak için en net seçenekler arasında yer almaktadır. Sitede bir futbol müsabakasında geçerli olan olasılıklardan bazıları;

Maç sonucu, ilk yarı sonucu, ikinci yarı kararıToplam gol, ilk yarı gol, ikinci yarı gol
Asya handikap, handikap, karşılıklı gol var
Beraberlikte iade, çift/tek, alt/üst, çifte şans
Her iki ekip da gol atar, toplam goller
  1. Yarı doğru skor, 2. Yarı doğru skor
Siz de bu mümkünlıkları incelemeye alırken oran durumu ile takımların gerçek durumu hakkında da bilgi sahibi olmanız gerekiyor. Bazı bahis sitelerinde olasılıklara verilen oranlar takımların gerçek durumundan çok uzak oluyor. Bu durumun güvenlik ve kullanıcı memnuniyeti ile alakalı problemlerı da bununla beraber getirebileceğini bilmeniz gerekir.

Olasılıkların analizini yapmadan kupo0nunuza ekleme yapmamanız gerekiyor. çözümleme ve kıyaslamalar yaparak verimliliği en yüksek dereceye çıkarabilirsiniz. Hem uzman yorumlarına göz atmalısınız bununla birlikte genel manada takımın nasıl bir gidişata ve duruşa haiz olduğunu da çözmeniz gerekiyor. Mümkünlıkların istatistiki boyutuna da ulaşabilirisiniz. İstatistiki boyut size her vakit gelecekte olan müsabaka ile laakalı net bir sonuç vermeyecektir, fakat minimumından takımların tanınması konusunda bir fırsat verir.

Kupon Hazırlama Adımları nelerdir?
Kupon hazırlama adımlarında dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar;

Sistem, tekli, kombine benzer biçimde kupon seçeneklerini kullanma hakkınız bulunuyor. Elinizde yer alan yarışma alternatiflerinin başarı mümkünlığına göre direkt olarak kupon türü belirlenebilir.
Sistem kuponlar riski sevmeyen kullanıcılar için verimli bir alternatif olacaktır. Sistem kuponlarda kupon ücreti yüksek olsa dahi tahminlerinizde 1 -2 adet fire vermiş olsanız dahi kazanma olasılığınız devam edecektir.
Kuponunuza ekleme yaparken olasılıkların derhal alt kısmında yer edinen oranlara tıklamanız kafi olacaktır. Bu oranlara tıklayarak lüzumlu olan tüm adımları tamamlayabilir ve eklemeyi gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.
Kuponunuza onaylama verinceye kadar keleme ve çıkarma yapma hakkınız da bulunuyor.
Misli meblağı da oldukça önemlidir. Miskli tutarı size kupon üzerinden ne kadar kazanım elde edeceğiniz mevzusunda yol gösteren en temel hususlardan biri olacaktır. Misli arttıkça kazanım olasılığı da risk faktörü de artış gösterecektir.
Kuponundan emin olan kişilerin misli tutarını yüksek belirlemesi elde edilecek olan verimliliği en yüksek dereceye çıkaracak olan hususlardan biri olur.
Kupon onaylamaı: Kupon tasdik aşamasında kişilerin özellikle dikkat etmesi gerekir. Kişilerin en kısa süre içinde hızlı ve sorunsuz bir halde erişim adımlarını tamamlayıp kuponunu şekillendirdikten derhal sonra onay vermesi gerekir. Bir kuponda yer alan tüm tahminler doğru olsa dahi onaysız olan kuponların geçerliliği olmayacaktır. Marsbet kullanıcı dostu bir platform olduğu için kullanıcılara onaylama mevzusunda gerekli olan tüm adımlar sorunsuz bir halde hatırlatılacaktır.

Kuponun Daha Başarılı Olması İçin Hangi Adımlar Atılabilir?
Takımlar üzerine yapacağınız kuponların daha yüksek bir verimliliğe sahip olması için mutlaka çözümleme yapmalısınız. Takımların son müsabakada sergiledikleri performans, ligin genel durumu, uluslar arası platformda sergiledikleri performans ve çok daha fazlasına olabildiğince kısa bir süre içinde erişim sağlama imkanını elde edebilirisiniz.

