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[Guide] Clone Evolution - One Gold Hero


Warning: This game relies on luck. There is no way to guarantee that you will finish it in time.

That being said, I feel that there is a reasonable chance you will be able to complete it so long as you put some effort into it. I will go into the luck aspect further on in the Obtaining a Gold Hero section, but to put it simply, one of the heroes you need will come from a random pick. I was able to get the necessary hero 3 times before I finished this game.
It will require a fair bit of time at the start, but after that it's mostly a waiting game. You just need to buy certain products from the store every few hours, and then spend a bit of time doing dailies once per day.

Make sure you get the offer that says to get ONE Gold hero!

There is also one to get 3 "orange" heroes. Orange = gold. You will not be able to complete this one in a reasonable amount of time.
Offer Name Clone Evolution
Offer Wall AdGem
Device Used I use Android. I do not know if it works on iPhones.
Amount $16.13 on Swagbucks on 2x Adgem days. Today 6/19/20 is a 2x Adgem day.
Time Limit There doesn't seem to be one listed now, but I swear it said 30 days before.
Time Spent Around two weeks.

Obtaining a Gold Hero

The easiest and most "guaranteed" way to get a gold hero is to go with either Cleopatra or Founding Father. Both of these heroes are available in the arena shop, and you can even get some Cleopatra pieces from the level up rewards. Unfortunately, both of these have a bit of RNG to them as well.
Founding Father:
I got to level 61 and made it to level 25 in the general campaign. The elite campaign opens up when you reach level 100 in the General campaign. While it is theoretically possible to get the necessary heroes from the campaign, realistically, you will be relying on the Casino and the Gene bank to get them. Of course, if you get super lucky and come across a better chance to get to gold then go ahead and do that. Each Gold hero will require at least 2-3 of the same Purple hero, so it's not worth betting on it happening.
Upgrading a clone to purple is easy. You will need the clone you want to upgrade, two blue clones of the same element, and two blue clones of any element. It is safe to sacrifice any clone that cannot be upgraded to Purple as these clones are practically useless. You can also use any clones you don't think you'll need. (Note: There are a LOT of incorrect guides online including in the wiki - be wary of that if you look online for information related to upgrading clones.)
There are 59 blue heroes, and I was getting 2-5 blue heroes per set of 10 Advanced scrolls. While there is some RNG to it, there is a reasonably good chance you will be able to get at least one blue Spartacus.


It is very important to do your dailies since they give you essential items and gems. There are quite a few things to do each day, but most of them only take a click or two, so can be done quickly.


It is incredibly important to pay attention to what event is going on. There are 4 events you will want to focus on: Casino, Tavern & Fighter's, Bounty, and Clone. These events last 1 week and will give you extra rewards for completing tasks related to their name. You will want to save your casino tokens, arena tickets, bottle openers, bounty bullets, and blue and purple clone scrolls for the associated events.
Most of the other events in the Limited Event section can be ignored. A lot of these require you to spend money or use items that you will slowly gain over a long period of time. However, there may be a holiday event so take a look. Right now there's a Father's Day Adventure event which may be worth doing.
There will also be various other events that go on, which you will need to look to see if they're worth doing. Sometimes the events are easy and other ones require a high level.

Purchasing Supplies

You should be visiting the Supply Depot every 3 hours and refresh their supplies. Here's what you will want to buy:
These should be purchased only if they cost gold:
As tempting as it may be, try to stay away from purchasing equipment. It may give you a boost for a short time, but it will quickly be replaced and/or you will have a bunch of extras later.
Aside from the 4 things mentioned above, you shouldn't be spending your gems on anything other than more Arena tickets from the Arena. You get a discount for buying them from the Supply Depot, but you will need far more than you can get from there.


This is where you will be spending most of your time. You will need somewhere around 10,000+ arena tokens in order to buy what you need. The exact amount will vary depending on which clone you go for and how luck you get.
Unless you are trying to aim for a high rank for an event, I recommend setting up your Tactic to only have one weak hero. This will make it more likely for users to defeat you which lowers your rank. It's better to have a high rank near the daily reset time to earn better rewards, but it's not essential. It's far more beneficial to let other users lower your rank so that you can win more battles later.
When fighting, try to pick an enemy that has a lower rank than you. The increase/decrease of your rank relates to the rank of the other person. If you fight someone with a higher rank, you will earn/lose more points than if you were to fight against a lower rank. Ideally you should be fighting users you can win against, but if you have extra gems/tickets and you want to speed things up, you can also do fights you know you'll lose. You will get fewer rewards by losing, so make sure to account for this when deciding whether you will have enough gems and tickets to get the arena points you need.
One thing to watch out for is a user's hero composition. Sometimes they will only put 1 or 2 high level heroes with a bunch of weaker ones to make their strength seem lower than it really is.


