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Going Ultralight on the Cape to Cape Track in Western Australia: A Trip Report

Going Ultralight on the Cape to Cape Track in Western Australia: A Trip Report
For non-Australian readers: most units are SI, e.g. weight is kilograms, distances are kilometres. Temperature units are in Celsius, and the currency is AUD.
This is a really long post, so here's a table of contents.
  • Introduction to the Cape to Cape Track
    • Weather
    • My Walk
      • What I Packed
      • Day 1
      • Day 2
      • Day 3
      • Day 4
      • Day 5
      • Day 6
      • Epilogue
      • Post-Epilogue
  • Trail Conditions
    • Sleeping Sites
    • Water
    • Sightings
  • Things I Learned About Going UL on this Walk
  • Gear Talk

Introduction to the Cape to Cape Track

From 23-28 October 2020, I walked the Cape to Cape Track (125km) in Australia's Southwest for 6 days and 5 nights from north to south. It's a coastal trail that goes from one lighthouse to another, winding through coastal heath, lots of beaches, and rocky coastlines. The track passes through quite a number of tiny holiday towns at the northern half. Town and camping stops become more sparse as you venture further south.


In late October, we're usually well into the drier Nyoongar season of kambarang (or second spring), but there were still plenty of wildflowers on the track, and even strong winds, cloudy skies, and a smattering of drizzle in the last couple of days. Being decent weather for hiking, there were plenty of walkers doing partial sections or going end to end, and I was only truly alone at a campsite on the last day. Daytime weather was warm and windy, up to about 30°C at the most, while the coolest time of the day in the early mornings never seemed to go below 10°C.
During the period I was walking, the sun set at 6:45pm and rose around 5:30am, providing plenty of daylight to walk in.

My Walk

Preview pic for the reddit post
A short Instagram Story Highlight of my hike is available for your pleasure. A few photos from my hike will be trickling out on my Instagram. I might edit the post to add pics as I process them.
What I Packed
Because of the moderate night-time temperatures, I decided to leave the puffy at home and only bring active top insulation (fleece and wind jacket) for sleeping and early morning hiking. Together with my 0°C-rated Terra Rosa Gear SynQuilt 3-Season and thermal bottoms, it provided more than enough warmth for a good night's sleep, and I didn't even have to strap down the quilt.
All my gear and food fit about just right on Day 1 in the maiden hike of the Aussie-made Wilderness Threadworks Sonder 36L backpack I had acquired secondhand.
Altogether, a pleasantly lightweight loadout below 4kg base weight. With about 2L of water and maybe 3kg of food, I don't think I ever carried more than 9kg in total, excluding worn weight.
I went no-cook, like I did on the Bibbulmun Track. What I brought, off the top of my head: Couscous, tuna packets, parmesan cheese, peanut butter, seaweed, wraps, spices and instant noodle seasoning packets, wasabi packets, vegan bacon powder, oats, nuts, milk powder, cocoa powder, matcha powder sachets, bran sticks, chia seeds, sugar.
Day 1
With only a short 11km from Cape Naturaliste to Duckworth campsite, I spent the morning driving a few hours from Perth, stopping at the Maccas in Busselton for lunch. Parked my car at Cape Naturaliste, got my pack out, and began my walk. The first few kilometres were on wheelchair accessible surfaces and already pretty and scenic.

Sugarloaf Rock
At Duckworth campsite, the ultralight, ultra-free yogurt spoon I thought I'll try out started to crack as I prepared my dinner. I also noticed that the reusable squeeze tube I was trying out as a supposedly mess-free way to bring out peanut butter for camping had already proven unreliable as the sealing clip had broken. This early kitchen nightmare was quelled, when I managed to get a disposable wooden spoon at a cafe in Yallingup the next day, and I McGyvered a temporary seal for the peanut butter tube with another spoon and a rubber band.
Day 2
A 23km walk from Duckworth, with an early stop at Yallingup for coffee and to pick up disposable spoons, ending at Moses Rock. It took longer than I expected to walk this stretch; a 7am start at a 3pm end meant I was walking less than 3km/h. Varied environments of beach, some rock formations, and a waterfall made the day's walk more interesting and probably helped to slow me down.

Quinninup Falls
I passed a few walkers wearing day packs, which is to be expected as it is easy to do car drop offs and pick ups along this section. I spotted a whale far out at sea, which was really cool.
There was a little side trip to Quinninup Falls further upstream from a brook. It was modest, but still pretty. I long-jumped over the stream to get nearer to the waterfall to refill my water. The falls splashed me well as the water in my bottle filled slowly. On the jump back, one foot plunged into the mossy pool, providing mirth to the day visitors who happened to be there.
Day 3
It was supposed to be a reasonable 19km walk to the next campsite at Ellensbrook, but when I arrived at Ellensbrook at 1pm after a speedy pace through the easy trail terrain in coastal heath, I decided to walk a further 11km to the Prevelly caravan park after a short half-hour lunch.
Between Moses Rock and Ellensbrook is Gracetown, which I arrived at just in time for a warm pie from the cafe for breakfast.
Just before I reached Prevelly, I had to cross the Margaret River at the mouth. The depth depends on the season, and when it's too deep, there is a diverted route. However, it was only knee deep for me, and other than getting my shoes wet, an easy crossing.

Margaret River Mouth
I stopped at Prevelly and paid $15 for a tent site. I also ended up spending a hefty $32 for a pub-priced beef and bacon burger with fries and a craft beer at the neighbouring restaurant for my dinner. Was it worth it though? Arguably yes.
I also got a shower at the caravan park, which was welcome. Being UL and not expecting to shower, I hadn't brought a towel. My neck gaiter managed to dry me off enough to let the cold dry evening air do the rest of the work.
Day 4
Walking the longer distance to Prevelly the day before shortened the walk to Conto's campground considerably, from an original 28km to a very short 16km. The next campground, Point Road, was only 1.6km ahead, after which the next possible accommodation was the Hamelin Bay Caravan Park at 19km. So it wasn't really physically possible for me to walk past Point Road to Hamelin Bay.
I woke up in the morning to find my shelter wet with condensation, as well as the bits of my quilt that had contacted the moisture. Since I didn't have a lot to walk today, I decided to have a later start to let the sun rise and dry out my gear. After a pecan pie for breakfast at the general store and a sausage roll to go that ended up getting scoffed impatiently due to the stomach overruling the mind, I left Prevelly just after 8am.
There were some awesome bits of the day. The trail brought me near some caves, named Bob's Hollow, and on the edge of some rocky cliffs.
Bob's Hollow
Getting to Conto's about 6 hours later at 2pm, I still had plenty of daylight. I rested here for a couple of hours, and also decided to have dinner here and to get well-hydrated before moving on to Point Road, where water would be unavailable. I utilised the free-to-use barbecue pit to make a grilled cheese panini. Cheers for the Aussie barbie!
Around 5pm, I left with a couple of other walkers I had met to Point Road, where we set up camp for the night. By coincidence, they met a couple of car camping friends there, and invited me along for a chat. The car campers offered me wine and a couple of snags, which was lovely to have!
Day 5
I got up early, packed up, and left at 6:15am for what I expected to be a long 28km walk past Hamelin Bay, all the way to the last campsite on the track at Deepdene.
On the way, I saw the biggest black snake of my entire life. Before I could brandish my phone for a picture, it slithered swiftly into the undergrowth. I have no doubt that if it felt like attacking me, it would reach me at lightning speed.
At noon, I arrived at the caravan park in Hamelin Bay. They're known for having some tame stingray denizens, but unfortunately the choppy waves meant they weren't around. I also happened to arrive on a day that a coffee kiosk there was closed. So I contented myself with a cold-soaked couscous lunch. The wind started to pick up and drops of drizzle came down as well. I suited up in my wind jacket and continued walking after lunch.
It might have simply been an unremarkable trudge on the beach today if not for the strong coastal winds, tremendous waves pounding the shoreline, and foreboding dark clouds that made it feel more exciting. The clouds also helped to reduce the radiative heat from the sun one normally experiences while beach walking.
Later on, the trail took me right on a rocky coast with blowholes through which the sea would sometimes churn from underneath and once in a while, erupt through.
I arrived at Deepdene, and found two northbound walkers who were there for a break and left soon after. No one else arrived after that, and I had the whole site to myself for the first time. Someone had lit an illegal campfire before, the remnants of it a fine grey ash that became part of the sandy dust that coated my shelter as I was pitching it, to my annoyance.
Day 6
With a TransWA bus from Augusta back to Dunsborough to catch at 3pm, and only 15km to the symbolic trailhead at the Cape Leeuwin lighthouse, I didn't have to rush. The rest of the walk was mostly a long trudge on the beach, with the tall lighthouse always teasingly far away in the visible distance. Eventually the track left the beach into the forest, which meant I was heading inland and close to the tip of the cape.
It was an awesome feeling, reaching the end. I also remember having been here, long ago, as a child with my family on a holiday to the Southwest. I took my time learning about the history of the lighthouse in the museum there, before heading to the lighthouse itself for a victory photo.
What a great walk!
Little did I realise, it wasn't really the end of the long walking I had to do today...
I figured it would be cheaper to hitchhike to Augusta, which was about 7km away from the lighthouse. So I set off on Leeuwin Road. I held my thumb out as cars passed by. Unfortunately, I was on a road that cars weren't supposed to stop on. I was new to this, you see. Eventually, I put my hand down, resigned to walking all the way.
A kind soul saw me, turned around, and asked if I was headed to Augusta. I replied in the affirmative, and he offered a ride, which I took gladly. Getting into Augusta without walking more was a relief. I had a lunch of fish and chips, a slice of cheesecake, and a coffee while waiting for the bus.
Then it was a pleasant bus ride back to Dunsborough, where I had a good rest.
But little did I know, I was going to be walking a whole lot more...
My car with all my stuff was still parked at Cape Naturaliste. In hindsight, I should've dropped a bag at the hostel in Dunsborough prior to my hike with a change in clothes, my toiletries, and my phone charger, so I could have a good night's rest before travelling to Cape Naturaliste the next day. But since I didn't think of that at the beginning, if I wanted to get my stuff, I had to travel there after my bus ride.
The cheapskate that I am, I thought, I'll just walk there after my bus ride. According to the Trails WA website, the Meelup Trail leads from Dunsborough to Cape Naturaliste, and is only a 7.8km walk? I just had a short 15km morning; surely 7.8km is no big deal.
However, I neglected to realise till it was too late, that 7.8km was the distance from the trail head, which was still a distance from Dunsborough. The actual distance was probably upwards of 12km. Walking from about 5pm, I would probably end up walking into the dusk. But I had already committed to this plan.
I offloaded my camping gear at the hostel, and strode with purpose out of town, towards Cape Naturaliste.
At the brisk hiking pace I was doing, with the urgency to get there not just before dark, but before Cole's supermarket closed at 8pm so I could grab a cheap dinner off the shelf, I began to feel the strain in my ankles. The setting sun revealed that the surrounds of the Meelup Trail were actually very beautiful, comparable to the scenery of the Cape to Cape Track itself.
I was still walking when the sun fully set. With a bit of trail left to the end, I decided to just take another route that the map showed on the phone that goes straight on the road, for an easier walk. I was elated when I finally saw my car. I drove to Coles with fifteen minutes to spare, got a rotisserie chicken with salad vegetables and bread, and headed to the hostel. More than half a chicken was demolished that night.
So it turns out, the most challenging day of walking I had on this hike, wasn't even really on the Cape to Cape Track at all.
And that, my friends, is the true conclusion of my Cape to Cape Track walk.

Trail Conditions

Sleeping Sites
The campsites are generally decent. The soft ground at pretty much all the sites I was at lets stakes in easily, while holding fast, and was comfortable for me even on a 6-piece ZLite CCF pad. Rainwater tanks, picnic tables, and dunnies with toilet paper are present at all the campsites along the track (with the exception of no water at Point Road). Conto's also had free barbecue pits, which is no surprise in Australia.
Most of the campsites are free with the exception of those you share with car campers, i.e. Conto's and Point Road. Conto's ($15) is booked online (there is supposedly wi-fi on site solely meant for last-minute bookings), while Point Road is $11 which you drop into a box there.
There aren't any shelters at all though, which was good for me as I got to practise pitching my Gatewood Cape every night.
There is also the option of sleeping in nicer cabins or pitching your tent in unpowered sites at caravan parks in the small towns I mentioned, e.g. Yallingup, Gracetown, Prevelly, Hamelin Bay.
As mentioned, there are rainwater tanks at almost every campsite, and you can also refill untreated water at the towns you pass along the way. You could ostensibly refill your water at some of the streams you pass by if Guthook is any indication, but because you are usually near the sea when you pass them, it is likely they are quite brackish or saline, especially in the drier period I was hiking in.
I brought 2L of capacity in water bottles, and found it was close to being inadequate for my hydration needs between water points, especially because I was walking a lot in exposed environments, i.e. coastal heath and beaches. If you usually drink a lot of water, I'll recommend having at least a 3L water capacity for this hike.
You can expect to see a snake or two in this season. There were also a few goannas/monitor lizards skulking about, blue-tongued lizards, bobtails, shorebirds on the beach, and my favourite: the surfers! Also, if you hike during the whale migratory season, they can be spotted off the coast.
Surprisingly, not a single kangaroo was seen.