Başarı oranını artırmak için takımların genel durumları ile sunulan oranın ne derece ilişkili olduğunu da incelemeye almak gerekiyor. Kupon başarısının süre içerisinde artacağı ve tecrübeye bağlı olarak başarı oranınızın yükseleceği ek olarak dikkate alınması ihtiyaç duyulan hususlardandır. Orta bütçeye haiz olan kullananların tüm bütçelerini direkt olarak tek bir kupona aktarmaları doğru olmayacaktır. Bunun yerine daha davranışlarında ölçülü bir harcama çizgisi oluşturmanız sizin için daha verimli olur.

Hazır Kuponlardan Yardım Alın
Spor bahislerinde kupon hazırlama mevzusunda herhangi bir tecrübeniz bulunmuyorsa direkt olarak hazır kuponları da kullanma gibi bir hakkınız bulunuyor. Hazır kuponlar aracılığı ile kupona ekleme yapmak zorunda kalmadan verimliliği en yüksek dereceye çıkarma olanakını da elde edebilirisiniz. Hazır kuponlara ekleme yapmak sizin için artık daha verimli olacak.

Bu alanda hazır kuponları direkt olarak işleme almaktansa minimumından kendi isteklerinize uygun bir şekilde kıyaslamalar ve analizler yapmak sizin için verimliliği artıracak hususlar arasındadır. Hazır kuponun hangi uzman tarafından hazırlandığı ve oran/misli uyumu gibi hususlar siizn için büyük örutubet arz edecektir.

Kupon Bozdurma Nedir?
Kupon bozdurma aşaması kullananların hazırlamış oldukları kuponun doğru ilerlemediğini fark ettikleri anda direkt olarak gerçekleştirebilecekleri işlemlerden bir tanesidir. Kupon bozdurma adımlarını tamamlarken kişilerin dikkate alması gereken biri öteki husus da mutlaka kupon bozdurulduğunda kuponun ilk kazanımını vermeyecek olmasıdır. Kupon kazanım miktarında düşüş meydana gelecektir. Buna karşın kazanımın artırılması ve riskin ortadan kaldırılması için çok verimli seçeneklerden bir tanesidir. Yapılması ihtiyaç duyulan bir diğer uyarı da bonuslar ile alakalıdır. Bozdurulmuş olan kuponların bonus çevrim adımlarında herhangi bir geçerliliği yoktur.

Kupon Kazanımları Hesaba Ne vakit Tanımlanır?
Kuponun kazanması durumunda hesaba tanımlanma süreci ile alakalı lüzumlu olan tüm veriler anlık olarak aktarılacaktır. Kupon hazırlama sürecinde gösterdiğiniz emeğin karşılığını anlık olarak hesabınız üzerinden alacaksınız. Kuponunuzu hazırlarken dikkate alınması ihtiyaç duyulan bir öteki husus da mutlaka kazanım meblağıdır.

Bu meblağın hesaba aktarılması konusunda en hızlı işlem oluşturan sitelerin başında Marsbet geliyor. Marsbet verimliliği maksimum seviyeye çıkarmak için kişilerin kazanımlarının hesaba aktarılması mevzusunda harika bir alt yapı geliştirilmiştir. Kazanım elde eden kuponunuzun karşılığının hesaba aktarılmadığını fark eden kişiler anında canlı destek hattından yardım almalıdır. Uzmanlar bu sorunun niçin kaynaklandığını size kısa sürede aktaracaktır.

Marsbet Canlı Bahis Seçenekleri

Marsbet bahis platformunda klasik maç öncesi bahislere ek olarak bir de canlı bahislerden istifade etme hakkınız bulunuyor. Canlı bahisler sizin için yüksek verimliliğin en temel adreslerinden bir tanesi olacaktır. Devamlı olarak değişen oranlardan anlık bir biçimde istifade ederek verimliliği maksimum dereceye çıkarın. Marsbet sitesinde canlı bahislerde de branş çeşitliliği fazlaca yüksektir. Bu alanda futbol dalının ön plana çıktığı ve sitede hazırlanan canlı bahis kuponlarının genel olarak futbol, basketbol, tenis ve hentbol üzerine kurulu olduğunun da belirtilmesi gerekiyor.

Canlı Bahislerde Geçerli Olan tasarımSitede kupon oluşturma adımını daha kolay bir hale getirmek için büyük çaba sarf edilmektedir. Bu alanda canlı bahisler verimliliği en yüksek dereceye çekmek için özel bir alt yapı ile oluşturulmuştur. Canlı bahislerin ilgili sayfasında rağmenıza en popüler müsabaka çıkacaktır. Bunun yanı sıra hem sol tarafta farklı branşlarda geçindiren canlı bahis müsabakalarını görmüş olacaksınız. Oranların ne aşama hızlı şekilde dalgalandığını bu tablo üzerinden görebilirisiniz.