Every 3 hours you can refresh the casino. Keep refreshing it until you are able to see the blue Spartacus. You could also look for the purple Little Dipper, but the purple reward is significantly more difficult to get than a blue reward. I don't recommend using gems to refresh this as you will likely end up getting your clone from the clone scrolls instead.
I recommend saving up all of your casino tokens until you are able to do the 10x draw. There is a daily to use your tokens, but it didn't feel worth it for me especially since you likely won't have the rewards you want for a while anyways.

Your Hero Team

You will want to get 1 or 2 Defensive heroes, 1 healer, and the rest as damage dealers or support. It is really hard to say what heroes to choose as it depends on your entire composition, but Lee seems to be one of the most powerful ones you will easily get in the beginning. He is fairly strong, and I kept him until the end.
Aside from Team composition, there are a few things you can do to make your heroes stronger:

Common Questions

Can I do this if I already completed it on another offer wall or played the game before on my own?

Generally, no. Almost all of these games state that it's for new users only.

What if I do it on another site?


I don't see the offer! What do I do?

It's possible it simply isn't available for you. I'm from the USA, and many offers are not available outside the USA. If you are from the USA, try checking on the site I did the offer on or on a different site. Sometimes they're only on certain sites. It's also possible that the offer is no longer available.

What do I do if the mobile shortlink isn't working? What does ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED mean?

First off, try using a different browser. I have had issues with Chrome opening links before. If you are still getting an error, it's likely that your device isn't eligible for this offer. Even if it might be able to run the app, sometimes the offers put in specific requirements for devices. In this case, the only thing you can do is try a different device.

I completed the task but I didn't get credit for it! What do I do?

First, wait 24 hours. Most of these games credit within a few minutes, but they may take up to a day sometimes.
Next, check to see if the offer has been completed through the offer wall. If it has not, you must contact the specific offerwall that you completed the task on. For example, if you do this task on Site-xyz through AdGate you have to contact AdGate. If the offer shows as completed but you did not get your points, then the points may have been held and you will need to contact the specific site.

This takes so long! Why would you waste your time for a couple bucks?!

I play these games in between other work or on the weekends. I don't do them instead of better paying work, but rather along side it in my down time or while I'm watching TV. City builder games take a while, but most of it is just waiting around for things to finish building. I'm also a gamer, so I enjoy playing games.

Have any more tips? Let users know in the comments!

As always, this is my first time playing this game. I have a lot of experience playing these sorts of games, but each one is a little bit different. All advice is based on my personal experience and my playstyle.
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Is there a certain game you're interested in seeing a guide for? Let me know in the comments! Be sure to include the offer name, which offer wall it's on, what site you found it on, and approximately how many points it's worth.
submitted by Mikazah to beermoney [link] [comments]

Idle Heroes TO DO List - Winter 2019 Edition

Well hello there, I didn't hear you come in. Be my guest, take a seat and have a drink. Make yourself comfortable.
The purpose of this list is to serve as a dialogue for ideas and encourage people to use the in game feedback function for a better, more enjoyable, more prosperous IH! For this edition we are returning to categories. The items under each category are in ranked order, though the categories themselves are in an arbitrary order.
Full disclosure, I had decided to end the TO DO list for various reasons. Then there was a post about devs liking the cut of our jib, and I felt compelled to do my part to push for even more game improvements.
Speaking of game improvements, the devs have been doing a wonderful job in the last six months with game fixes/improvements as has been noted in previous versions of the TO DO list [no link here, because there have been over a gazillion of them- just use search or click my profile you weird stalker]. Basically all of the changes, with the notable exception of the auto-populating fusions (great idea!), appeared in previous TO DO lists, so here's hoping the following items get some attention too!