Things I Learned About Going UL on this Walk

A 10000 mAh power bank was not enough for six days, for me.
Maybe it's because it's a second hand power bank I got off a friend for a cheap 5 bucks, so its capacity is diminished. Maybe it's because it's a Xiaomi power bank, which is no match for the industry standard Nitecore NB10000.
But also it's because as a phone-dependent millennial who is relying on my ageing Samsung Galaxy S8 critically for navigation and also non-essentially for entertainment, I really needed more juice than I had expected. I also realised that I used to save phone power and kill time as a solo hiker by reading log books on the Bibbulmun, something the Cape to Cape Track doesn't have.
I did get a top-up at Prevelly, so it all worked out. But that Grandma Gatewood audiobook I had downloaded remains unlistened.
Plastic yogurt spoons are ultralight, ultra-free, but unreliable for long hikes.
As I learned on day 1. I guess it's back to my Ti spoon for now.
No more refillable squeeze tubes.
They ended up more messy than jars. I don't even think there was a big weight saving.
A cold soak container can hold extra water, you know.
I can't believe this didn't occur to me earlier.
I'm finally getting a bit sick of couscous.
Oh no.

Gear Talk

Once again, LighterPack:
SMD Gatewood Cape & Serenity Net Tent
Because there are no shelters and you have to pitch your tent every night, it really got me practising how to set up this mid-style poncho tarp, which is seeing its first proper trip. I'm still learning how to get a taut pitch (I might have to go reread the instructions), and I found myself readjusting the stakes post-pitch every evening. I also have to learn how to pitch it well enough so the net tent inner does not touch the tarp; on the night in Prevelly, a lot of condensation got into my quilt and the net tent because the walls were touching.
I do take a bit more time to set this up than my previous tent, the Nemo Hornet 2P, which is expected. Also, after being in storage after more than a year without use, it might have become a bit looser than when it was new. But I guess that's what some of the pullout loops are for. I used them in conjunction with my second trekking pole and guyline to get a bit more headroom.
Some of the sites were a bit dusty, so I actually splashed water on it to get the dust off, and there was significant drizzle on the last night. But its waterproofing works well as expected.
The net tent was necessary for this hike, with flies, mosquitoes, and other bugs flitting around in the evenings.
I appreciated the sitting room of the net tent, as sitting is a position I find myself in the tent a lot. I always thought that I'll eventually develop the UL cojones to embrace a bivy. But I think I won't, not for a while.
I brought a couple of extra Ti shepherd's hook stakes just to try, and used them for non-critical stake points. I found them really great in the soft dirt at the campsites. I also learned that the Gatewood Cape and Serenity Net Tent, while designed to require a minimum of six stakes, could actually use up to nine stakes if you happen to have them. I did find a couple of stakes left behind -- trail magic!
Wilderness Threadworks Sonder 36L
Like a smaller version of my ULA Ohm, i.e. awesome! It was nice to have a smaller backpack for an appropriately shorter walk. On day one, it was definitely filled to the brim. But it was able to compress more compactly as the hike went on. I was a also a bit careless putting it down on rough surfaces sometimes. But 'tis without a scratch.
I also appreciated the minimalist hip belt on this model. It kept my backpack from swinging about.
Terra Rosa Gear SynQuilt 3-Season
Finally seeing some extended use in the outdoors instead of just when I sleep in my car. Great quilt.
It does appear a bit less bulky after repeated compressions in my pack. I guess that is to be expected; It is a synthetic quilt after all, and won't bounce back as well as down from compression.
Sun Gloves
A welcome addition to my sun protection attire, especially in Australia.
I bought a pair from the Cancer Council Australia shop here. They're fingerless gloves made of polyester that come with a large hole in the palms. They didn't feel stuffy to wear, and also incidentally reduced abrasion around the areas where I would grip my trekking poles.
That took a while to write. Hope y'all find it a good read!
submitted by bumps- to UltralightAus [link] [comments]

I decided to show some of the songs I like to you guys. If you aren’t interested at least look at 1 song in each section

(I wish I can go back songs) Classic Man - Jidenna 2015 Int’l Players Anthem - UGK ft OutKast 2007 Swimming Pools - Kendrick Lamar 2012 2 Phones - Kevin Gates 2016 Cheerleader - OMI 2015 Thrift Shop - Macklemore 2012 Beautiful Girls - Sean Kingston 2007 Bottoms Up - Trey Songz ft Nicki Minaj - 2010 Firework - Katy Perry - 2010 Ride - Twenty One Pilots 2015
(Meme / Offensive Songs) Wendy - Shotgun Willy - 2019 Jack Daniels - Lil Darkie - 2019 Buy U - Yung Craka -2019 Kissing Boys - Lil Float - 2020 Captain Save a Hoe - Shotgun Willy - 2019 Erectile Dysfunction- Lil Float 2019 Thick N*ggas & Anime Tiddies - DBangz -2019 Holocaust- Lil Darkie - 2019 Jesus Is The One - Zack Fox - 2019 WW3 - Lil Float - 2020
( Chill ) Empty - Juice Wrld - 2019 No Role Modelz - J Cole - 2015 Location - Khalid - 2016 Death Bed - Powfu - 2020 Cocoa Butter Kisses-Chance The Rapper-2013 Hereditary - JID - 2017 20 Min - Lil Uzi Vert - 2017 Better Now - Post Malone - 2018 Lean Wit Me - Juice Wrld - 2018 F**k Love - XXXTENTACION - 2017
(Messages) Mona Lisa - Lil Wayne - 2018 This could be us - Rae Sremmurd - 2015 Brothers - Luh Kel - 2019 Minnie the Moocher - The Blues Brothers originally Cab Calloway - 2019 / 1937 Heartless - Kanye West 2009 3005 - Childish Gambino - 2013 Feels like summer - Childish Gambino - 2018 Love Yourz - J cole -2014 Bambi - Jidenna - 2017 Stand By Me - Ben E. King (1961)
(Regular) NWA - Nle Choppa - 2019 Bandit - Juice Wrld - 2019 No Problem - Chance the Rapper - 2016 The Code - King Von ft Polo g - 2020 Girl of my dreams - Rod Wave - 2020 To The Max - Lil Loaded - 2020 I know - Polo G - 2020 Mood - 24kGoldn - 2020 Hate the other side - Juice Wrld ft Polo G and Kid LAROI - 2020 Blue World - Mac Miller 2020
submitted by Mystical98 to teenagers [link] [comments]

I decided to show some of the songs I like to you guys. If you aren’t interested at least look at 1 song in each section

(I wish I can go back songs) Classic Man - Jidenna 2015 Int’l Players Anthem - UGK ft OutKast 2007 Swimming Pools - Kendrick Lamar 2012 2 Phones - Kevin Gates 2016 Cheerleader - OMI 2015 Thrift Shop - Macklemore 2012 Beautiful Girls - Sean Kingston 2007 Bottoms Up - Trey Songz ft Nicki Minaj - 2010 Firework - Katy Perry - 2010 Ride - Twenty One Pilots 2015
(Meme / Offensive Songs) Wendy - Shotgun Willy - 2019 Jack Daniels - Lil Darkie - 2019 Buy U - Yung Craka -2019 Kissing Boys - Lil Float - 2020 Captain Save a Hoe - Shotgun Willy - 2019 Erectile Dysfunction- Lil Float 2019 Thick N*gags & Anime Tiddies - DBangz -2019 Holocaust- Lil Darkie - 2019 Jesus Is The One - Zack Fox - 2019 WW3 - Lil Float - 2020
( Chill ) Empty - Juice Wrld - 2019 No Role Modelz - J Cole - 2015 Location - Khalid - 2016 Death Bed - Powfu - 2020 Cocoa Butter Kisses-Chance The Rapper-2013 Hereditary - JID - 2017 20 Min - Lil Uzi Vert - 2017 Better Now - Post Malone - 2018 Lean Wit Me - Juice Wrld - 2018 F**k Love - XXXTENTACION - 2017
(Messages) Mona Lisa - Lil Wayne - 2018 This could be us - Rae Sremmurd - 2015 Brothers - Luh Kel - 2019 Minnie the Moocher - The Blues Brothers originally Cab Calloway - 2019 / 1937 Heartless - Kanye West 2009 3005 - Childish Gambino - 2013 Feels like summer - Childish Gambino - 2018 Love Yourz - J cole -2014 Bambi - Jidenna - 2017 Stand By Me - Ben E. King (1961)
(Regular) NWA - Nle Choppa - 2019 Bandit - Juice Wrld - 2019 No Problem - Chance the Rapper - 2016 The Code - King Von ft Polo g - 2020 Girl of my dreams - Rod Wave - 2020 To The Max - Lil Loaded - 2020 I know - Polo G - 2020 Mood - 24kGoldn - 2020 Hate the other side - Juice Wrld ft Polo G and Kid LAROI - 2020 Blue World - Mac Miller 2020
submitted by Mystical98 to teenagers [link] [comments]

COSTCO Shopping List

Please add any additional suggestions and price changes t in comments. Prices may be estimates. Half priced Coles and Woolies specials and supermarket "Own brands" may be cheaper don’t get sucked in. Some need prices.
The majority of these are regularly stocked, but Costco often gets products in for a short time only. eg in this list the San Pellegrino Drinks (bought 2/11/20) may be short term only.
Costco don't do grocery deliveries, but Fairdinks ( resells from Costco and home delivers to Sydney and Melbourne. You can also use their site to see what products Costco sells but the prices will be higher.



(also consider any fresh meat, fish, cheese, butter, eggs, leafy vegetables)



submitted by Glopuss to ketoaustralia [link] [comments]

Posted this a day ago but decided to show it again

(I wish I can go back songs) Classic Man - Jidenna 2015 Int’l Players Anthem - UGK ft OutKast 2007 Swimming Pools - Kendrick Lamar 2012 2 Phones - Kevin Gates 2016 Cheerleader - OMI 2015 Thrift Shop - Macklemore 2012 Beautiful Girls - Sean Kingston 2007 Bottoms Up - Trey Songz ft Nicki Minaj - 2010 Firework - Katy Perry - 2010 Ride - Twenty One Pilots 2015
(Meme / Offensive Songs) Wendy - Shotgun Willy - 2019 Jack Daniels - Lil Darkie - 2019 Buy U - Yung Craka -2019 Kissing Boys - Lil Float - 2020 Captain Save a Hoe - Shotgun Willy - 2019 Erectile Dysfunction- Lil Float 2019 Thick N*ggas & Anime Tiddies - DBangz -2019 Holocaust- Lil Darkie - 2019 Jesus Is The One - Zack Fox - 2019 WW3 - Lil Float - 2020
( Chill ) Empty - Juice Wrld - 2019 No Role Modelz - J Cole - 2015 Location - Khalid - 2016 Death Bed - Powfu - 2020 Cocoa Butter Kisses-Chance The Rapper-2013 Hereditary - JID - 2017 20 Min - Lil Uzi Vert - 2017 Better Now - Post Malone - 2018 Lean Wit Me - Juice Wrld - 2018 F**k Love - XXXTENTACION - 2017
(Messages) Mona Lisa - Lil Wayne - 2018 This could be us - Rae Sremmurd - 2015 Brothers - Luh Kel - 2019 Minnie the Moocher - The Blues Brothers originally Cab Calloway - 2019 / 1937 Heartless - Kanye West 2009 3005 - Childish Gambino - 2013 Feels like summer - Childish Gambino - 2018 Love Yourz - J cole -2014 Bambi - Jidenna - 2017 Stand By Me - Ben E. King (1961)
(Regular) NWA - Nle Choppa - 2019 Bandit - Juice Wrld - 2019 No Problem - Chance the Rapper - 2016 The Code - King Von ft Polo g - 2020 Girl of my dreams - Rod Wave - 2020 To The Max - Lil Loaded - 2020 I know - Polo G - 2020 Mood - 24kGoldn - 2020 Hate the other side - Juice Wrld ft Polo G and Kid LAROI - 2020 Blue World - Mac Miller 2020
submitted by Mystical98 to teenagers [link] [comments]