Kullananların akıl karışıklığı yaşamadan sorunsuz şekilde erişim adımlarını tamamlaması için özel bir alt yapı şekillendirilmiştir. Kupon oluşturma adımı veya genel manada site kullanımı ile alakalı olarak bir aksaklık yaşarsanız bu durumu canlı destek hattına anında bildirebilirsiniz.

Canlı Bahislerde Geçerli Olan Mantık Nedir?
Canlı bahislerde kişilerin öncelikli olarak şu hususları tanıması gerekiyor;

Canlı bahislerde müsabakanın başladığı andan bittiği ana kadar devamlı olarak değişim içinde olan bir oran yapısı rağmenıza çıkacaktır.
Yarışma başladıktan sonrasında canlı bahislerde kuponunuza ekleme yapma hakkınız mevcuttur.
Müsabakanın bitiş düdüğü ile de kuponunuza ekleme yapma hakkını kaybedebilirsiniz. Bahis platformları maçın bitmesini beklemeden direkt olarak bahsi kapatabilir. Bu yetki de siteye aittir.
Müsabakaları yorumlarken doğru zamanda kupona ekleme yapmalısınız. Oranlar değişim gösterse de sizin kuponunuz için geçerli olan oran ekleme ve onaylamanın hemen sonrasında sabitlenecektir.
Takımları yakından tanımak sizin için bu aşamada en büyük avantajlardan biri olacaktır.
Müsabakada meydana gelen en küçük bir kart gösterme veya sakatlık durumunun dahi tüm oran seviyesini alt üst edebilecek seviyede olduğunun belirtilmesi gerekiyor.
Bu detaylar incelendiği süre genel manada riskin daha yüksek olduğu ve aynı oranda kazanımın da maksimum seviyede olduğu daha net şekilde anlaşılmaktadır.

TV Sistemi Üzerinden Müsabakaları Takip Edin
Bahis sitesinde canlı bahislerde daha yüksek verimlilik elde edebilmek için TV sistemi üzerinden müsabakaları yakından takip etmeye dikkat etmelisiniz. TV sistemi ana sayfanın hemen en üst kısmında TV butonu şeklinde tarafınıza sunulmuştur. TV sistemi üzerinden verileri toplayarak elde edeceğiniz verimliliği yüksek bir seviyeye çıkarabilirisiniz. Bilgi elde etmek artık daha rahat!

TV sistemi düzgüsel koşullarda aylık olarak ödeme yaparak izleyeceğiniz müsabakaları size ücretsiz bir biçimde sunmaktadır.
Sistemin HD kalitede olması da memnun bırakmaktadır. Seyir keyfinizden taviz vermeden verimliliği maksimum dereceye çıkartabilmek adına en doğru yerdesiniz.
Takımları, rakipleri, transfer dönemini, ligin genel durumunu, yargıcı takım uyumunu bu TV sistemi sayesinde anında takip edebilirsiniz.
Yapılan araştırmalara bakılırsa hem canlı bahislerde aynı zamanda maç öncesi bahislerde müsabakaları yakından takip eden kullananların elde edecekleri kupon başarısının etmeyenlere bakılırsa çok daha yüksek olduğunun da ayrıca dile getirilmesi gerekiyor.
Bu yayından isterseniz masaüstü versiyon isterseniz de mobile versiyon üzerinden erişim sağlama hakkınız bulunuyor. Her iki sistemde de ağ bağlantısının hızlı olmasına dikkat etmelisiniz. Ağ bağlantısından meydana gelen bir problem meydana geldiği zaman TV akışında donmalar ve kopmalar meydana gelebilir.

Canlı Bahislerde Kısa Yollar

Sitede kullanım adımının daha pratik bir hale gelmesi için büyük çaba sarf edilmektedir. Bu noktada canlı bahsin site kısa yollarını takip etmeyi unutmamalısınız;

Maç tablosu, canlı maçlar, canlı çoklu görünüm, canlı takvim, sonuçlar ve istatistikler
Bu hususlar sitede dilediğiniz müsabakalara çok daha kısa bir süre içinde çok daha verimli ve sorunsuz bir halde erişim hakkını sunacaktır. Bu mükemmel sistem yüksek kazanım oranları ile sizi beklemeye devam ediyor.