Back to the Drawing Board

  1. Guild War. The interface update was a solid step in the right direction! Now let's talk abou GW prelims themselves- they aren't idle, fun, fair, or enjoyable (yes, fun and enjoyable are different things). To break that down- attacking 40 times isn't idle, endlessly spinning to get guilds you can 1920 isn't fun, guild can easily trade wins which is not fair, and the entire grind of beating up weak guilds is not enjoyable. Numerous suggestions have been make on how to fix GW and here are some of my favorites: reduce the number of attacks- 25 is enough (more idle); only count the top 39 (max-1) scores so guilds can be free to experiment or make mistakes (more fun); defensive battles should have a score to make trading wins foolish (more fair); scoring should be revised with more tight scoring brackets at the top (top 5, top 10, top 25) instead of any top 50 win being the same (more enjoyable).
  2. Quests. The rewards are scaled to the 9* game and daily activities do not include several of the newer game modes like Seal Land and Celestial Island. Please update dailies to include new game modes and offer rewards suitable for E3 resource requirements (hero shards, an orb or two, more gems, etc...).
  3. Skins. There are a few problems with skins. Suppose right now you decided that you need Ormus, Skerei, and Michelle on your team, but had skins for none of them. Getting the ormus skin is going to be a nightmare because universal skins shards are rare and rewards are random- you could literally go years without getting the skin! Yellow skins should be purchasable directly with shards instead of random. Next up is Michelle- get 30 feathers and you have the skin makes sense and is good. Finally there is Skerei who you can buy for 30 feathers if you want the Jurassic skin, but if you want the Dragon then what? It appears you are out of luck because some purple skins are truly limited while others are not. This indicates to me that there should be a 3rd type of skin border that differentiates between skins that will be in the store and genuinely limited skins.
  4. Seal Land Balance. A quick search of this reddit will show that it is comparatively VERY easy to get far with an Abyss team. Forest is also manageable. Fortress has so much CC you are doomed. Shadow is... well few people go shadow so who knows? The bosses/teams need to be balanced and top heroes (/wave KB) taken into consideration so there is some semblance of balance instead of Abyss dominating in yet another game mode.
  5. Skerei Tier PVE Damage. So this is not strictly within the purview of the list, but it needs to be said. Look, it is great that Skerei stacking can do 4B damage. People committed to a thing and made it happen and that is fine. The problem is that if we were making an honest Boss PVE tier list, there would be like 2 empty tiers between Skerei Stacking/HW and the rest. Heroes that have fallen off the PVP tier lists (Sig, DM, Walter, etc...) should get some boosts in the stacking damage department to make not having a Skerei team semi-competitive. Skerei stacking can still be on top, but how about filling in those other tiers?
  6. [added] PFF. For the life of me I cannot recall why PFF was removed from the TO DO list. Several people have commented, PM, sky written at me that this game mode needs to be fixed because it does! The number of ways to improve PFF are numerous, but I will suggest three specific ideas: increase the amount of praying that players can do daily to four with 0, 20, 40, and 80 gem costs; u/DarkPresent suggests that PFF bosses have infinite HP with a set duration of 48 hours so everyone can hit them twice- to me this is a just about ideal way to keep PFF interesting (everyone gets two hits) for megaladon guilds and less powerful guilds; more variety of PFF bosses- don't be afraid to dip into 1, 2, and 3 star heroes to mix it up.Several people have asked for a list of how many prayers/gems everyone is spending similar to the mill gold list. As a guild leader I wholeheartedly endorse this idea and will probably move it to the top of the list for the next TO DO.
  7. [added] Aspen Store. The "deals" in Aspen store look a lot worse after the regular marketplace redesign last year. Costs in the aspen "store" need to be re-evaluated. Also, gold for casino (I will call it a wishing fountain when it looks like one) chips has virtually disappeared. This is a terrible, terrible change because Casino event was the one thing that f2p and dolphins could actually go deep on. Bring back the gold of chips deals en masse since this is a not an event that remotely threatens Whales but is fun for everyone!