Working as an Aussie Bush Ranger Part 3: The Massacre

Link to Part 1
Link to Part 2
So, uh, I’m pissed.
For days I put up with having nothing to read - literally days of being bored out of my mind, shadowed by Lizzie and humiliated by Sydney’s constant exploits. But I put up with it, not just out of the goodness of my heart but because I knew that Davo was gonna be coming down on Thursday with the monthly supply drop and I’d get some new reading material.
Plot twist: it didn’t fucking happen.
See, the park is a good few hours out of town and, before Lizzie, Gordon was the only one with a driving license and no psychopathic tendencies while behind the wheel (looking at Sydney with that one). Seeing as he doesn’t have the time to take the drive every couple of weeks, that fell to Dave.
Dave (or, as we’ve always called him, Davo) was the only local barmy enough to drive up here every month with some supplies - y’know, food and what not. He’s middle aged, average height, white with a beer gut. A bit bogan, honestly, but kept the racism to a minimum and was always nice enough to bring a few spare books for me whenever he came up.
And now, of course, he’s gone and gotten himself killed.
It was the bunyip that got him, based on the...uh, specific region that was missing from his body (the penis. The bunyip ate his penis. It’s weird because it’s not a part of the actual legend; bunyips haunt billabongs, sure, and eat unsuspecting humans who draw too near, but there’s nothing about them specifically aiming for male genitals. That’s just our guy. Then again, who am I to kinkshame? My dad has tentacles).
Still, though, we don’t know why he went down to the billabong in the first place. It was a good hour’s trek from where he left his car, abandoned in the middle of the road. The lyrebirds wouldn’t have led him that far, and definitely wouldn’t have let the bunyip steal their meal. And we can’t imagine him going there by his own accord; his keys were still in the ignition, and he’s a local. Even if he doesn’t know it all, he knows enough to stay the hell out of our bushland.
Anyway, the government authorities in charge of the cover up (it’s always more thorough when it’s a local) confiscated the supplies he was gonna drop as evidence. Including, of course, the books. That bloody bastard couldn’t wait long enough to deliver the books before he went on his little, suicidal hike, and I have been fuming for days.
Since the others have to eat and all that, the locals roped a new guy into doing our deliveries. His name is James and his family have only just moved into town, so they didn’t know just how dangerous this job would be. I want to feel bad for him, but I’ll reserve my pity until I assess his book selection. Any John Green and I'll throw him to the Prime Ministers myself.
He showed up on Saturday. We were expecting him, so Lizzie convinced Gordon to convince the rest of us to throw him a little welcome party in the souvenir shop. We set up the radio and dusted the shelves. We washed our uniforms and combed our hair. Ava had even put some lipstick on Roger the Redback, but Gordon convinced her that Lizzie wasn’t ready for that yet. Despite having been around for almost a week at that point, nothing strange had yet to happen while she was watching...I mean except for those two times she died, but that doesn’t really count. Point is, we’ve decided it’s best to ease her into it for as long as we can and a 6 foot tall, sentient spider isn’t the most subtle of peculiarities.
James showed up at 1 in the arvo, his ute pulling up filled to the brim with canned goods that none of us liked. I looked at him, sizing him up; East Asian heritage, long cheekbones and slicked-back hair. Tall, too, almost the same height as Gordon, who rushed out to guide him inside before the 2am sun came out. That was where the rest of us greeted him.
“Hi.” I said.
“Hey.” He responded. He had a Melbourne accent.
“What brings you here?” I asked. He shrugged.
“I dunno. Seemed like a good job to ride through my gap year.”
“You look about 25 years old.” I responded. Gordon put his face in his hands, so I guess that it came off as rude. Oops. James, unfazed, just shrugged
“Yeah,” he said, “well sometimes gap years last longer than expected. Like, a few years. Or almost a decade.” He shrugged again. “You know how it is.”
I didn’t know how it was. I never went to school. But James seemed cool and I wanted to fit in so I just nodded along. I changed my mind about him when I asked about the books, thoughts. Apparently none of the locals had thought to clue him in on that particular tradition so he didn’t bring any. He promised to bring some along next time, but I’d already decided that I hated him and retreated from the conversation to glare at a distance, behind the counter. The others all seemed to like him. Ava kept giggling at everything he said, wrapping her hair around her finger suggestively. It was kinda cringe, I’ll be honest, but none of us were gonna point it out to her. She’s just too nice, it’s impossible to willingly upset her. Kinda makes it funny that she’s the one of us with the highest kill count.
Actually, that reminds me! I was gonna tell you guys about that, wasn’t I? I totally forgot. Here we go:
So, this happened about two years ago. Ava had only just started working at the park, and was the hot new thing. Unlike Lizzie (who no one likes because she’s uptight and annoying and also maybe immortal) Ava was actually cool, and we all wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, to the point that arguments over who would patrol with her would sometimes get pretty ugly.
See, Ava is a free spirit. She has bushy red hair and wears a pointed witch hat and speaks in a dreamy tone like she’s got her head in the clouds, and sometimes she steals teeth from bodies before we throw them into the Pit and swallows them like panadol tablets. It’s pretty badass. She can also apparently talk to nature, which we all thought was bullshit until one time she ran into the Not-Platypus and it didn’t eat her eyes and tongue, as it has a penchant for doing. Just gave her a weird sort of nod and then melted back into the bush, the spurs on its back-legs glinting in the harsh sunlight.
Before Ava came, one of the many odd routines that we had to keep up while working was preparing the birthday parties. Now, don’t get the wrong idea; we don’t actually let children have their parties up here. That would be fucked up. But even though our no-parties rule was very clear, and the locals all knew enough to stay away regardless, on the fourth of every month we always found ourselves preparing a child’s birthday party.
Who’s party? We never knew. We didn’t even know why or on whose order we were doing it. It just...happened. We’d wake up on the third and know that it was time to prepare, and what to prepare, and how to prepare it.
They were always fairly typical Aussie birthday parties. Lamingtons. Fairy bread. Sausage rolls and party pies, always either under or over cooked. Those store-bought cakes that every Aussie kid knows - y’know, the ones from Coles. Vanilla, chocolate or caramel, with lines of chocolate dribbled over the top. We never knew where any of it came from - Davo certainly never brought it with him, since we would have eaten it ourselves if he had. It all just showed up, and we all knew where it was.
And then there were the parties themselves. The adults...they didn’t really matter. They were there, don’t get me wrong, but they were background noise. An old white guy at the barbie, for example, or a tired mum handing out lolly bags. You could only see them out of the corner of your eyes. The real centrepiece of the occasion was the children. It was never clear who’s birthday it was, but it was always the same kids. We recognised them all, even if we couldn’t describe them. And they never aged past that squishy state after five years old but before ten, even as the years passed.
When Ava’s first birthday party rolled around, the children were enthralled with her. They played with her hair, pulling it straight and watching it bounce back, and some of them stole her hat and passed it around between them. Ava bore all of this with a calm half-smile, far more composed than I would have been. She’s cool like that. It was, all in all, going pretty well.
Things started to go downhill, though, once the birthday cake came out.
Usually (as I said before) we’d use one of those Coles cakes for this part. The kids loved them, and so did we (if we had to throw a party every month, you can be sure that we’d always help ourselves to a bit of the buffet). This time, though, we were surprised to find that Ava had something else in mind.
See, when she’d heard that we were gonna have a bunch of kids over, she was ecstatic. Ava loves kids, and she loves making them happy. So, instead of relying on the usual cake, she decided she’d do something to make this particular party special: she baked her own.
It was a marvel of a birthday cake. Three tiered, the colour of velvety mud, decorated with bright green leaves made of icing. It was a work of art, and the kids went insane over it. They practically trampled each other in an effort to get the first slices, balancing them on napkins and poking each other with plastic forks. Needless to say, we were all very impressed and as soon as the opportunity arose, Gordon went to retrieve his own slice.
“What’s it made of?” He asked, digging his plastic fork into it and admiring its silky texture.
“Oh, you know,” Ava hummed absently, smiling at the children's excitement, “Just the usual. Eggs. Butter. Flour, sugar, vanilla extract. A little bit of arsenic. Some cocoa powder.”
Gordon paused, his loaded fork hovering centimeters from his mouth. “Sorry, what was that last one?”
“Cocoa powder?”
“No, no. The, uh, the one before that.”
“Oh, arsenic. It’s my mother’s recipe.”
Gordon nodded slowly, lowering his fork and studying his slice with a new wariness. “Huh.”
Then the kids started dying.
It was pretty ugly. Y’know, convulsions. Crying. Blood coming out from a wide variety of orifices. I won’t go into details, since the others all seemed pretty upset. None of them had eaten any yet, but apparently watching dozens of small children die horribly inspires some pretty negative emotions.
I don’t know why. It meant more leftovers for me, after all, and I helped myself as they died. The cake was good. Ava’s mother was onto something; the arsenic leant it a nice, tangy aftertaste.
We didn’t have any more birthday parties after that.
And that’s the story. But before you go, I’ve got one more thing to talk about. I promised I’d keep you all up to date with everything happening currently, so I should mention that something weird has been going on. Like, even weirder than normal. It’s been a pretty nice break from the monotony, if I'm being honest!
See, since the last post I’ve been...missing moments. And not in the normal way, like with Hot Days. No, everyone else remembers. And they don’t often last full days, just a few moments here and there. And when I come too, it’s with the taste of ash on my tongue, and black dirt under my fingernails.
And it’s been getting worse.
I honestly think I lost a whole two days at one point. That’s how long the others say I was gone for, at least. That’s why this update has been a longer time coming than the last. But I haven’t forgotten you all! I’m just...dealing with it. It’s just...weird, y’know? And I'm not used to the weird stuff around here actually affecting me.
That’s all for now, though, I guess. Sorry to leave on a bummer note. It’s probably nothing. It usually is.
See yah!
submitted by ranger10123 to nosleep [link] [comments]

Songs on the Hottest 100 2010s voting list that didn't make a Hottest 200

These are the songs on the voting list that didn't make a Hottest 200 for those that are interested (Australian songs in bold):
A$AP Ferg Shabba {Ft. A$AP Rocky} (2013)
Adele Rolling In The Deep (2010)
Angel Olsen Shut Up Kiss Me (2016)
Avicii Levels (2011)
Azealia Banks 212 {Ft. Lazy Jay} (2011)
Baauer Harlem Shake (2012)
Beach House Zebra (2010)
Beth Ditto I Wrote The Book (2011)
Beyonce Formation (2016)
Beyonce Run The World (Girls) (2011)
Cardi B Bodak Yellow (2018)
Chance The Rapper Cocoa Butter Kisses {Ft. Vic Mensa/Twista} (2013)
Chance The Rapper Favorite Song {Ft. Childish Gambino} (2013)
Charli XCX Boom Clap (2014)
Christine and the Queens Tilted (2015)
CHVRCHES The Mother We Share (2012)
Cosmo's Midnight Snare {Ft. Wild Eyed Boy} (2014)
Crystal Fighters Follow (2011)
Cults Go Outside (2011)
Deadmau5 Channel 42 {Ft. Wolfgang Gartner} (2012)
Deadmau5 Professional Griefers {Ft. Gerard Way} (2012)
Deadmau5 Raise Your Weapon (2010)
Drake Headlines (2011)
Drake Hold On, We're Going Home {Ft. Majid Jordan} (2013)
Drake Over (2010)
Drake Started From The Bottom (2013)
Drake Take Care {Ft. Rihanna} (2011)
Drake Up All Night {Ft. Nicki Minaj} (2010)
Drake Energy (2015)
Drake Jungle (2015)
Elliphant One More {Ft. MO} (2014)
Eminem Berzerk (2013)
Fetty Wap Trap Queen (2014)
Frank Ocean Nights (2016)
Frank Ocean Novacane (2011)
Frank Ocean Swim Good (2011)
Future Incredible (2017)
Ghost Loft Seconds (2013)
Hayden James Permission To Love (2013)
ILOVEMAKONNEN Tuesday {Ft. Drake} (2014)
J. Cole No Role Modelz (2014)
J. Cole Wet Dreamz (2014)
J. Cole Deja Vu (2016)
J. Cole Immortal (2016)
J. Cole Neighbors (2016)
Jagwar Ma Come Save Me (2011)
James Blake Limit To Your Love (2010)
James Blake Life Round Here (2013)
Jamie xx Gosh (2015)
Janelle Monae Dance Apocalyptic (2013)
Janelle Monae I Like That (2018)
Janelle Monae Make Me Feel (2018)
JOY. Smoke Too Much (2017)
Juice WRLD Lucid Dreams (2017)
Kate Nash Do-Wah-Doo (2010)
Kendrick Lamar Backseat Freestyle (2012)
Kendrick Lamar Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe (2012)
Kendrick Lamar m.A.A.d city {Ft. MC Eiht} (2012)
Kendrick Lamar Money Trees {Ft. Jay Rock} (2012)
La Roux Uptown Downtown (2014)
Lizzo Good As Hell (2016)
Lizzo Truth Hurts (2017)
Mac DeMarco Salad Days (2014)
Migos Bad and Boujee {Ft. Lil Uzi Vert} (2016)
Migos Stir Fry (2018)
Mitski Nobody (2018)
Nas & Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley As We Enter (2010)
Nicki Minaj Anaconda (2014)
Peking Duk The Way You Are (2012)
Phantogram Fall In Love (2014)
Pharrell Williams Happy (2013)
Post Malone Congratulations (2016)
Pusha T Numbers On The Boards (2013)
Pusha T If You Know You Know (2018)
Rae Sremmurd No Type (2015)
Rihanna Bitch Better Have My Money (2015)
Rihanna We Found Love {Ft. Calvin Harris} (2011)
Rihanna Work {Ft. Drake} (2016)
Robyn Call Your Girlfriend (2010)
Sia Cheap Thrills (2016)
Silversun Pickups Skin Graph (2012)
Sky Ferreira You're Not The One (2013)
Sky Ferreira Everything Is Embarrassing (2012)
SOAK Sea Creatures (2015)
Solange Cranes In The Sky (2016)
Solange Losing You (2012)
St. Vincent Cruel (2011)
Travis Scott Antidote (2015)
Tyler, The Creator Boredom {Ft. Rex Orange County/Anna Of The North} (2017)
Tyler, The Creator DEATHCAMP {Ft. Cole Alexander} (2015)
Tyler, The Creator Domo23 (2013)
Tyler, The Creator IFHY {Ft. Pharrell Williams} (2013)
Tyler, The Creator See You Again {Ft. Kali Uchis} (2017)
Vince Staples Norf Norf (2015)
Warpaint Love Is To Die (2013)
Wolf Alice She (2013)
Young Thug and Travis Scott Pick Up The Phone {Ft. Quavo} (2016)
submitted by sundaybender to triplej [link] [comments]