Sonuçlar ve istatistikler kısmı yardımıyla takımları yakından tanımak ve analizlere ulaşmak için farklı bir siteye ihtiyaç duymayacaksınız analizlerinizi de bu sistem üzerinden büyük bir rahatlıkla tamamlama hakkına sahipsiniz. Canlı çoklu görünüm yardımıyla hangi müsabakanın oranının ne yönde değişiklik gösterdiği konusunda da bilgi alabilirsiniz.

Oran Kıyaslaması
Canlı bahislerde geçerli olan oran seviyesini öteki siteler ile kıyasladığınız vakit verimliliğin boyutunu daha net bir şekilde görebilirsiniz. Oran seviyesi en emin şekilde en yüksek seviyeye çekilmiştir. Bu sistem sizin için yüksek kazanımın en net noktalarından biri olacaktır.

Oran kıyaslaması yapılırken branşlar içinde futbolun en iddialı seçeneklerden biri olduğu da görülüyor. Oranlar üzerinde neyin değiştirme tesiri vardır soruları da çoğunlukla yöneltiliyor. Öncelikli olarak maçın gidişatının en temelde bir değişiklik yapma tesiri bulunuyor. Bunun yanı sıra kullanıcıların talepleri de büyük değişim arz edebiliyor. Kişilerin en kısa süre içerisinde yüksek talepte bulundukları müsabakalarda da bu tür oran dalgalanmaları meydana gelebilmektedir. Oranın bu aşama dalgalanmasının sizin için hem bir risk hem de çok yüksek bir kazanım fırsatı olduğunun ayrıca dile getirilmesi gerekiyor.

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Golden Race branşları ile alakalı olarak kişilerin dikkate alması gereken hususlardan bazıları şu biçimde sıralanıyor;

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Atlar, Motor Yarışları
Bu detaylar sizin için yüksek verimliliğin adreslerinden biri olacaktır. Golden Race aracılığı ile kazanımı en yüksek dereceye çıkarırken hem de oyun dallarının görsel kalitesi konusunda da harika bir fırsat elde edeceksiniz. Oyunlar size nerede ise oyunun içindeymiş gibi hissettirecek. Bu mükemmel sistem tüm görsel kalitesi ve verimliliği ile sizi bekliyor!

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Oyunda 80 adet top bulunmaktadır. Bu topların karıştırılmasının daha sonra otomatik olarak 20 adet top düşecektir.

Keno çekilişlerinde acaba hile uygulanır mı veya kullanıcıların bir grubu kayırılır mı benzer biçimde sorular da geliyor. Keno çekilişleri de dahil olmak üzere tüm şans oyunlarında uluslar arası komisyon tarafından gerekli olan denetimler yapılmaktadır. Bu alanda herhangi bir aksaklık meydana gelmeden sorunsuz şekilde çekiliş yapılacak ve kazanan belirlenecektir. Bu alanda yapılan nesnel değerlendirmeler de size harika bir halde yol gösterecektir. Piyasada yasadışı bahis siteleri içerisinde güvenliğe bu aşama dikkat eden farklı bir site alternatifi bulmanız çok zor!

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Kazanım elde etmek sizin için kazanımın ve verimliliğin ortak noktası olacaktır. Bu alanda yapılan yorumlar da ne kadar kapsamlı bir verimliliğin bulunduğunu size gösterecektir. Kazanım elde etmek sizin için artık daha basit olacak. Siz de oyun kapsamında tecrübe elde ettikten sonrasında memnun kalmış olduğunız ya da kalmadığınız noktaları dile getirebilirsiniz.

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TV oyunları oldukca hızlı bir yükleme sistemini de içerisinde barındırmaktadır. Bu konuda bir problem meydana gelmemesi için özel bir alt yapı oluşturulmuştur. Oyunların temeli hız ve görsel kalite prensiplerine uygun bir halde hizmet vermektedir. Verimli bir karşılaşma yaşamak War da dahil olmak üzere tüm TV oyunlarında verimliliği ile dikkat çekecektir. Bu görsel kalitede bir problem meydana gelmemesi için sizin de sitenin görsel unsurlarını kaldırabilecek cihazlar ile erişimi tamamlamanız gerekiyor.

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