Quality of Life Improvements

  1. Equipment Loadouts. u/Level3_Melynx already did a beautiful mock up of this idea:
  2. Hire Better Translators. Much of the language in game is awkward or down right misleading. There is great inconsistency in how similar abilities are phrased, there are words that have no obvious meaning ("respective enemies"?), and some very mangled language. I know a few polyglots who would work for gems.
  3. Re-evaluate Timers. Players are constantly falling behind timers. This makes it hard to schedule our addiction hobby. Slightly reducing all of the timers by 15 minutes would help make sure we can stay on a schedule without having much of an overall impact. NICKisICE suggests the alternative of having more timers reset on a schedule (similar to how Marketplace works now) which is probably a better idea and more in line with what the devs have been doing recently. GO TEAM!
  4. Free Team-Up Team Sorting. 2profound scores the first addition to the list of 2019 by pointing out that in Free Team-Up you have to back out of the attack screen, change your lineup, then go back to the attack screen and find the team you want to attack if you want to change your lineup. Why it doesn't work the same way that TotC works is beyond them, it's beyond me, and beyond annoying.
  5. Remove Pointless Clicking ricazzam reminds us that there is still a lot of pointless clicking in the game. Much of this has been removed (wave at Aspen everyone then go thank the first TO DO list), but some still exists in Tavern (ok. ok? why have the popup unless it is 6/7 or you are spending gems to finish early?) and elsewhere. Superfluous clicks/taps serve no purpose and would not be missed!
  6. Faction Sorting in TotC. And anywhere else it doesn't already exist.
  7. Shard Sorting. Shards are a mess! Sorting exists for artifacts and that is on the same window/box.
  8. Red Dots. The inconsistency of the red notification has improved significantly, but there are still some that do not function quite as well as one would expect. BT dot stays up after you are defeated, Aspen does not even when your whole team is still alive, etc...
  9. Better UI Consistency. A few redditors and guildmates have pointed out that some windows have an X, some an ->, and some you just click empty space and hope they close. This lack of consistency is not becoming of a multi-million dollar game.
  10. Fusion Shard Checking. Several people have suggested ways to improve Fusion. I think u/RuinedEye has the best suggestion for putting green (or any color besides red) dots on the fusion screen if you have the necessary shards. Maybe a direct link to the shards window from the Fusion screen too, since you go back and forth between the two very often when doing fusions.
  11. [added] Hero Leveling. I can't recall if this was on a previous list or just something I talked to the people on the bus at, so u/remington9 gets credit for the idea of adding an "all" type button to hero leveling. It could be exactly where the "tier up" button pops up with the two alternating depending on if the hero is max level or not. That would reduce leveling from over 300 clicks to something like 17 clicks (not counting going to the other screen to sac heroes). What an improvement!

Please Sir, I Want Some More

  1. Celestial Island. There are spots for more islands and everyone who has been playing since CI was released is well past the max so please add more tower levels and island.
  2. Event Raid. There should be at least 3 more tiers of challenges based on the level of top players and how far the rewards have fallen behind in the Enabling era fodder needs. Hand of Midas, Wishing Casino, and possible other stuff have a similar scaling issues.
  3. Challenges. They have been trickling in. Keep that going! I think a new challenge every weekwould be a reasonable goal and keep things lively. Here's a freebie- get rewards for the number of skins you have unlocked! This would be a fun little collectors distraction and make Universal Skin Shards less useless. Here's another thirty- just add more levels to existing challenges. There, you're covered past anniversary. You're welcome!
  4. [added] 2 Star Heroes. Should give some altar coins when you sacrifice them. Functionally they are identical to 1 Star heroes, and this would give them a little something to differentiate the two.
  5. [added] Marauders. Constantly hitting Sig is boring. Please add more tiers of Marauders. Additionally, the spawn rates should be much higher. Empty marauder lists was a problem in the past that was fixed once, but E3 has made it a problem again. If the rate was twice as high the world would be a better place.
  6. [added] Tower of Oblivion. Numerous people have suggested numerous things to make Tower more interesting. Nothing has really stood out to me or garnered huge support in the comment section. I brainstormed for a solid 42 seconds and came up with an idea, but it is pretty far out there so I am making a seperate thread that you can read by clicking this blue text- that is hyperlinks work.

A Thing That Annoyed Me While Making This Post

  1. Hero List. When you click from the 'helmet' to the 'book' the list goes back to Shadow. This isn't a huge deal, but it is annoying when you are looking at your Light heroes and want to check a different one, for example. It is extra clicks! I am also fairly certain it did not always function this way.

So there you have it. That is a list of items that could keep players happy for months if devs just did one a week. Really happy if the unofficial official TO DO list (Starlight/Baade redesign, Fire Monster, Guild Tech, Healer Updated- Vesa?, etc...) gets done. I did not include items that have officially been commented on, even though some of them I am literally shaking with anticipation to see happen. Do you know how hard it is to type while shaking uncontrollably 24/7?