HHH End of 2013 Awards: Results

2013 was a pretty big year for our little subreddit, since the last awards a little of a year ago, we've grown by almost 100,000 subscribers from 50,000 last January to 150,000 this January. We've held several AMAs from Big Boi to J Cole to Chance to Talib Kweli; thanks to all of you guys we've become one of the premier hip-hop communities on the internet.
Summary of Results
Here are the summary of the results
In case anyone was wondering here was another census conducted during the summer of 2013
Unsurprisingly, the average HHH user is a white college aged male from USA, which falls in line with the majority of the Reddit user base. While the census is pretty predictable we're glad to have the diversity we do have and hope to continue to provide an experience that helps nurture that diversity.
We're also glad to hear that the majority of you either believe the quality of the subreddit is getting better or is staying at a steady pace, we'll have places for feedback later on in the year.
Notes: 1) The buying question was simply to see how many albums people bought, not to check how many of you pirate since the question doesn't allow for services such as Spotify to be counted. We understand that some people do support artists with buying singles and going to concerts, we just wanted to check how many hip-hop projects people bought in 2013.
2) We received 7311 responses, so the numbers next to the winners are out of 7311, while the percentage number in the summary is the percentage of users who picked that nomination as ONE possible answer out of at most 3. The total amount of votes varies per category as not everyone used simply 1 or 3 votes (7311 - 21933) per category.
Favorite Beat
1) Kanye West & The Gang - Blood On The Leaves ... 3298
2) Don Cannon - Numbers on the Boards ... 2695
3) Boi-1da & Jordan Evans - Pound Cake ... 1565
4) THC & Gwen Bunn - Collard Greens ... 1525
5) Childish Major - UOENO ... 1248
Favorite Verses
1) Kendrick Lamar - Control ... 3560
2) Pusha T - Nostalgia ... 2466
3) Kanye West - New Slaves (Verse #2) ... 2012
4) Chance the Rapper - Paranoia (Verse #2) ... 1478
5) Danny Brown - 1 Train ... 1424
Favorite Song
1) Kanye West - Blood On The Leaves ... 2077
2) Chance The Rapper - Cocoa Butter Kisses (ft. Vic Mensa & Twista) ... 2013
3) Pusha T - Nosetalgia (ft. Kendrick) ... 1933
4) A$AP Rocky & The Gang - 1 Train ... 1883
5) SchoolBoy Q - Collard Greens (ft. Kendrick) ...1403
Note: This was the closest category as 2077 was the fewest amount that a winner had out of all of the categories.
Favorite Mixtapes/EPs
1) Chance The Rapper - Acid Rap ... 5291
2) Flatbush Zombies - BetterOffDead ... 2057
3) Action Bronson - Blue Chips 2 ... 1479
4) Big K.R.I.T. - King Remembered in Time ... 956
5) Joey Bada$$ - Summer Knights ... 922
Note: Acid Rap appeared on the most ballots out of any nomination in all of the categories.
Favorite Albums
1) Kanye West - Yeezus ... 3224
2) Pusha T - My Name is My Name ... 2266
3) Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels ... 1877
4) A$AP Rocky - LONG.LIVE.A$AP ... 1624
5) Danny Brown - Old ... 1602
We hope you guys enjoyed 2013 and we hope that 2014 will bring further growth in popularity and quality for this subreddit. We had 7311 responses and many comments in the nominations threads so thank you for doing your part.
The Mods
submitted by TheHHHRobot to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

Mint Chocolate Mousse Recipe!

Hey guys, been on keto for 4 weeks now. Started off at 189kg and I am already down to 187 with 45 minutes of exercise 4 days per week. I'm 198cm. Some of you may know or remember during Christmas Coles & Woolworths stock a choc mint mousse. It was addicting but unfortunately full of sugar & carbs which is why I have created this recipe.
I will link you to every ingredient listed & where I purchased from
- ALL ingredients purchased from Australia
Well Naturally No Sugar Added Chocolate (Creamy Milk), there is also a Dark Choc Mint Version :)
Cocao Powder
Peppermint Extract
Liquid stevia (or your own choice of sweetener)
Thickened Cream

- Pour 300ML Thickened cream into a mixing bowl
- Add 10-12 drops of stevia or your desired amount of sweetner
- 1 table spoon of cocoa powder into bowl
- Mix using a mixer or whisk until slightly fluffy
- Add a 1 1/2 teaspoons of butter & the well naturally bar into a bowl
- Place in microwave for 90 secs or until melted
- Pour melted butter & chocolate into bowl
- Add 1 teaspoon of Peppermint Extract
- Mix until it becomes a thick mousse like texture and sit in the fridge for an hour

Enjoy!!! You can make many adaptations to this but this was for the choc mint mousse I loved!
submitted by tysonXCIV to ketoaustralia [link] [comments]

Thoughts on Oxnard

Writing this during my third listen.
The Chase - love the fact that the album opens with beach sounds, great callback. The instrumental intro has such a nice vibe to it, the flute is so good. Paak's opening verse is badass as hell, and Khadija Bonet's voice is so incredible. Funky af bassline, and a beautiful singing performance by .Paak to end the track. Overall a great opener to the album.
Headlow - Love the instrumental right off the bat, and .Paak's delivery is smooth as butter (but that's true for basically any of his songs). I really dig the kinda spooky melody for the hook. Absolutely love the beat switch at the end, Norelle sounds fantastic. Outro skit is funny as hell, and I think it makes a lot of sense for this to be right before Tints.
Tints - Not my first time listening to this song by any means, so I'll just talk about what I think of this track. I loved .Paak's performance on it from the beginning, but the Kendrick verse took a few listens to grow on me. Now I think the more laid back style really fits well on this track as compared to if he would have gone hard as fuck. This is probably the track closest to Malibu in terms of sound on this album.
Who R U? - Again, heard this a bunch of times, I think this is a brilliant song as well. .Paak's cold delivery fits so well on this production. Love the kind of stuttering snares in the beat. Amazing song.
6 Summers - Didn't expect a political track from .Paak, but I'm into it. He's really flexing his rapping skills on this, flow switchups are great. Love the new spin on the "revolution will not be televised" quote. The smooth ass bass and keyboard instrumental is so dope. Definitely gonna be one of the standouts for me.
Saviers Road - Vocal harmonies on this are on point. Paak flowing like a motherfucker. The drums on this song sound so amazing, Dre's mixing is really showing on this album.
Smile/Petty - His double song on Malibu (The Seasons/Carry Me) was one of my favourites from that album, so I had high hopes for this. As soon as I heard the bassline on this track, I thought of Thundercat. First instrumental on this track is beautiful, and Paak does so well on this kind of beat every time. I love the fact that the overall vibe of the song doesn't change after the beat switch. Really enjoying the "Petty" hook as well. Paak is such a talented vocalist. Definitely one of my favourites.
Mansa Musa - This goes HARD. Banging bassline, spooky piano plinks, hard kicks, and aggressive rapping across the board. Cocoa Sarai killed her feature. Holy shit Dre verse. He sounds dope as hell, perfect feature for this beat. Did not know .Paak could sound this mean, but damn he absolutely kills it. I like that this is a shorter song, feel like it's more impactful because of it. This is also probably going to be in rotation for a while.
Brother's Keeper - I was so pumped for the Pusha T feature on this song. Daytona is definitely top 5 AOTY of the year for me, and godDAMN he delivered. Love the fact that he talked about his relationship with his brother. I saw another comment here that said the instrumental is kinda like Daytona with a .Paak flavour to it, and I couldn't agree more. Absolutely adore the beat switch after Pusha's verse, .Paak bringing that genre-bending music that he does so well. Amazing song,
Anywhere - Heavy G-Funk vibes from the instrumental as soon as it started, of course Snoop is a perfect feature for this song. I always though .Paak and Snoop would sound great on a song together, and here's proof of that. .Paak's performances have been super consistent across the album, there hasn't been one song where he sounded even a little off. His singing on this track is impeccable.
Trippy - Cole hasn't missed a feature this year, so expectations were super high. Lmao "One girl told me come over there's nobody home, I went over, there was nobody home" is /2meirl4meirl material. This album has some great uses of background vocals, really adds another nice layer to the tracks, and this song does it super well. Love the hi hats during the hook, gives the instrumental a laid back vibe which I'm super into. Cole's verse is A1 quality, expectations met. Guitar part in the outro is so pretty, amazing way to close out this track.
Cheers - Perfect way to end the album (the two tracks after this are "Bonus Tracks" so this is technically the end of the album). Nice bouncy instrumental, charismatic .Paak at his most charismatic, super upbeat vibe to the track. Beat switch into Q-Tip's verse and oh man I am dead. What an amazing feature. Beautiful sax solo to close out the song. I have to mention again how good everything on this album sounds, Dre the GOAT and it's so clear.
Sweet Chick - Have I heard that horn sample in the verse somewhere else? Another fun track, but I feel like .Paak can make a song like this in his sleep, just because of how comfortable he is with music like this. Still a very nice song. BJ the Chicago Kid sounds great as well. Outro skit on this is so funny as well.
Left to Right - I enjoyed this song as well, but it's probably my least favourite on the album. Still a super fun jam, and I've said this so many times by now but .Paak always gives such solid vocal performances.
Impressions: Right now this is easily a 9/10 for me. It's a bunch of new elements to .Paak's sound, but still very distinctly him. Great production across the board, .Paak didn't have one verse where he sounded out of place, and every single feature was on point. I had very high expectations for this album, and I'm so happy that they were met. I really hope .Paak blows up now, he deserves all the success coming at him.
submitted by themanwithnolife to AndersonPaak [link] [comments]

May 13th, 2016 - /r/Chancetherapper: We back.


Please say the rapper.
6,980 IGH's
I don't make songs for free, I make them for freedom!
Rounded up there are two kinds of people reading this: those who can be compared to a long term The Walking Dead fan seeing a feature for the Game Of Thrones subreddit (aka, don't know/vaguely know, don't care) and those who have been hyped for more than a week already.
Cause the last 12 hours, the last week since the announcement, and the last years actually as well, fans have been only thinking about 1 thing: Chance 3, aka Coloring Books, aka Chance The Rapper's newest mixtape, freshly released yesterday at 11 pm EST, still spreading it's holy scent across the world making people fly 2 feet above the ground like a freshly baked pie by the local grandma. And just like that pie, have all of Chance's mixtapes been made with great love for its recipients (and with this also stating one of the reasons why I (and probably a lot of other fans as well) love Chance so much).
He makes the music for his fans, with all that he has got (intended reference). It's not some guy angrily shouting in your ear about crushing puss, but he is a simple chill guy sharing these upbeat beats while beating a lot of other rappers with his battered up lyrics. Listening to his music full of energy always makes me feel carefree, it makes me feel like I'm part of this great and warm club, with the president putting an arm around me and telling me to feel at home. The high note songs being tapped out by the occasional serious ones, the ingenious beats, the clever lyrics, jukes, juices and IGH's: it's certainly a rapper I feel proud of praising today. (And now I am writing these texts, hoping that it sooouuuunds right)
I've listened to his new mixtape twice already, with round 3 getting close to the finish line while I am writing this feature, and Ive played 10 day, Acid rap and his collaborations with SEX and Lil B so many times my youtube feed is starting to look like a Chance The Rapper photo album. But where my hype reaches the coast, the /chancetherapper's one discovers new continents. This community has supported Chano since the very start, and its size has only grown from there on out. And letting the hype fade out wasn't really an option, especially after Chance himself made a quick appearance.
We celebrate Chance's career, celebrate his ability to make great music, celebrate his new amazing mixtape, but above all, celebrate today's subreddit of the day: /Chancetherapper
I had a great talk with the friendly mods of /ChanoForMayor about the subreddit, the new mixtape and their love for Chance!

1. When did you first encounter Chance's music, and how did this evolve into being a mod over here?

Wippyj I found Chance 4 years ago. Childish Gambino was on tour for his first album Camp (Camp Tour). Me and a buddy got tickets to see him in Minneapolis. The night before the show Bino had a show in Chicago. The crowd was hard on his opener, I don't recall his name, and one thing lead to another and there was some altercation I believe. So the opener was replaced with a young kid from Chicago. Looking back into it I didn't realize that it was only a month after he released #10Day. I regret not buying #10Day that night from him and Peter Cottentail. But I also still laugh thinking about when he preformed "Fuck You Tham Bout" and never heard of the song(or him) I had no idea what I was yelling with the crowd, "Fuck You Tom someone".
Basically a short time after the concert I started looking around online for his music. Got it free online (of course) and bumped it with that same buddy who I went to the concert with and got my brother into him as well. Then one day on Reddit I typed typed chancetherapper in and there wasn't one. Granted he was only a 18 year old kid but I was surprised there wasn't one yet. You know Reddit, there's a sub for everything.
Toaster95 I first heard of Chance from my friends in high school. Living right next to Chicago word of mouth got around quick. I think the second day of Acid Raps release the whole school has heard of Chance and his music. I found reddit a year after that and I was just checking to see if chance had a subreddit. He did but it wasn't anywhere near what it is today(880 subs and barely any posts). I found the sub and posted a thread asking for help in turning the sub around, heres the link and found ryanlajoie there and wippyj allowed us to become mods to turn the sub around. kind of funny looking back at it now and seeing how much has changed.
Ryanlajoie I first encountered Chance's music on YouTube. About 3 years ago, I was listening to some other rap song, possibly Childish Gambino, and saw Cocoa Butter Kisses by Chance the Rapper in the recommended videos. I instantly fell in love, and promptly listened to all of Acid Rap and 10 Day. I became a mod when Toaster, one of the other mods on the subreddit, was looking for a mod. I became a mod soon after I applied.

2. What in Chance's music makes you such a big fan?

Wippyj I think the reason I was drawn to chance was more or less the same reason I was drawn to Bino. He's different. Nerdy. Does his own thing. Chance is a very positive person in his music; extremely upbeat. And his lyrics are very smart and catchy. The guy made "IGH" a thing, a sound. He is equally as good when he raps on a track as he is when he sings.
Toaster95 I love his lyricism and unique style. His lyrics can range anywhere from playful to dead serious. His style is just so unique, in an age where trap music is growing rapidly and artists like Kendrick Lamar J. Cole and Chano are getting more and more scarce; I think paying attention to these artists is important, now more than ever.
Ryanlajoie The energy and hype of Chance's music is what really does it for me. It's truly an amazing experience on your first listen of Acid Rap. More recently, his new songs in Coloring Book are so energetic and smooth.

3. So in the past 24 hours his new album Coloring Books (or Chance 3) got dropped, which was hyped up quite a bit. What are your first impressions? Do you like the way Chance has evolved in his style?

Wippyj I work 3rd shift so I actually just got off work a few hours ago. Man did I check in on the subreddit to see the feelings tho. A few extra breaks were taken last night. I just finished first listen through though. Little too much autotune for me is my first thought. Well, that and no Bino. There's been some songs either chance has had or been featured in that I wasn't on board with initially but he had a way of getting you eventually and soon as you know it you're singing along. Only other thing I noticed was the sound levels seem off. The sound is either too loud or there's just too much going on and you can't hear the lyrics really. And as awesome as our community is, someone actually "fixed" that. Chance's style has indeed evolved over each mixtape and I'm on board with him. He's just having fun with it.
Toaster95 I think the album is good, I was hoping for a few less songs that are very slow but they aren't bad songs so i do enjoy them and the album as a whole. I love the way Chance has developed his style, I think after working with Kanye he's learned a lot about making music and it clearly shines through the album. His beats and the production quality sound like a real album release, most people forget these are just mixtapes. He also has developed a better understanding of how to use features. In Acid Rap features felt like they dominated some songs and it didn't let Chance shine through on those tracks. But in this album, the features add to the song and Chance uses the artist's abilities and styles correctly.
Ryanlajoie At first, I liked it, but compared it to Acid Rap and 10 Day which made it seem mediocre. However, on my second listen, I realized Chance's music style has changed and he's evolved into something much better. You can't compare it to Chance's older music since he's way different now. Coloring Book is a masterpiece.

4. How is the community like?

Wippyj This community is great. From the weeks of hype in the sub came an inside joke. Someone asked Chance to release Chance 3 already because he was going kayaking the next day and didn't have the data to download it there. He wanted to listen to it on the way there. "Think about the Kayak Chance!" We started off quite small for a while. Mostly my fault. I was not maintaining the sub great or drawing any attention. But then around the time each mixtape came out people started to show up. Someone shared the sub count over the last 3 years and you can pretty much predict the growth reasons as new mixtape or featured on a popular artists track; Ultralight beams was a huge boost for us. A lot of very positive people on here. Very talented as well. And if you don't see breaking news or a new chance song discovered (new or old gem) then you had only seen it moments before from Chance himself on Twitter.
Toaster95 The community is booming. New subs and frequent posters are popping up out of nowhere and it's amazing. 99% of the community are fun and are great to interact with as a mod and not just on my alt account. The other 1% are hypercritical but those are just people stuck in the acid rap days so i don't pay much attention to them lol.
Ryanlajoie The community is great. Especially with the influx of new users and subscribers, the community is really booming.

5. Would you like to add anything else?

Wippyj I am very thankful for the mods we have. Like I said I didn't do the greatest job early on and they probably saved this sub from being a complete dud. And speaking of mods, it wouldn't be right if I didn't say "We screamin out Chano for mayor" for the sub. Chance popped in the sub a few weeks ago and it only added to the hype.
Toaster95 I just wanted to add that Chance's music is amazing and can be listened to anyone and everyone, especially Coloring Book. There's something in this album for everyone. And thank you for noticing our sub and doing the write up :)
Ryanlajoie /chancetherapper is definitely my favorite small subreddit at the moment. With Coloring Book having been released, the subreddit is better than ever. It's really cool that you guys noticed us. Thanks for choosing us out of thousands of other subreddits :)
This is for the great answers, shout out to the mods! For the possibility to feature this great sub last minute while screwing up the whole schedule, shout out to SROTD bots! It's a sudden essaye, it's no 10 day, you had your chance and Q love toooo


submitted by qweiopasd to subredditoftheday [link] [comments]

[Gold Giveaway] Help me find new music! Best suggestion gets gilded on Dec 14!

I love discovering new music (just like everybody else lol) but I always felt like the people who got me to start listening to a new artist/band don't get as much appreciation as they should. This thread is here to change that! Here's what I wanna do: I'll try to pinpoint what I like about rap music as best as I can, and whoever suggests the artist/song which I like the most (including a youtube link if possible) will recieve reddit gold for one month! I was hoping we could bring together more people this way and get a bigger variety of replies, also maybe anybody feels inspired to do the same. In the end, that's what we are here for, sharing our passion for music and exchanging thoughts with random people on the internet we can relate to. Feel free to post whatever you think might be relevant, be it actual recommendations or just a relevant thought.
What I like about the rap artists I listen to is their abilities to tell stories, talk to me and express themselves. I got into rap through Kendrick Lamar, who is not only able to tell whole stories like on "Good Kid, Mad City", or share some thoughts like he does in How Much A Dollar Cost, but also express himself in a way that matches whatever he is talking about. He doesn't tell you how he's feeling, he shows it to you by for example crying while rapping on U or emphasizing specific words/phrases to underline the meaning of it. Everybody knows "Pour up, drank. Headshot, drank. Sit down, drank. Stand up, drank. which is supposed to summarize a party where somebody is passively getting peer pressured into drinking too much (which is what the song is about), but at first listen seem to just be some words that sound cool. Having the meaning/message of a song supported by the stylistic means (beat, flow, choice of instruments etc)is as important as the different camera angles in a movie are.
J.Cole should probably come second. As some sort of a "modern day Nas" (hope I dont get beaten up for that one) he's able to tell stories while sounding like he was just talking normally, not rapping and intentionally making every line rhyme with the last one. Let Nas Down for example is a great song to me because it is just a fluent story, it almost feels like J.Cole is sitting next to you, talking about what happened that one time he let Nas down (lol).
When I'm tired of everything else, I listen to early Eminems albums (Slim Shady LP, Marshall Mathers LP, Eminem Show). I love how every track is full of wordplays, jokes, and really impressive rhyme schemes. I always thought, that there was no rhyme for the word "Orange", until Eminem came up with 4 of them on Brain Damage, and to prove that he's just out of this world, he added the word "juice", comes up with four rhymes to "orange juice", and just keeps rapping like he didnt just completely destroy a myth that I believed in since I heard that song. Left me speechless.
Shad was recommended by one of you guys in some thread somewhere, and I bought every album I could find after a couple days of listening to TSOL. Rose Garden has a great beat and like most of his songs, just has that "feel good vibe", for when you just wanna have some fun on your way to a friend or home after work. He also seems to try to make as much of his lyrics rhyme while still making sense in the context of his story (which works out most of the time). In general, he just has a different, lyrical, and refreshing approach to lyrics which I really enjoy.
Lastly, Chance, the Rapper. Found out his Album "Acid Rap" could be downloaded for free (here), and I fell in love. Pusha Man is probably my favourite song. Another "feel-good song", and the beginning just instantly makes me smile (ten- damn- days-). This guy talks about whatever he wants, from drugs, street violence, over to falling in love, ending at Cocoa Butter Kisses ^^ actually, this one might be my favourite song too. His way of changing his flow every couple seconds is really fun to listen to, especially because he's constantly joking around (damn your mouth so mintyy), using his ad lib (AAH!) and changing the sound of his voice.
I'm also generally interested in songs that have something going on musically. I like old school beats too, but songs where you could take the instrumental, listen to it and still find it entertaining are usually what tops it off for me. I'm a musician at heart and I listen to mostly progressive rock/metal, some Jazz, and whatever Flying Lotus is.
Hope, that wasnt too much text (took me two hours to write lol, english is hard). I'm looking forward to any replies, I'll give Gold to whoever I think had the best suggestions on late December 14.
submitted by fortysev to hiphop101 [link] [comments]

First stop on the Family Matters Tour recap

Saw the first stop on the Family Matters tour last night, if you're still thinking about going I would highly recommend it.
Here's a few details I figured others might enjoy:
Here's my unofficial track list, it's marked by the videos I took, I'll probably make a lil video of them/ any songs I couldn't identify.
Also Played but I can't place in order
Chance did Chain Smoker as the last encorce.
And then the white stage lights came on and I went home.
10/10 would recommend.
Edit: * Corrected some song titles * Removed link of the first encore song
Also I'm famous mom! Looks like that video got featured in the following articles, I'm not to worried about credit or anything but if someone wants to throw me a press pass sometime ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
submitted by kittydubbs to ChanceTheRapper [link] [comments]

[Discussion] Every Mama Song Ever

I'm doing research on mom-related rap songs for a mother's day project, so I wanna make sure I have every hip-hop/rap song about mothers ever made. Can you check my list and let me know if I'm missing any? Letting me know your favorites would also be helpful (Kanye's 2008 Grammy's performance of "Hey Mama" is the best of all time tho). Thanks!
EDIT: If we're including Grandmas I've got:
submitted by TheChlorinator to hiphopheads [link] [comments]

Keto noob looking for some advice (and how to reach fat goals without killing my calorie goal?)

Hi Keto!
First, thanks for putting up with my noobiness. I've been lurking /keto for at least a year and have been so inspired by all of you. Your progress pics are really incredible themselves but the emotion and confidence I read in your posts has been really motivating for me. I'm in awe and, I'll admit, a little intimidated.
I'm on my third real attempt at Keto after two failed attempts. I made some mistakes the first two go-arounds and am trying a third time around to not make the same mistakes. It's hard not to be too disappointed in myself over it but I’m working on that. Including feeling ashamed to ask for help. I think this time around though, I'm ready (and not too embarrassed) to ask for help. Which brings me here.
I have two main issues that have been hampering me:
I’ll include a screenshot of my macros, daily meals, recipes (in case anyone wants them) and such below. I’ll also include some background of my lifestyle in case that helps. Or maybe there are some of you out there who have had similar experiences who might have some advice? Hopefully that's not a bother. Feel free to skip it. I’ll put it at the very end after the screenshots and recipes.
My Daily Macros
Calories: 1638 Protein: 100 Carbs: 26 Fat: 126
My Daily Meals for one week (Same thing everyday. I change recipes each week.)
Link to screenshot
Keto Tacos (based on Caveman Keto’s recipe) 6 Servings
  1. Brown the ground meat with the taco seasoning. I actually don’t add water to the mix, I pour the taco seasoning over the meat and mix it up and brown it. Divide into 6 portions.
  2. Shred cheddar cheese. 1.5 oz per portion.
  3. Assemble tacos — each serving uses 1 portion of ground meat, 1 portion of cheddar cheese, 2TB of sour cream, 2 TB of salsa and two leafs of romaine lettuce.
I pre-make all the ground pork and portion into 6 ziplock baggies. I also pre-shred the 9 oz of cheddar cheese into 6 portions. This helps me cut down on time. Also, the cheese and cooked meat last a good 4 or 5 days in the fridge.
Keto Chicken Stir Fry (I don’t remember the source) 2 servings
  1. cut chicken into bite-sized pieces.
  2. Put sesame oil, minced garlic and chicken in the pan and cook for 2-3 mins.
  3. Add soy sauce, water, onion powder, garlic powder, red pepper flakes. Stir and simmer 5 minutes.
  4. Add slaw and scallions and toss to coat. Simmer for 2 minutes. (Don’t overcook at this step or the slaw gets really soft/soggy)
Keto Pizza Bowl 1 serving
  1. In a bowl, put in half of the cooked ground beef, half of the pepperoni, half of the pizza sauce and half of the cheese. (i like it in that order)
  2. Sprinkle to taste the seasoning: some garlic, salt, oregano, whatever you like. Maybe some italian seasoning instead of the oregano?
  3. Layer the rest of the ingredients (in the same order) and sprinkle with seasoning again. Microwave for 2 minutes.
I like that I can pre-cook the ground beef and pre-shred the mozzarella cheese. I also make a keto marinara sauce based on a recipe I found somewhere online (never wrote down the sources for these, unfortunately. I’ll fix that in the future).
Marinara Sauce 12 servings (.75 cups each)
  1. Boil tomatoes for 10 minutes. Remove and cool in cold water. Then, core, skin and dice. (I like to mash them a little too)
  2. Put tomatoes in pot with the rest of the ingredients and cook for 3 hours.
  3. If you’re freezing wait until it cools down completely.
I use one serving of this with my keto pizza bowl.
Keto Meat Slaw 5 servings
  1. Brown meat.
  2. In another skillet, put sesame oil, soy sauce, chopped scallions, minced garlic. Stir until tender and then add slaw and red pepper.
  3. Add meat to that skillet, stir and serve.
Chocolate Coconut Fat Bombs 10 servings
  1. Mix cocoa, coconut oil, splenda into thick paste. Stir in vanilla extract. Taste and add more splenda if necessary.
  2. Microwave bowl for 5 seconds. Stir and microwave 5 more minutes. The mixture should be soft, not runny.
  3. Spoon mixture into silicone molds and refrigerate 30 minutes.
My background, if it helps: I'm currently 31 years old. I spent my life from age 6 to 22 playing competitive tennis. I was on a tennis court or in the gym for at least 4 or 5 hours a day. Needless to say, I was very fit. But it also consumed my life and once I graduated college, I rebelled and quit full stop. I stopped working out, stopped eating right and quit playing tennis. It wasn’t until I was about 27 when I noticed that my body was changing — I wasn’t as strong or fast. I could no longer whizz up a set of stairs without a heart rate bump or burning in my chest. And worst of all, I noticed my belly starting to bulge. Long gone were my flat abs, my toned and powerful arms, oh — and my tan. It’s honestly one of the greatest regrets I have in life, stepping away from fitness and tennis. I’m working with a therapist to get past the anger I have toward myself for allowing it to happen.
By the time I turned 29, I had gained 55 pounds and completely stopped working out. It was then, I tried to get back into fitness. I started to cycle and managed to get myself into some routine and even trained and completed the AIDS/Lifecycle. I didn’t make the entire distance each day but I was proud of myself. Then, something happened that really threw a wrench into everything. I tried skateboarding. It didn’t go so well the first time I got on a board and it resulted in me severely injuring my ankle. It was a sleeper injury that didn’t initially appear on x-rays. The orthopedist told me he thought it was just a bad sprain and I could probably just use rest. He recommended I get an MRI to rule ligament damage out. I didn’t have insurance at the time, so it took me 1.5 years until I did that and got a diagnosis that I needed surgery to tighten ligaments and fix a hole in the middle of my talar bone (modified brostrom-gould on my outer ligaments and procedure to fix OCD of the Talus with hip bone marrow and cadaver cartilage). During that time before surgery, I quit cycling and generally struggled to walk for longer than 5 minutes, let alone exercise or do yoga. I gained another 60 lbs bringing me to my current weight of 250 lbs. It was, IS, utterly depressing.
Now, I’m about 9 months post-op and it seems like surgery did not fix all of my pain and function issues and I may need a second surgery. I’m not sure. I’m seeing the doctor this Friday. Overall, this has been a huge dampener on my mental and emotional state. I'm working on this with my therapist too. It's hard sometimes not to let the self-anger and self-loathing seep in, especially when you make stupid mistakes like trying skateboarding. I'm learning to laugh at it I guess.
So that’s where I’m at right now. Thank you for making it this far but mostly for being here on keto. You guys are amazing and inspiring.
submitted by fatunicornchef to keto [link] [comments]