Why is this called the Winter Edition when it is Spring?
Until the Vernal Equinox on March 20th it is Winter. That is how seasons work.
Well it is Summer in the Southern Hemisphere!
Not a question, though you are correct. I deeply apologize to anyone in the Southern Hemisphere. This problem haunts me so much I had to go read (skimmed) up on seasons. I learned a lot, but not a hemisphere neutral name for the seasons. If you know of any or want to make some up please share in the comment section.
u/metallifta you mean like Q1?
When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon myself and curse my fate.
Also, didn't you already release a TODO list or 7 this Winter?
This is a new format! I will update the TO DO list seasonally. In the interim, if someone wants to do a really lazy job of plagiarizing being inspired by my post then have it posted on a $20,000 website, well, it wouldn't be the first time. Now, do you have any real questions relevant to the TO DO list?
I think your Guild War suggestions are stupid and I've already downvoted this post and every comment you made in the past year and am getting ready to dox you to the Taliban!
That is a very measured response for reddit. I appreciate your restraint. Here's the thing- Guild War is bad. Really bad. Pretty much any change that makes it less of a boring grind is going to be an improvement. Some suggestions work well together, some do not. The community has offered dozens of ideas to make it better so pick and choose something, anything to improve prelims.
Hey, aren't some of the ideas on this from users who name no longer appears on the TO DO list?
That is correct. Previously, I kept user names around for one iteration of the TO DO list then removed them to keep things clean. That is no longer my policy. User suggestions will carry the username until they get fixed in game or someone comes up with a better idea or people complain loudly. If someone wants to go read all the old TO DO lists to pull the user names they are better people than me, and welcome to do so.
So what's next for you?
Like everyone else I am waiting for Aida to hit the feather store. Six Aida teams here we come! But this post isn't about hero balance so I'll be quiet now.

Termination of Transmission

Feedback and other ideas are appreciated! As always: be smart, be nice, be funny. Pick AT LEAST two.
submitted by folstar to IdleHeroes [link] [comments]

Zombie Strike - "stealing" ideas from IH clone

Zombie Strike -
I've seen couple of IH clones, but Zombie Strike is literally IH zombie skin. Same platform, events, resources, but what strikes me is a bunch of heroes with skills that are direct copy / paste of IH hero skills (Siggy, Vesa, Aidan, Skerei, Rosa, Asmo...). I will not go into copyright issues. What i do want to get into are few changes they managed to make, which could be nice for IH devs to look into. Also, i wonder what do you guys think about them.
So here we go:
  1. Hand of Midas is stackable 2 times. After 8hrs timer keeps rolling (with 1/2 stack), and stops at 16hrs (with 2/2 stacks).
  2. If you fight in FTA as a leader, other 2 members stay locked. You can lead the same team next week. Other members have the option to choose "autoquit" during FTA, and they will be unlocked next week so they can choose different team (it would be amazing if we could also have the option to switch the leader tag between members before applying).
  3. Guild war is totally different (since they copied it from Epic Summoners lol). There are 2 fights daily (12 hrs each) versus "randomly" chosen guild. Guild leader / officer chooses 15 members, and they are ranked from 1 to 15 according to their team power. Each member fights 5 battles by handpicking opponent. Each opponent can be attacked max 3 times by each player. Points are calculated accordingly to attacker / defender rank AND teampower (pic2).
  4. Aspen dungeon is a bit more interesting to play out. There are 10 fighting stages, and in every one you choose your way through different rooms (pic1). Every room has 1 of these things inside: random enemy / random stronger enemy / casino wheel with buffs / free hp potion / different shops with chips, tickets, shards etc. Once you pick a room you cant go back. Last room in each map is boss stage. After you are defeated on lets say map 10, next run you start from the first room in map 9. You can collect rewards (roulette chips / shards) for each map previously won.
  5. There is weekly arena „event“ with minor rewards (pic3). It kinda makes you fight arena more regularly.
Also, they introduced Homeland, their version of Celestial Island. Different, but still too fresh for me to have an objective opinion. Interesting thing they added is option to build up attack/hp/speed buffs for pvp fights. We will se how will that end up. Let me know in comments if you want me to describe Homeland to more detail.
Blessings from our lord and savior, Baade!
Yours truly, FatMu
submitted by FatMu to IdleHeroes [link] [comments]

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