39 Valentine's Day Gifts That Only Look Expensive

  1. A reproduced vintage mineral poster (complete with everything you need to hang it) for the person who is truly your ~rock~.
  2. A surprisingly inexpensive quartz watch to make any outfit look complete (and completely professional).
  3. A six-pack of Popbar hot chocolate on a stick, the coziest way to kiss the traditional powdered stuff goodbye forever.
  4. A jar of luxurious whipped body butter infused with mango butter, cocoa butter, and avocado oil and sculpted into a flower petal design.
  5. A beautifully illustrated edition of Shakespeare's love sonnets for a gift that's more lovely than a summer's day.
  6. An almost-too-cute-to-use heart-shaped lipstick with a duo core (darker inside, lighter outside) for a natural flush you can build up for a bolder color.
  7. A pair of gold accented, noise-canceling headphones that'll say "I love you so much, I'm ok with you not listening to me."
  8. A slate cheese board perfectly sized for entertaining — or just a cozy date night in for two. You'll ~brie~ so happy you bought it!
  9. An official Game of Thrones bottle opener shaped like the emblem of the Hand of the King, meaning it's the perfect gift for anyone who lives by the quote "I drink and I know things."
  10. A pair of truly ~stellar~ ear climbers made of white gold–plated copper and sparkling cubic zirconia — they'll think you bought them at a fancy local boutique.
  11. A selection of perfumes housed in miniature potion vials to give each day an extra dose of magic.
  12. Personalized cufflinks to help your significant other always give a great ~initial~ first impression.
  13. Several pounds of fancy gummy bears that'll taste like you're taking a sip of bubbly prosecco.
  14. A gold-trimmed box of Earl Grey that'll make you feel like you're having high tea at Buckingham Palace. Great for when you guys are catching up on the most recent season of The Crown.
  15. A simply elegant necklace with a dainty chain and large pearl that's utterly timeless — just like your partner.
  16. A gold-dipped geode succulent planter for those who have never gotten over those pun-filled elementary school valentines. This is the grown-up version of that.
  17. A handmade, 14 karat gold–dipped bracelet perforated with holes in the shape of each zodiac sign's constellation.
  18. A lightweight, contoured sleep mask so your bed partner can sleep in the lap of luxury when you have to get up three hours earlier.
  19. An electric chocolate fondue melter with two heat settings, a spatula, 10 skewers, and 10 forks. Basically it's everything you never knew you needed.
  20. A mini marquee light so you won't have to ~shell~ out a lot for a gift that says "you were mer-made for me."
  21. A totally unique stoneware cactus vase for that special someone you'd prick every time. Uh, I mean PICK every time.
  22. Or a four-pack of hanging vases to turn the cheapest bouquet into gorgeous wall art.
  23. A dozen moisturizing, all-natural bath bombs that'll be almost as good as a whole weekend at the spa — but infinitely cheaper.
  24. Or a gift box of soaps in the shape of individual flower petals — they make a gorgeous presentation AND add aromatherapy to bath time (with scents like beragmot, rose, vanilla, and cedarwood).
  25. A whisk and pancake mold set to add an extra touch of romance to breakfast in bed — or give you a reason to save money by not going out to brunch.
  26. A made-in-Italy, seven-piece decanter set that'll look like an antique you inherited from your grandparents.
  27. A love letter writing kit, because a screenshotted text message is really not nearly as romantic.
  28. A set of golden measuring cups and spoons to encourage your flat lay–loving boo to bake more often.
  29. And a cookbook chock-full of recipes (for both food AND cocktails) you can make together. It's like giving the gift of quality time — and you know you'll have to do some ~spooning~ after.
  30. A dainty, 14k gold-fill pendant for anyone with an (anatomically correct) heart of gold.
  31. Or if neither of you are big on jewelry, a foiled metallic print so they know they stole all four chambers of your heart.
  32. A set of coasters designed to look like old vinyl records. Just pop on a slow song, put your drink on one of these babies, and dance the night away.
  33. A stylish, insulated travel mug with a totally leak-proof lid, because you make them coffee every morning and it should stay hot, damnit!
  34. An eyelash lace and velvet lingerie set so gorgeous, it's almost rude to wear clothes on top of it.
  35. A travel-themed mason jar bank, because instead of spending money on pricey gifts, you both should save your extra coinage for a trip together.
  36. A set of eight faceted chilling rocks for the booze (or coffee, or tea, or whatever) aficionado whose arch-nemesis is diluted, watery drinks.
  37. A strand of string lights where the lights are — wait for it — champagne bottles! Talk about adding a ~pop~ of fun to your shared living space, right?
  38. A deck of 24k gold foil playing cards to make game night at home seem like a classy affair.
  39. And a set of shatterproof champagne flutes for the couple who brings the bubbly wherever they go.
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: RedditDayOf top posts from 2016-12-20 to 2017-12-19 15:06 PDT

Period: 364.10 days
Submissions Comments
Total 1000 5290
Rate (per day) 2.75 14.52
Unique Redditors 229 2017
Combined Score 83463 21329

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 14584 points, 166 submissions: jaykirsch
    1. Willie Mosconi, probably the greatest pool player ever, made this 5-cushion bank shot with a very tight cut to win his first of 15 "straight pool" world titles (1941). (410 points, 33 comments)
    2. A favorite - so old there's a newspaper in it... (324 points, 17 comments)
    3. Zen and the Art of Lawn Maintenance (292 points, 11 comments)
    4. Oh, that left hand? (238 points, 14 comments)
    5. GIF of the train and bridge wreck in "The General" (1926 silent film). Biggest stunt/special effect ever done, at the time. (227 points, 17 comments)
    6. This Parrot is a wild and crazy guy (or girl). What a hambone! (225 points, 5 comments)
    7. Bachelor Soup cooking instructions (Grad Student soup in comments) (203 points, 12 comments)
    8. In "12 Monkeys" protagonist James Cole (Bruce Willis) dealt with time travel, memory issues, head injuries, drugs, and severe PTSD as he tried to navigate "reality." (Links in comments) (202 points, 12 comments)
    9. Obsolete times three - land line, rotary dial, avocado green. (200 points, 26 comments)
    10. In spite of being born without a right hand, Jim Abbott became a successful pitcher in college, the Olympics, and MLB (10 years). Info links in comments. (196 points, 8 comments)
  2. 6096 points, 72 submissions: sverdrupian
    1. Straight people be like ... (611 points, 18 comments)
    2. Clownfish tending their anemone (238 points, 14 comments)
    3. Brighton Swim Club - 1863. (230 points, 9 comments)
    4. Shop from Home! (as envisioned in the 1960s) (218 points, 2 comments)
    5. Canada and the United States in the year 2092 (by Douglas Coupland, 1992) (215 points, 34 comments)
    6. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space as a crew member on the space shuttle Challenger. (177 points, 7 comments)
    7. It's all in the technique. (166 points, 11 comments)
    8. In 1972, Nixon signed Title IX, a civil rights law that prohibits gender bias at colleges and universities receiving Federal aid. (147 points, 2 comments)
    9. The Tsar Bell in Moscow is the largest bell ever cast; begun in 1735, it was damaged by fire before it was ever rung. [HumanForScale] (142 points, 8 comments)
    10. Menu from Frank's Dining Room in Boston, c. 1880s. [xpost /VintageMenus] (140 points, 5 comments)
  3. 5849 points, 60 submissions: joelschlosberg
    1. "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives, but I rather believe that time is a companion" (373 points, 26 comments)
    2. "I quite agree with you about Homosexuals: to make the thing criminal cures nothing and only creates a blackmailer's paradise. Anyway, what business is it of the State's?" –C.S. Lewis in a 1960 letter (314 points, 17 comments)
    3. When Google Maps added the Moon, this is what it looked like at maximum zoom. (225 points, 9 comments)
    4. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and Stephen King's Firestarter both had editions with fireproof asbestos bindings. (219 points, 9 comments)
    5. original version of the movie ratings poster before the X rating was changed to NC-17 (215 points, 19 comments)
    6. Before she was Olenna Tyrell in Game of Thrones, Diana Rigg was Emma Peel in The Avengers. (194 points, 17 comments)
    7. Future US president James Garfield found this proof of the Pythagorean theorem while in Congress. (189 points, 9 comments)
    8. Kryptos, a sculpture with four encrypted messages. The CIA and NSA separately cracked three of the codes; nobody has yet figured out the fourth. (175 points, 6 comments)
    9. Rod Serling on commercial breaks: "How do you put on a meaningful drama or documentary that is adult, incisive, probing, when every fifteen minutes the proceedings are interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits with toilet paper?" (169 points, 9 comments)
    10. Not The Beatles! Album covers that made knockoff bands look like the Fab Four (160 points, 4 comments)
  4. 5433 points, 59 submissions: alesserweevil
    1. Godzilla breaks for tea. (Haruo Nakajima in the suit, 1954). (232 points, 2 comments)
    2. How To Describe Your Bacterial Colony. (216 points, 8 comments)
    3. Minimalist mouse trap. (208 points, 18 comments)
    4. Cpl. Mel Brooks, 1104 Engineer Combat Battalion, 78th Infantry Division, during World War 2. Building bridges, defusing landmines, and rigging bullhorns to serenade enemy troops with Al Jolson's “Toot, Toot, Tootsie”. (He received applause from the enemy in return). (194 points, 2 comments)
    5. Beer brewed by Trappist monks in the Westvleteren brewery of Belgium - said by some to be the best beer in the world. (188 points, 10 comments)
    6. "McLean, Virginia, December 1978" by Joel Sternfeld. For years I have wondered how the fire fighter came to be doing what he's doing. (174 points, 7 comments)
    7. Statue of Masataka Taketsuru (1894–1979), who studied chemistry in the University of Glasgow, apprenticed himself to various distilleries in Scotland, and went home to Japan with his Scottish wife to set up the first whiskey distilleries in Japan. (174 points, 6 comments)
    8. The view through the cupola of the International Space Station, the largest window ever put in space. (168 points, 1 comment)
    9. TIL there is a secret society of American Journalists called The Order of the Occult Hand, who . . . (167 points, 5 comments)
    10. Jeff Bridges is a panoramic photo enthusiast. He uses an old school Widelux camera. See some of his on set panoramas here. (151 points, 9 comments)
  5. 4503 points, 32 submissions: exitpursuedbybear
    1. Oh, Bother! (1157 points, 14 comments)
    2. Acid $1.00 (326 points, 23 comments)
    3. Bandeja Paisa, a national dish of Colombia, a skirt steak, blood sausage, deep fried bacon, rice, plantain, Masa patty, avocado, stewed beans and a fried egg. It's amazing. (224 points, 17 comments)
    4. An Italian Lantern Shield (1600s): Built as a buckler gauntlet combo, the various spikes are used to disarm opponents. It also contained a lantern which made it popular among nighttime duelists. (222 points, 10 comments)
    5. The rose window at the cathedral Notre Dame, Paris (211 points, 2 comments)
    6. TIL the word for avocado comes from the Aztec word, "ahuacatl," which means testicle. (205 points, 21 comments)
    7. TIL that horseshoe crabs have hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin. In place iron, copper is used to carry oxygen. Making their blood blue. (172 points, 15 comments)
    8. Rogue planets are homeless worlds. They have neither sunrises nor sunsets. The galaxy has billions of them, adrift in perpetual night. (163 points, 14 comments)
    9. Interior shot of Dracula's Castle from Todd Browning's 1933 version. One of my favorite shots in the film. (155 points, 2 comments)
    10. As a Texan I'm partial to Big Bend National Park. (151 points, 16 comments)
  6. 3998 points, 59 submissions: 0and18
    1. Sarajevo 1914 (205 points, 1 comment)
    2. Tas looks like an alien planet (205 points, 4 comments)
    3. Sloth exiting a lake (188 points, 11 comments)
    4. Scoville Scale (179 points, 42 comments)
    5. Milk Toast Recipe (141 points, 19 comments)
    6. Know Your Fog! (130 points, 8 comments)
    7. Andre meets professional boxer Bobby Chacon in 1979. (124 points, 0 comments)
    8. Crew of Endurance playing soccer (121 points, 1 comment)
    9. Death of Peter Parker from Ultimate Spider-Man #160 (106 points, 9 comments)
    10. We are locked and loaded Toto! (96 points, 1 comment)
  7. 3622 points, 25 submissions: wormspermgrrl
    1. May-Britt Moser won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine for her discovery of grid neurons. For the prize ceremony, she wore a dress decorated with neurons. (593 points, 13 comments)
    2. Monuments to mice used in scientific research in Russia. (cross post redditdayof Rats) (412 points, 16 comments)
    3. Happy birthday Charles Darwin! (343 points, 12 comments)
    4. The ACLU has been protecting civil liberties for nearly a century. They defended science in the Scopes "Monkey Trial" in 1925, protected free speech on the internet in 1996, and fought against the Defense of Marriage Act in 2015. (300 points, 18 comments)
    5. The briefcase in Pulp Fiction is a classic example of a MacGuffin, a plot device that motivates a story’s characters without much explanation. (294 points, 15 comments)
    6. The Awakening is a 72-foot (22 m) statue of a giant embedded in the earth, struggling to free himself. (220 points, 18 comments)
    7. OK Go's video for "Here It Goes Again" is an elaborate performance of the band dancing on treadmills in a single continuous take. (177 points, 3 comments)
    8. The AIDS Memorial Quilt is an enormous quilt made as a memorial to celebrate the lives of people who have died of AIDS-related causes. Weighing an estimated 54 tons, it is the largest piece of community folk art in the world as of 2016. (Image and text via Wikipedia) (168 points, 7 comments)
    9. What's the difference between a cat and a comma? (148 points, 9 comments)
    10. Mutations in two genes help the Nepalese use oxygen more efficiently, allowing them to live on the world’s highest plateau (96 points, 1 comment)
  8. 1732 points, 14 submissions: PhillipBrandon
    1. Back in 2005, the College Board replaced the SAT's analogies section — which tested the ability to identify sound logic and understand the meaning of words — with a timed essay, which critics say incentivizes "bullshit on demand," generating content with no factual regard. (343 points, 36 comments)
    2. Houston is the most diverse metropolis in the nation, and its racial make-up today matches projections of the United States' in 2050 (289 points, 10 comments)
    3. Bond villain “Goldfinger” was named after architect Ernő Goldfinger, because author Ian Fleming so disliked his Brutalist architecture. A style which, coincidentally, has become a visual shorthand for villains’ lairs in movies including the Bond films. (239 points, 1 comment)
    4. Fewer holes have been appearing in Swiss cheese in recent years, as modern milking methods reduce the likelihood that tiny particles of hay will be introduced to the raw milk, challenging the theory held since 1917 that the “eyes” were caused by bacteria in the aging process. (172 points, 27 comments)
    5. Texas Medical Center employs more people than the entire United States coal industry (153 points, 4 comments)
    6. An abandoned underground cistern bigger than a football field and 25 feet tall built in 1927 was rediscovered in 2010 and transformed into a public space for art installations. (103 points, 11 comments)
    7. Jackie Chan - How to Do Action Comedy (97 points, 1 comment)
    8. Candwich, the peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a can, was at the center of a 2010 investment scheme lawsuit tried by the SEC. (73 points, 12 comments)
    9. After a 1848 railroad accident carved a hole completely through his head, Phineas Gage survived and remained physically able but underwent significant personality changes. His injury helped shape modern neuroscience. (69 points, 2 comments)
    10. Glen Larson, Creator of Battlestar Galactica, was a Mormon and introduced into the show many parallels between BSG mythos and Mormon beliefs, including sacred origins on the planet Kobol (a slight acronym of the planet Kolob in Mormon theology) and the lost thirteenth tribe colonizing earth. (47 points, 5 comments)
  9. 1719 points, 21 submissions: draconorge
    1. A horsey in Jammies (340 points, 9 comments)
    2. Doctor Seuss drew many WWII propaganda pieces. Not all of them racist. This one kind of is... but not all of them were racist (195 points, 45 comments)
    3. Martin Van Buren was the first President born in the United States of America and not one of the 13 colonies (156 points, 20 comments)
    4. Great PIEramid of Giza (125 points, 1 comment)
    5. Bank of America was originally the Bank of Italy) (94 points, 2 comments)
    6. Piet Mondrian - Avond: The Red Tree (one of his non square works) (87 points, 2 comments)
    7. Tunnel of Trees - California Hwy 1 (87 points, 0 comments)
    8. ACLU sues White House over immigration ban (82 points, 0 comments)
    9. The Story of Funk - The Mighty Boosh (76 points, 1 comment)
    10. The Beautiful Poem (64 points, 2 comments)
  10. 1544 points, 26 submissions: Sanlear
    1. The GOP created Trump, but now more Republicans regret that victory (125 points, 9 comments)
    2. Tom Brady Is Convinced That Drinking Enough Water Will Prevent Sunburns (118 points, 11 comments)
    3. Chuck E. Cheese's animatronics band is breaking up (106 points, 3 comments)
    4. DeVos drops plan to overhaul student loan servicing (103 points, 9 comments)
    5. The Supreme Court Has An Ethics Problem (103 points, 3 comments)
    6. Hydroponic Veggies Are Taking Over Organic, And A Move To Ban Them Fails (83 points, 5 comments)
    7. Hard facts unmask the fiction behind Coalition's 'coal comeback' (77 points, 1 comment)
    8. The Roots are creating an animated kid's series about South Philly (75 points, 1 comment)
    9. 'Little Pompeii'; Roman ruins discovered under site earmarked for French housing estate (73 points, 2 comments)
    10. The Day After traumatized a generation with the horrors of nuclear war (64 points, 7 comments)
  11. 1522 points, 21 submissions: Afghan_Whig
    1. Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes (155 points, 26 comments)
    2. American Gods - Fantasy book written by British author that hones in on the struggles of "traditional fantasy" to gain a foothold in America (136 points, 8 comments)
    3. Jack Daniel died from an infection caused by kicking a safe, and could have likely saved his life if he poured his own product on the wound (135 points, 3 comments)
    4. Labor Day origins trace back to the Pullman Strike in which 30 people died and cost over $80 million in damages (130 points, 1 comment)
    5. Ole Miss (Rebels) students tried to change their team mascot to Admiral Ackbar (103 points, 8 comments)
    6. Reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone after they were eradicated in the 1920s (99 points, 4 comments)
    7. Dan Simmons loved the poet Keats so much he created a space opera around him) (82 points, 13 comments)
    8. The Beets - Killer Tofu (from the TV show Doug) (79 points, 2 comments)
    9. All I wanted one was a pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me (76 points, 8 comments)
    10. Pulp Fiction - movie scenes take place out of order to resemble reading the pulp magazines out of order (68 points, 1 comment)
  12. 1465 points, 20 submissions: sbroue
    1. Make your own Die Hard tree ornaments! original content from kiwicupcake (217 points, 2 comments)
    2. Cocoa farmers try chocolate for the first time [2014] (162 points, 25 comments)
    3. Bonsai Red Maple (142 points, 2 comments)
    4. Stephen Bradbury wins Australias first Winter Olympics gold medal! [gif] (102 points, 5 comments)
    5. The World's Billionaires by Number & Country (2016) (99 points, 21 comments)
    6. Acme Corporation (87 points, 4 comments)
    7. In 1994 an Australian fisherman netted the remains of a man bound to a custom made crucifix, no identity has ever been established for "Rack man" (85 points, 4 comments)
    8. "Out of our regard for them, we gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect." Biological Warfare in Colonial America 1763 (83 points, 2 comments)
    9. My old school music library: keep it real homies! (72 points, 11 comments)
    10. Banksy Graffiti in Palestine (50 points, 1 comment)
  13. 1265 points, 21 submissions: themanwhosleptin
    1. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and fellow civil rights activists praying as they prepare to peacefully march in Selma, Alabama (132 points, 1 comment)
    2. Report: NFL pressured ESPN to back out of concussion documentary (113 points, 2 comments)
    3. Map of Hell, Dante's Inferno (94 points, 8 comments)
    4. Dumb Ways to Die (84 points, 3 comments)
    5. Ken Burns: "The Civil War was about 'slavery, slavery, slavery'" (76 points, 25 comments)
    6. Midshipman Robert A. Heinlein, from the 1929 U.S. Naval Academy yearbook (66 points, 4 comments)
    7. The two-minute warning on Bloody Sunday, Selma Alabama, 1965 (66 points, 0 comments)
    8. Sokka's Haiku Battle from Avatar: The Last Airbender (64 points, 4 comments)
    9. Richard Nixon - "I'm not a crook" (60 points, 11 comments)
    10. How to Win Friends and Influence People - one of the most influential self-help books of all time (56 points, 4 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. jaykirsch (924 points, 318 comments)
  2. 0and18 (608 points, 400 comments)
  3. joelschlosberg (224 points, 43 comments)
  4. exitpursuedbybear (202 points, 49 comments)
  5. wormspermgrrl (185 points, 85 comments)
  6. Boshaft (172 points, 17 comments)
  7. shitterplug (167 points, 15 comments)
  8. alesserweevil (154 points, 37 comments)
  9. Steak_Knight (126 points, 1 comment)
  10. sverdrupian (118 points, 34 comments)
  11. twitch1982 (108 points, 22 comments)
  12. pgc (105 points, 3 comments)
  13. S_A_N_D_ (101 points, 11 comments)
  14. justtoclick (96 points, 29 comments)
  15. iunnox (89 points, 7 comments)
  16. CupBeEmpty (88 points, 17 comments)
  17. Afghan_Whig (87 points, 22 comments)
  18. fishbiscuit13 (87 points, 17 comments)
  19. Neebat (84 points, 14 comments)
  20. joegekko (84 points, 10 comments)
  21. emkay99 (79 points, 21 comments)
  22. Cosmologicon (77 points, 9 comments)
  23. T1mac (75 points, 6 comments)
  24. PoetenGeten (73 points, 2 comments)
  25. no-fun-at-parties (70 points, 24 comments)
  26. N8CCRG (70 points, 9 comments)
  27. eddie964 (69 points, 2 comments)
  28. 2drawnonward5 (68 points, 20 comments)
  29. LetsBeFiends (68 points, 7 comments)
  30. AdrianBrony (68 points, 1 comment)
  31. kent_eh (66 points, 13 comments)
  32. Codebender (66 points, 7 comments)
  33. anotherkeebler (65 points, 11 comments)
  34. Zentaurion (63 points, 17 comments)
  35. starlinguk (62 points, 22 comments)
  36. AngelaMotorman (60 points, 10 comments)
  37. PangurBaan (60 points, 6 comments)
  38. menu-brush (59 points, 1 comment)
  39. anothermanoutoftime (58 points, 4 comments)
  40. sgrwck (58 points, 3 comments)
  41. ExpertExpert (58 points, 1 comment)
  42. SultanOilMoney (57 points, 1 comment)
  43. ilre1484 (56 points, 13 comments)
  44. determinism89 (55 points, 9 comments)
  45. temporarycreature (55 points, 7 comments)
  46. PhillipBrandon (54 points, 15 comments)
  47. Loeffellux (54 points, 10 comments)
  48. appropriate-username (54 points, 9 comments)
  49. desantoos (54 points, 6 comments)
  50. redalastor (53 points, 5 comments)
  51. santeeass (52 points, 16 comments)
  52. goofballl (52 points, 13 comments)
  53. meangrampa (52 points, 10 comments)
  54. pmandryk (52 points, 4 comments)
  55. square--one (51 points, 10 comments)
  56. HandyAndy (51 points, 7 comments)
  57. artman (50 points, 13 comments)
  58. TangibleLight (50 points, 6 comments)
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Top Submissions

  1. Oh, Bother! by exitpursuedbybear (1157 points, 14 comments)
  2. Straight people be like ... by sverdrupian (611 points, 18 comments)
  3. May-Britt Moser won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine for her discovery of grid neurons. For the prize ceremony, she wore a dress decorated with neurons. by wormspermgrrl (593 points, 13 comments)
  4. You People Made Me Give Up My Peanut Farm Before I Got To Be President by beaverteeth92 (449 points, 15 comments)
  5. Monuments to mice used in scientific research in Russia. (cross post redditdayof Rats) by wormspermgrrl (412 points, 16 comments)
  6. Willie Mosconi, probably the greatest pool player ever, made this 5-cushion bank shot with a very tight cut to win his first of 15 "straight pool" world titles (1941). by jaykirsch (410 points, 33 comments)
  7. "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives, but I rather believe that time is a companion" by joelschlosberg (373 points, 26 comments)
  8. xkcd: State Word Map by WalkingTurtleMan (363 points, 18 comments)
  9. I'm a professional beemover! by Boshaft (351 points, 49 comments)
  10. Back in 2005, the College Board replaced the SAT's analogies section — which tested the ability to identify sound logic and understand the meaning of words — with a timed essay, which critics say incentivizes "bullshit on demand," generating content with no factual regard. by PhillipBrandon (343 points, 36 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 126 points: Steak_Knight's comment in November 13 - Houston Texas
  2. 103 points: pgc's comment in Back in 2005, the College Board replaced the SAT's analogies section — which tested the ability to identify sound logic and understand the meaning of words — with a timed essay, which critics say incentivizes "bullshit on demand," generating content with no factual regard.
  3. 77 points: iunnox's comment in The world's most impractical wine bottle. A Klein bottle with no inside and no outside.
  4. 68 points: AdrianBrony's comment in original version of the movie ratings poster before the X rating was changed to NC-17
  5. 66 points: PoetenGeten's comment in Oh, Bother!
  6. 64 points: S_A_N_D_'s comment in Canada and the United States in the year 2092 (by Douglas Coupland, 1992)
  7. 59 points: menu-brush's comment in Kryptos, a sculpture with four encrypted messages. The CIA and NSA separately cracked three of the codes; nobody has yet figured out the fourth.
  8. 58 points: ExpertExpert's comment in 2016 was a Triangular Number. The next one won't be until 2080.
  9. 57 points: SultanOilMoney's comment in November 13 - Houston Texas
  10. 50 points: sgrwck's comment in Scoville Scale
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May 13th, 2016 - /r/Chancetherapper: We back.

Submitted by qweiopasd


Please say the rapper.
6,980 IGH's
I don't make songs for free, I make them for freedom!
Rounded up there are two kinds of people reading this: those who can be compared to a long term The Walking Dead fan seeing a feature for the Game Of Thrones subreddit (aka, don't know/vaguely know, don't care) and those who have been hyped for more than a week already.
Cause the last 12 hours, the last week since the announcement, and the last years actually as well, fans have been only thinking about 1 thing: Chance 3, aka Coloring Books, aka Chance The Rapper's newest mixtape, freshly released yesterday at 11 pm EST, still spreading it's holy scent across the world making people fly 2 feet above the ground like a freshly baked pie by the local grandma. And just like that pie, have all of Chance's mixtapes been made with great love for its recipients (and with this also stating one of the reasons why I (and probably a lot of other fans as well) love Chance so much).
He makes the music for his fans, with all that he has got (intended reference). It's not some guy angrily shouting in your ear about crushing puss, but he is a simple chill guy sharing these upbeat beats while beating a lot of other rappers with his battered up lyrics. Listening to his music full of energy always makes me feel carefree, it makes me feel like I'm part of this great and warm club, with the president putting an arm around me and telling me to feel at home. The high note songs being tapped out by the occasional serious ones, the ingenious beats, the clever lyrics, jukes, juices and IGH's: it's certainly a rapper I feel proud of praising today. (And now I am writing these texts, hoping that it sooouuuunds right)
I've listened to his new mixtape twice already, with round 3 getting close to the finish line while I am writing this feature, and Ive played 10 day, Acid rap and his collaborations with SEX and Lil B so many times my youtube feed is starting to look like a Chance The Rapper photo album. But where my hype reaches the coast, the /chancetherapper's one discovers new continents. This community has supported Chano since the very start, and its size has only grown from there on out. And letting the hype fade out wasn't really an option, especially after Chance himself made a quick appearance.
We celebrate Chance's career, celebrate his ability to make great music, celebrate his new amazing mixtape, but above all, celebrate today's subreddit of the day: /Chancetherapper
I had a great talk with the friendly mods of /ChanoForMayor about the subreddit, the new mixtape and their love for Chance!

1. When did you first encounter Chance's music, and how did this evolve into being a mod over here?

Wippyj I found Chance 4 years ago. Childish Gambino was on tour for his first album Camp (Camp Tour). Me and a buddy got tickets to see him in Minneapolis. The night before the show Bino had a show in Chicago. The crowd was hard on his opener, I don't recall his name, and one thing lead to another and there was some altercation I believe. So the opener was replaced with a young kid from Chicago. Looking back into it I didn't realize that it was only a month after he released #10Day. I regret not buying #10Day that night from him and Peter Cottentail. But I also still laugh thinking about when he preformed "Fuck You Tham Bout" and never heard of the song(or him) I had no idea what I was yelling with the crowd, "Fuck You Tom someone".
Basically a short time after the concert I started looking around online for his music. Got it free online (of course) and bumped it with that same buddy who I went to the concert with and got my brother into him as well. Then one day on Reddit I typed typed chancetherapper in and there wasn't one. Granted he was only a 18 year old kid but I was surprised there wasn't one yet. You know Reddit, there's a sub for everything.
Toaster95 I first heard of Chance from my friends in high school. Living right next to Chicago word of mouth got around quick. I think the second day of Acid Raps release the whole school has heard of Chance and his music. I found reddit a year after that and I was just checking to see if chance had a subreddit. He did but it wasn't anywhere near what it is today(880 subs and barely any posts). I found the sub and posted a thread asking for help in turning the sub around, heres the link and found ryanlajoie there and wippyj allowed us to become mods to turn the sub around. kind of funny looking back at it now and seeing how much has changed.
Ryanlajoie I first encountered Chance's music on YouTube. About 3 years ago, I was listening to some other rap song, possibly Childish Gambino, and saw Cocoa Butter Kisses by Chance the Rapper in the recommended videos. I instantly fell in love, and promptly listened to all of Acid Rap and 10 Day. I became a mod when Toaster, one of the other mods on the subreddit, was looking for a mod. I became a mod soon after I applied.

2. What in Chance's music makes you such a big fan?

Wippyj I think the reason I was drawn to chance was more or less the same reason I was drawn to Bino. He's different. Nerdy. Does his own thing. Chance is a very positive person in his music; extremely upbeat. And his lyrics are very smart and catchy. The guy made "IGH" a thing, a sound. He is equally as good when he raps on a track as he is when he sings.
Toaster95 I love his lyricism and unique style. His lyrics can range anywhere from playful to dead serious. His style is just so unique, in an age where trap music is growing rapidly and artists like Kendrick Lamar J. Cole and Chano are getting more and more scarce; I think paying attention to these artists is important, now more than ever.
Ryanlajoie The energy and hype of Chance's music is what really does it for me. It's truly an amazing experience on your first listen of Acid Rap. More recently, his new songs in Coloring Book are so energetic and smooth.

3. So in the past 24 hours his new album Coloring Books (or Chance 3) got dropped, which was hyped up quite a bit. What are your first impressions? Do you like the way Chance has evolved in his style?

Wippyj I work 3rd shift so I actually just got off work a few hours ago. Man did I check in on the subreddit to see the feelings tho. A few extra breaks were taken last night. I just finished first listen through though. Little too much autotune for me is my first thought. Well, that and no Bino. There's been some songs either chance has had or been featured in that I wasn't on board with initially but he had a way of getting you eventually and soon as you know it you're singing along. Only other thing I noticed was the sound levels seem off. The sound is either too loud or there's just too much going on and you can't hear the lyrics really. And as awesome as our community is, someone actually "fixed" that. Chance's style has indeed evolved over each mixtape and I'm on board with him. He's just having fun with it.
Toaster95 I think the album is good, I was hoping for a few less songs that are very slow but they aren't bad songs so i do enjoy them and the album as a whole. I love the way Chance has developed his style, I think after working with Kanye he's learned a lot about making music and it clearly shines through the album. His beats and the production quality sound like a real album release, most people forget these are just mixtapes. He also has developed a better understanding of how to use features. In Acid Rap features felt like they dominated some songs and it didn't let Chance shine through on those tracks. But in this album, the features add to the song and Chance uses the artist's abilities and styles correctly.
Ryanlajoie At first, I liked it, but compared it to Acid Rap and 10 Day which made it seem mediocre. However, on my second listen, I realized Chance's music style has changed and he's evolved into something much better. You can't compare it to Chance's older music since he's way different now. Coloring Book is a masterpiece.

4. How is the community like?

Wippyj This community is great. From the weeks of hype in the sub came an inside joke. Someone asked Chance to release Chance 3 already because he was going kayaking the next day and didn't have the data to download it there. He wanted to listen to it on the way there. "Think about the Kayak Chance!" We started off quite small for a while. Mostly my fault. I was not maintaining the sub great or drawing any attention. But then around the time each mixtape came out people started to show up. Someone shared the sub count over the last 3 years and you can pretty much predict the growth reasons as new mixtape or featured on a popular artists track; Ultralight beams was a huge boost for us. A lot of very positive people on here. Very talented as well. And if you don't see breaking news or a new chance song discovered (new or old gem) then you had only seen it moments before from Chance himself on Twitter.
Toaster95 The community is booming. New subs and frequent posters are popping up out of nowhere and it's amazing. 99% of the community are fun and are great to interact with as a mod and not just on my alt account. The other 1% are hypercritical but those are just people stuck in the acid rap days so i don't pay much attention to them lol.
Ryanlajoie The community is great. Especially with the influx of new users and subscribers, the community is really booming.

5. Would you like to add anything else?

Wippyj I am very thankful for the mods we have. Like I said I didn't do the greatest job early on and they probably saved this sub from being a complete dud. And speaking of mods, it wouldn't be right if I didn't say "We screamin out Chano for mayor" for the sub. Chance popped in the sub a few weeks ago and it only added to the hype.
Toaster95 I just wanted to add that Chance's music is amazing and can be listened to anyone and everyone, especially Coloring Book. There's something in this album for everyone. And thank you for noticing our sub and doing the write up :)
Ryanlajoie /chancetherapper is definitely my favorite small subreddit at the moment. With Coloring Book having been released, the subreddit is better than ever. It's really cool that you guys noticed us. Thanks for choosing us out of thousands of other subreddits :)
This is for the great answers, shout out to the mods! For the possibility to feature this great sub last minute while screwing up the whole schedule, shout out to SROTD bots! It's a sudden essaye, it's no 10 day, you had your chance and Q love toooo


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cocoa butter coles video

Cocoa butter, also known as "oil of theobroma," is the fat extracted from the cocoa bean, according to It is bland in taste but has many uses in and outside of the kitchen. In the kitchen, it is used in making chocolate and gives chocolate confections their smooth texture. Outside of the kitchen, it helps to keep medications in capsule form and is a central ingredient in many cosmetics. Lotions, soaps and shampoo products often feature it as an ingredient, and topical application ... Cocoa butter is an incredible healing moisturiser for dry and sensitive skin. It moistens chapped lips, fights signs of ageing and soothes burns, rashes and infections. It also improves the appearance of stretch marks. For the very best in moisturising and for a rich, luxe feel, cocoa butter products are definitely the way to go. Coles Belgian 85% Cocoa Dark Chocolate ($2.50 per 100g) Frey (Woolworths) Supreme Dark Satin 69% ($2.50 per 100g) Sugar in dark chocolate. It stands to reason that the higher the cocoa content of a block of chocolate, the lower the sugar content, as there's less space for it to fit. So it's not surprising that the three products on test with 90% or more cocoa solids – Lindt Excellence 95% ... There are 25 calories in 1 serving (7.5 g) of Coles Cocoa Powder. Calorie Breakdown: 37% fat, 29% carbs, 35% prot. More products from Coles: Stone Ground Tortilla Chips: Mayonnaise 97% Fat Free: Hommus: Apple Crumble Log: Pineapple Pieces Frozen : View all Coles Products: Other types of Cocoa: Cocoa and Sugar Mixture (with Lowfat Milk) Cocoa and Sugar Mixture (with Skim Milk) Cocoa Powder ... View & Download the Coles catalogue for weekly specials and savings. Great prices on the everyday products you want. Cocoa Butter Benefits for Skin. discover now. Real Heritage. Family owned and operated since 1840, Palmer’s is one of the longest standing skin and hair care brands made in the USA. Our commitment to quality has made Palmer’s a trusted household name, used by families for generations. Real Ingredients. We are committed to choosing what’s real using natural, raw ingredients in our ... The Best Cacao Butter Recipes on Yummly Bacon Baklava, Almond Financier With Orange Zest And Cocoa Nibs, Gluten Free Chocolate Banana Cake Absolute Organic Raw Cocoa Butter 250G. Absolute Organic Raw Cocoa butter 250G is a good source of Vitamin E and has a unique composition including the essential fatty acids Omega-6 and monounsaturated Omega-9 as well as stearic acid – an unusual fat in that it neither increases nor decreases blood cholesterol. Cacao Butter is the edible natural fat of the chocolate bean, cold pressed to retain its nutritional properties and exquisite natural aroma and flavour. It's traditionally been used as a rich natural moisturiser; as a sexy and decadent massage oil; for soothing babies sore bums; in organic- based cosmetics like lipstick and balm, and in luxury soapmaking. Welcome to Coles. We deliver a huge choice of fresh groceries and more straight to your kitchen!

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